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Women smell rotten meat when eaten after a new coronavirus infection “turns their lives upside down”

Women smell rotten meat when eaten after a new coronavirus infection “turns their lives upside down”


The woman talked about how Covid-19 “turned her life over”, plagued by the ominous ghost smell that makes food taste like rotten meat.

Sally McLays, head of the NHS, Virus She signed in September last year.

Sally, 31, says it’s hard to use toothpaste now. Her condition feels like “brushing her teeth with ashes,” and when she takes a shower, she “washes with rotten meat.” I feel like.

The doctor is Mr. Sally, the director of medical education at the University of Liverpool Hospital. NHS The Foundation Trust developed a condition called parosmia, which was thought to be rare before the pandemic, with a distorted odor and taste.

However, the “new coronavirus infection” has also caused other annoying and potentially dangerous effects, such as brain fog and shortness of breath, and doctors are now worried that Sally may be suffering from heart disease. ing. Liverpool Echo Report..

Sally suffers from a phantom smell when eating meat (file image)
31 women are reportedly suffering from labor due to hamburgers
(Image: Getty Images)

She wasn’t too worried about covid until she and her husband obeyed the rules, but both soon caught it.

Sally said, “When my husband and I found it last September, my perception of how dangerous it was changed completely.

“The new coronavirus was one of the worst experiences in my life, but what happened next was even worse.

“The virus started with a really horrifying headache, and I was so tired and tired that I couldn’t literally get out of bed. Both my husband and I had a very heartbreaking cough. Both of them had completely lost their sense of smell.

“When we started to recover, my husband’s sense of smell came back, but when I started to come back, that wasn’t right.

“I had parosmia, which means that all the odors were badly distorted. I always feel the scent of rotten meat mixed with the chemicals underneath.

“As a result, my taste was affected. I used to be a real foodie, but now everything has this vulgar smell, which makes it very difficult to eat.

“I have lost two stones since September because I have to be very restricted in what I eat to avoid nausea.

“Even toothpaste is terrible, like brushing your mouth with ashes, and when you take a shower it feels like you’re washing with rotten meat. I never feel clean and develop real paranoia. I have to remember that what I can smell cannot be smelled by anyone.

“My husband, family and friends weren’t as supportive anymore, but they had a big impact on my mental health.

Sally and her husband tested positive in September (file image)
Sally and her husband tested positive in September (file image)
(Image: PA)

“I also suffered from a terrifying brain fog. I’m constantly losing my thoughts and my short-term memory is completely lost. I forget the words I tried to say, misplace something, lock There is a concern about canceling.

“Recently, I’m really out of breath. I can’t even carry the laundry to the stairs.

“I had an irregular electrocardiogram and x-ray. This indicates that there may be a heart problem. I’m still waiting for results, but due to scar tissue and serious vascular problems. I’ve heard that it may be. I’m also very worried that I may be facing it now.

“I never thought this would happen to me, but my entire life was upset.

“I want to remind people to pay attention and protect themselves. Seeing the impact of COVID-19 on me, all my friends are competing to get the vaccine. I will.

“That’s right. This is the only way we can get back to normal and the only way we don’t have to experience anyone having to deal with it every day.”

Sally decides to share her story as part of the Spread the Fact campaign, a joint initiative of Merseyside and Cheshire.

Dr. Oliver Dray, 26, a doctor at the Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, says more and more young people are living under the long-term effects of being infected with the virus. It should be remembered that young people are not immune.

“It’s not just about survival. It’s about survival and its potential consequence. COVID-19 is a complex disease that can cause irreversible damage.”

“Restricting lockdowns and the safety measures taken to stop the spread of the virus are undoubtedly affecting the younger generation,” said Matt Ashton, director of public health at the Liverpool Council.

“Through our’fact-dissemination’campaign, we speak directly to young people, recognizing the sacrifices they have made and helping them in the next phase of the fight against the virus.

“Science shows that in addition to wearing masks, washing hands and ensuring social distance, the success of our vaccination program is the best way to resume what we love. We want to make sure they understand the real facts and reasons behind why it is so important. “

Is “Let’s spread the facts” campaign Featuring young healthcare professionals, including young Cheshire and Merseyside doctors, nurses and support workers, we will share our experience working during the pandemic.

They share facts that help control the spread of the virus and stop the spread of false information among young people.

The Covid-19 vaccine is now available to anyone over the age of 30 or over 30. Th Birthday is before 1 St. July. Cheshire and Merseyside people are also encouraged to participate in regular COVID-19 tests and can order test kits at home. Here..


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