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London Mayor Sadiq Khan has lost his third term in office as Britain's ruling Conservative Party endures more bad results.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has lost his third term in office as Britain's ruling Conservative Party endures more bad results.


London's Labor mayor Sadiq Khan won Saturday at City Hall, securing a record third term in office in a deeply disappointing day for Britain's ruling Conservatives ahead of the upcoming general election.

Khan received just over 1 million votes, or nearly 44% of the vote. That puts him ahead of his main rival, Conservative Susan Hall, by more than 11 percentage points. He performed particularly well in inner London, but struggled in several outer boroughs.

There was feverish speculation that Friday's result would be closer than previously thought, but Khan's lead showed a shift from the Conservatives to Labor compared to previous mayoral elections in 2021.

Khan, who was elected mayor of London in 2016 to replace Boris Johnson, has been an increasingly divisive figure over the past few years.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan speaks at a policy presentation on homelessness and housing during his re-election campaign in London, Monday, April 15, 2024. Alastair Grant/AP

His supporters say he has achieved a number of achievements, including expanding housebuilding, providing free school meals for young children, curbing transport costs and supporting London's minority groups, but his critics say he has overseen a surge in crime and campaigned against cars. And he unnecessarily allowed pro-Palestinian marches to become a regular feature on the weekends.

Labor leader Keir Starmer said: “Sadiq Khan was absolutely the right candidate.” “He has two extradition periods and I’m sure he has another extradition period ahead of him.”

The incumbent Labor mayors of Liverpool, Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire were also re-elected on Saturday, while the party appears to have ousted the Conservative mayor of the West Midlands. A recount is underway there.

The latest success comes a day after Labor took control of parliament across Britain, a position it had not held for decades. The party also succeeded in a by-election for a parliamentary seat, which, if held in a general election, would have been one of the Conservatives' biggest ever defeats.

The Conservative Party is in trouble in these local elections, but Chancellor Rishi Sunak is unlikely to face any further revolt among his party members.

Although the vote share was low, Sunak was able to breathe a sigh of relief when the Conservative mayor of Tees Valley in northeastern England was re-elected. Sunak had hoped Andy Street could hold on in the West Midlands, but it appears he has lost.

One negative for Labor is that opposition to the party leadership's strong pro-Israel stance on the Gaza war has dampened voting in strongly Muslim parts of the UK.

Starmer acknowledged the party had problems with Muslim voters, but overall it was a positive result for the man likely to become prime minister at the next general election.

Sunak has the power to decide the date of the next election and has said it will be in the second half of 2024. Starmer urged him not to wait.

“We are sick of your division, your confusion and your failures,” he said Saturday. “If after 14 years you find your country in a worse state than when you came to it, you don’t deserve to be in government even for a single moment.”

Thursday's elections in many parts of the UK were important in their own right. Voters decided who would run many aspects of everyday life, including trash collection, road maintenance and local crime prevention. However, as the general election approaches, they are being viewed through the national prism.

John Curtice, professor of political science at the University of Strathclyde, said the results showed Sunak had not helped the Conservative brand after the damage caused by the actions of his predecessors, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.

“In some ways this has big implications,” he told BBC radio.

Sunak became chancellor in October 2022 after Truss' short term. She left her office after 49 days over an unfunded tax cut budget that shook financial markets and sent homeowners' borrowing costs soaring.

Her chaotic and shocking leadership has compounded the Conservative Party's difficulties after the circus surrounding her predecessor Johnson. She was forced to resign from her own office in Downing Street after being found guilty of lying to her parliament about breaching the coronavirus lockdown.

By late Saturday afternoon, with most of the 2,661 seats up for grabs in local elections counted, the Conservatives had lost about half of the 1,000 seats they were defending, while Labor had won about 200 seats despite some losses related to the Gaza Strip.

Other political parties, including the centrist Liberal Democratic Party and the Green Party, also rose. Reform UK, which is trying to push the Conservatives off the right, has also had some success. Notably, he received less than 200 votes to come second in the special council election held in Blackpool South.

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