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Science suggests a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Veterans Affairs-The Wall Street Journal

Science suggests a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Veterans Affairs-The Wall Street Journal


The possibility that the pandemic began with an escape from the Wuhan Institute of Vase is drawing new attention. President Biden called on the State Intelligence Service to double the investigation.

Much of the public debate is focused on circumstantial evidence. A mysterious illness in late 2019. A laboratory job that deliberately injects a virus to increase lethality (known as “gain of function” research). The Chinese Communist Party was reluctant to publish relevant information. A report based on US intelligence suggests that the institute was cooperating on a project with the Chinese military.

But the most compelling reason to support the laboratory leak hypothesis is firmly rooted in science. In particular, consider the genetic fingerprint of CoV-2, a new coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease.

In gain-of-function research, microbiologists can significantly increase coronavirus mortality by splicing special sequences at optimal locations in their genome. There is no trace of operation. However, it alters the virus-peplomer, making it easier for the virus to inject genetic material into the cells of the victim. Since 1992, at least 11 individual experiments have been conducted at the same location with the addition of special sequences. The end result was always charging the virus.

The genome is a blueprint for cell factories to make proteins. The language consists of a total of 64 three-letter “words” that represent 20 different amino acids. For example, the amino acid arginine, commonly used in viral loading, has six different words. Each cell has a different preference for the word you currently want to use.

For feature acquisition supercharges, other sequences may be connected to the same location. CGG-Instead of instructing the protein factory to produce two arginine amino acids in succession, CGG (known as “double CGG”) uses one of the 35 other two-word combinations. And you can get the same case fatality rate. -. Combine arginine. If the insertion occurs spontaneously, for example by recombination, then one of these other 35 sequences is much more likely to occur. CGG is rarely used in classes of coronavirus that can recombine with CoV-2.

In fact, the CGG-CGG combination has never been found naturally throughout the class of coronavirus to which CoV-2 belongs. This means that the usual way for viruses to acquire new skills, recombination, does not work here. If the sequence does not exist in another virus, the virus cannot retrieve the sequence from another virus.

Double CGG is naturally suppressed, but vice versa when working in the laboratory. The selected insertion sequence is double CGG. This is because it is easily available, convenient, and scientists have extensive experience in pasting. Additional Benefits of Double CGG Sequences Over The Other 35 Choices: Create a Convenient Beacon that Allows Scientists to Track Inserts in the Laboratory.

A shocking fact now. It was exactly this sequence that occurred in CoV-2. Proponents of the zoonotic origin need to explain why they happened to choose the most unfavorable combination, double CGG, when the new coronavirus was mutated or recombined. Why did it reproduce the choices that laboratory gain-of-function researchers would have made?

Yes, it may have happened due to a mutation. But do you think so? At the very least, the fact that coronaviruses have all their random possibilities and have rare and unnatural combinations used by human researchers is a major theory of the origin of coronaviruses from the laboratory. It means that you need to be an escape.

When Shi Zhengli and colleagues in the lab published a paper on the partial genome of the virus in February 2020, they excluded special sequences that charge the virus, or a rare double CGG section. Nevertheless, fingerprints are easily recognizable by the data attached to the paper. Was it excluded in the hope that no one would notice the proof of this functional gain?

However, within a few weeks, virologist Bruno Ktal and colleagues announced the discovery of the CoV-2 sequence and its new charging site. There is a double CGG. You need to see In their treatise, they comment that the proteins they contain can give the virus “a function that enhances its function” and “spread efficiently” to humans.

There is additional scientific evidence that CoV-2 has acquired functionality. Most compelling is the dramatic difference in the genetic diversity of CoV-2 compared to the coronavirus that causes SARS and MERS.

Both have been confirmed to be of natural origin. The virus evolved rapidly as it spread throughout humanity until the most contagious form dominated. Covid-19 didn’t work that way. It has already appeared in a highly contagious version of humans. There was no serious viral “improvement” until a few months later when a slight change occurred in the UK.

Such early optimizations are unprecedented and indicate that long-term adaptations were made before they became widespread. Science knows the only way it can be achieved. It is to simulate natural evolution, that is, to propagate the virus in human cells until it is optimal. This is exactly what is being done in feature acquisition research. Mice genetically engineered to have the same coronavirus receptors as humans, called “humanized mice,” are repeatedly exposed to the virus to facilitate adaptation.

The presence of duplicate CGG sequences is strong evidence of gene splicing, and the lack of diversity in public development suggests accelerated acquisition of function. Scientific evidence suggests that the virus was developed in the laboratory.

DR. Quay is the founder of Atossa Therapeutics and the author of “Stay Safe: A Physician’s Guide to Survive Coronavirus”. Müller is a former professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley and a former senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Evidence that the coronavirus may have escaped the Wuhan Virology Institute is catching up with Fauci and other Wuhan Covid denials, despite the suspicious facts that were apparent from the beginning. Image: Johannes Eisel / AFP via Getty Images

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