Prematurity and low birth weight birth rates increase due to UK austerity policies | children's health
The introduction of austerity measures in England has led to a notable increase in the number of babies being born smaller or earlier than expected in Scotland.
Researchers believe cuts to Social Security benefits and services are key to understanding this trend, which has hit families living in the poorest neighborhoods hardest.
Babies born prematurely and at low birth weight are at much higher risk of developing a series of negative outcomes in later childhood and adulthood, so the impact will be felt for years to come, said Dr David Walsh, senior lecturer in health. Inequality at the University of Glasgow led the study.
Austerity hasn't gone away either, so Britain's new Labor government must understand this evidence and try to protect the poorest people rather than put more pressure on them, he said.
Graph showing the increase in child poverty, preterm birth and low birth weight in Scotland's most deprived areas since the 2010s.
The link between maternal stress and adverse birth outcomes is well established. For example, various studies have identified an increase in prematurity and low birth weight infants following terrorist attacks or due to stressful employment. High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can impair placental function and fetal growth, and stressed mothers may smoke or consume more alcohol, which has been linked to growth restriction and premature birth.
Studies in several European countries, including Portugal and Greece, have also linked the introduction of austerity measures and household poverty with worse birth outcomes. To examine the impact of these policies in the UK, researchers from the University of Glasgow and Public Health Scotland analyzed records for almost 2.3 million babies born in Scotland between 1981 and 2019.
A study published in the European Journal of Public Health found that in the few years since austerity measures were introduced in 2010, the proportion of babies born earlier and smaller than expected has increased significantly.
The rate of preterm birth among people born in the poorest 20 percent of areas has increased by about 25 percent since 2012, compared with a year-over-year decline in the early 2000s, Walsh said.
Although the study focused on Scotland, Walsh added: We would expect to see a similar trend in the UK, given that post-austerity poverty rates are actually quite high in the UK.
Graph showing the increase in preterm births in the most deprived and most deprived areas of Scotland since the 2010s.
Walsh said the increase is unlikely to be due to smoking, which has declined over the same period.
This study adds to evidence about the long-term impact of austerity on people's health. Dr Jessica Allen, deputy director of the University College Londons Institute of Health Equity, who calculated that more than a million people died prematurely in the UK in the decade since 2011, said: , worsening health and widening inequalities, especially in poorer areas.
It is very worrying that rates of preterm birth are rising in Scotland as a result of austerity. We know that being born early has long-term health consequences, with poorer and many ethnic minority groups most affected.
Dr Jyotsna Vohra, head of research, programs and impact at pregnancy and baby charity Tommys, said: “Premature birth can have life-changing consequences, with children suffering from learning disabilities, hearing problems and visual impairment. It is also the most common cause of death in children under five in the UK.
We know that people living in areas of high poverty and people from some ethnic minority groups are more likely to be affected by this. This creates a vicious cycle of health inequalities that we must break. Solving this problem requires strong government commitment and action.
Chris Birt, Deputy Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, said: This is another grim example of the impact poverty has on people's health and how it is driven by government choices. Our recent report on poverty in Scotland showed that strengthening the social security system, which is crying out for reform and recovery, must be part of the solution.
As this report highlights, cuts to Social Security weaken our societies and put children at risk.
A government spokesman said: This study is further evidence of this government's terrible legacy and why we will not return to austerity. We want to raise the healthiest generation of children in history, and we will work across government to focus on prevention and tackle health inequalities.
Our new cross-government task force is developing an ambitious child poverty strategy to ensure every child gets the best start in life, with a focus on early years as well, through initiatives such as free breakfast clubs in every primary school.
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