Tai Chi Equivalent to “Regular” Exercise in Tummy Trimming-Consumer Health News
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Will exercises that use slow movements and breathing, such as Tai Chi, help remove abdominal fat in the elderly as much as aerobic exercises?
Maybe. According to a new study, people over the age of 50 who practiced tai chi for 12 weeks lost about as much waist circumference as older people who did traditional exercise (such as aerobics and strength training).
Tai chi is considered a suitable activity for older people, including those who are not active, but previously there was little evidence of its health benefits, said study author Parco Shiu. He is responsible for the Department of Kinematics, Faculty of Public Health, University of Hong Kong.
“Our statistical analysis did not suggest that tai chi is more effective than traditional exercise, but tai chi does traditional exercise by reducing the waist circumference of middle-aged and older adults with central obesity. We have shown that it reflects the beneficial effects of, “said Siu. “Our data suggest that tai chi can be an effective alternative to traditional exercise in the management of central obesity.”
In this study, 543 participants each suffered from “central obesity.” This happens in patients with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
The Siu team randomly assigned study participants to three groups. The program used the so-called Tai Chi Yang-style. Traditional exercisers have been active walking and strength training. The two exercise groups performed the exercises assigned in the instructor-led workout three times a week for one hour. The third group did not exercise.
Researchers evaluated participants’ bodies at baseline, weeks 12 and 38. We also evaluated secondary outcomes such as body weight, obesity index, HDL (“good”) cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting blood glucose, and blood pressure.
The two athletic groups lost about the same amount of waist circumference. They also saw a positive effect on their HDL cholesterol. There were no detectable differences in fasting blood glucose or blood pressure. The control group grew an average of 0.8 cm (about one-third inch) around the waist in 12 weeks.
“Taijiquan may be an effective alternative to traditional exercise in the management of central obesity. It suffers from central obesity, but due to preference and exercise restriction, traditional exercise Good news for middle-aged and older adults who may dislike it, “said Siu. ..
Tai Chi, a mental and physical exercise that involves slow movement and breathing, is called “moving meditation.” It is practiced in many Asian countries and is becoming more popular in Western countries such as the United States, where about 2 million people practice, the study authors say.
“Taijiquan is very accessible at community centers and sports / fitness clubs,” Shiu said. “Taijiquan has many other health benefits, including fall prevention, osteoarthritis management, cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal health, cardiovascular metabolic health, and psychological health.”
Survey results were released on May 31st Annual report of internal medicine..
“The underlying mechanism that explains the beneficial health effects of tai chi is still largely unknown. More research is needed to clarify the mechanism that explains the health effects of tai chi.” Siu said.
Michael Rogers, a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and director of the Center for Physical Activity and Aging at Wichita State University in Kansas, said previous studies he was involved in had different results, but the study considered. The effects were not exactly the same.
In Rogers’ study, the research team compared cardiovascular measurements in the exercise group with four modes prescribed for the elderly. Power; Balance and Flexibility; and Tai Chi Group.
“Of all these different modes, only the aerobic group improved aerobic fitness. We didn’t measure changes in body composition. We only looked at aerobic performance,” Rogers said. I am. “We can also discuss the apples and oranges (aerobic fitness and body fat) we’re trying to compare here, but the two are related,” he added.
“We know that Tai Chi is not only good at balancing, but also about improving muscle strength,” Rogers said. “This is probably the first thing I’m familiar with to show that Tai Chi affects fat in middle-aged and older adults.”
The new study did not focus on diet, and Rogers probably took additional steps to help people in the Tai Chi group become more aware of their bodies through physical and mental exercise and improve their nutrition. I wondered if it would reduce their waist circumference. Rogers wants to see more research on dietary management, but he’s also looking at the effects of Tai Chi’s mind-body connection on the body.
For older people planning to start an exercise routine, he proposes a balanced exercise program with either two modes, aerobic exercise plus balance, strength, or tai chi. To do.
“Of course, the type of exercise needs to be within their abilities, but it also needs to be something they enjoy in a place that is safe for them and where they can get help when needed,” Rogers said. Told.
For more information
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The benefits of exercise for the elderly.
Source: Parco Siu, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of Kinesiology, Faculty of Public Health, University of Hong Kong. Michael Rogers, PhD, Professor, Human Performance Research Division, Graduate Coordinator, Exercise Science Program, Director, Wichita State University Physical Activity and Aging Center, and University of Kansas Medical Center, Wichita Faculty. Annual report of internal medicine, May 31, 2021 online
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