Bollywood to politics to police, everyone has a ‘theory’ about Sushant Singh Rajput’s death
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AAbout six weeks later, the mystery surrounding the death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has slowly turned to heat. After initially being labeled a suicide, the incident is now considered a possible murder case. Rajput’s death on June 14 brought out Bollywood figures discussing mental health and depression; the film industry and the Indian public denouncing nepotism; the actors engaging in the mud; two states clash over the question of jurisdiction over the investigation; politicians such as Subramanian Swamy demanding a CBI investigation and offering 26 reasons why he thought Rajput was assassinated.
Then came the 34-year-old acting family’s accusation against his girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty of cheating on him and mentally harassing him. The Law Enforcement Department has also joined a money laundering case to investigate suspicious transactions amounting to Rs 15 crore.
In the latest development, Rajput’s ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhandeclaims in a TV interview that the actor could not have committed suicide because he believed suicide was a terrible thing.
For these reasons, the drama surrounding the investigation into the death of Sushant Singh Rajputs is ThePrints Newsmaker of the Week.
Also read: It’s a dirty image, this is what the death of Sushant Singh Rajputs reminds us about Bollywood
Rhea Chakrabortys trial by the public
Over the past week, media, politicians, actors as well as ordinary people have trained their guns on Rhea Chakraborty, who was allegedly the girlfriend of Sushant Singh Rajput at the time of her death, after the Dil bechara the father of actors filed an FIR against her. Chakraborty faces a public trial even as the case is under investigation by police forces in Bihar and Maharashtra.
Rajput’s father, KK Singh, has deposit a case falling under various sections, including incitement to suicide, alleging that Chakraborty and members of his family financially cheated and mentally harassed Rajput.
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The Law Enforcement Directorate also broke in at the back of the Patna Police FIR to investigate the alleged mismanagement of Rajput’s finances and bank accounts and determine whether any money was laundered.
The TV stations came to town with the headlines of the new twist of the case, reading all the accusations against Chakraborty one by one, explaining how 15 crore rupees went missing from Rajput’s bank account, how she and her family had blackmailed the actor in a well presented manner. conspiracy.
Actor Kangana Ranauts’ social media team called Chakraborty a gold digger, while a minister from Janta Dal (United) labeled she’s a hit man.
Chakraborty, meanwhile, is playing her role of a grief-stricken, irritable-eyed girlfriend, asking Union Home Secretary Amit Shah for an investigation from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). She criticized the allegations of the Rajputs family as being entirely false and concocted with ulterior motives and said petitioned the Supreme Court to transfer the investigation carried out by the police from Patna to Mumbai. She also complained that she had received threats of murder and rape online.
Also read: Aaj Tak and Zee News crossed all lines covering Sushant’s death, but remained silent on 20 soldiers
Police versus police
Among investigative agencies, too, recent developments suggest that everyone wants a share of the spotlight.
Even as demands for a CBI investigation grow stronger, police forces in Patna and Mumbai clash.
A Patna Police team was recently in Mumbai for their own investigation of the case after the Rajputs family filed the FIR, even as Mumbai Police have already interviewed more than 40 people in the film industry about the matter of the death of Rajputs. These include Mahesh Bhatt, Rajeev Madame, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Aditya Chopra, among others.
Shambhuraj Desai, Minister of State of Maharashtras got offended to Patna’s police team visiting Mumbai for their investigation, claiming they were not following protocols. Maharashtra’s Interior Minister Anil Deshmukh ruled out handing the case over to the CBI, saying there was no doubt about it.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Subramanian Swamy, who is among those pushing for a CBI investigation, took to Twitter shortly after Deshmukh rejected calls for a CBI investigation. Swamy pretends that Rajput’s death was not suicide but possible murder, while also sharing a list of evidence on Twitter.
Also read: Bollywood nepotism didn’t start with Karan Johar. But it must end with Sushant Singh Rajput
The film industry plays its role in the boiler
Immediately after Rajput’s death, the entire film industry extended its condolences and tributes to the actor, known for his work in films such as Chhichhore, Kai Po Che, and Mrs. Dhoni – The Untold Story.
However, within days the incident sparked a fierce debate over nepotism within the Hindi film industry and the struggles of a foreigner trying to make it big in Bollywood. Actor Kangana Ranaut has given several video interviews to claim that a movie mafia was responsible for harming Rajput’s career. start attacking other actors such as Taapsee Pannu and Swara Bhasker, calling them B grade.
Every day a new agency, a new politician and a new actor embark on the drama surrounding the investigation into the death of Sushant Singh Rajputs, as the news and entertainment media as well as people on social media lead. their own trial.
In the fray, what seems to be lost is the much-needed conversation about clinical depression and mental health issues.
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