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AI: Signature gene algorithm that can predict COVID-19 and other viral infections [STUDY]

AI: Signature gene algorithm that can predict COVID-19 and other viral infections [STUDY]


Artificial intelligence (AI) can now be used to make predictions to look for patterns of viral infections such as COVID-19, MERS, and SARS. In this study, the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine used gene expression data that acted to switch between “on and off” scenarios.

AI can know how your immune system reacts to viral infections

AI: Signature gene algorithm that can predict COVID-19 and other viral infections [STUDY]

(Photo: Unsplash’s Fusion Medical Animation)
Experts said there are currently AIs that can predict the genetic patterns of patients suffering from viral diseases.

In a study entitled “AI-guided discovery of invariant host responses to viral pandemics” eBiomedicine On Friday, June 11th, two different gene sets showed different effects.

The first, containing 166 genes, showed the reaction of the human immune system in combating viral infections in the body. Meanwhile, the second set, which covers 20 signature genes, predicted the severity of the patient’s disease.The latter means that the patient is hospitalized immediately or Ventilator.

To validate the algorithm, researchers collected lung tissue from patients who died of COVID-19. In comparison, they also collected samples from animals suffering from viral infections.

According to Dr. Pradipta Gauche of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, the signatures mentioned helped to understand the body’s response to existing viral infections, as well as their risks and severity.

In addition, this study also sheds some light on them to create useful maps for future studies linked to recent studies.

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How the body works when interacting with a viral infection

According to the latest report from Science daily, The human body is known to release cytokines and small proteins into the blood when a viral infection occurs. The function of these proteins is to help immune cells fight infections in the body.

However, cytokine overproduction can occur, which results in the immune system’s self-attack response to some healthy tissues. This is called a cytokine storm and causes a viral infection in the body. Others have experienced the flu and managed to survive, but some have not been able to cope with it.

Before the research was done, the experts Cytokine Storm iIt includes the best way to treat patients suffering from it.

“When the COVID-19 pandemic began, I wanted to use my computer science background to find something common to all virus pandemics. A guide when trying to understand new viruses. There are some universal truths that can be used as, “said Sahu, a professor of pathology at the USC San Diego Medical College.

Sahoo continued that he used the participants’ genetic signatures throughout the study to identify the extent of the disease through testing. The location of the cytokine storm was also revealed. In addition, the results also showed the degree of damage they caused to the patient’s lungs and killer cells.

Soumite Das, one of the co-authors of the study, said the Humanoid Center team is preparing to create a model of the human lung. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Infection including the effects of illness before and after infection.

In the study, researchers used rodent samples. They tested a precursor version of molnupiravir used to treat patients with Sars-CoV-2. The team concluded that rodents resulted in 20 gene expression and 166 pandemic-related signatures.

Related article: The new AntiCOVID-19 AI can also detect lung diseases and cancers: The mechanism of “flock learning” is as follows:

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