The Arctic plume will bring Britain's 'coldest weather of the year' as temperatures drop to -10 degrees Celsius.
A sub-zero Arctic plume will sweep over unusually warm coastal waters, bringing the first widespread snowfall of the year.
Britons have been warned to pack their winter coats, with frosty showers expected to hit London and as far south as the homeland within days.
The high pressure responsible for the recent gloom will create a low pressure system that could open the Arctic gates to the coldest weather of the year.
Temperatures across the UK are expected to approach minus 10 degrees after the weekend, with cold winds blowing from the north.
Arctic plume is set to hit the UK in the next few days
Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern said: By Monday, the most likely possibility is that cold northerly winds will pass over relatively warm seas, bringing moisture and instability and frequent showers that could come as far as south-west England. There will be a mix of sleet and snow in parts of Wales.
The further north you are and the higher the altitude, the more likely you are to see sleet and snow falling on the hilltops of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Increasingly cold winds will bring frequent showers across Scotland and Northern Ireland, with the Highlands particularly likely to be cold enough to see some sleet and snow.
Last week the UK was stuck in a high pressure dome causing cloudy skies and mild temperatures.
The gloom of high pressure has finally changed, but a cold front will sweep across the country.
Where cold Arctic air meets temperate air from the south, strong winds and heavy rain can occur.
Latest weather:
Heavy rain will continue through the weekend, and then cold weather and snow will arrive until early next week.
MgGivern said: The rain in the far northwest is being caused by a weather front sinking south during Friday evening.
It's a narrow but potentially intense terrain with heavy rain and gusty winds for some time.
That front moves slowly as it encounters higher pressure and marks the boundary between milder air to the south and colder air to the north. Getting this temperature contrast could lead to a low pressure area forming, which is likely on Sunday.
Snow is likely early next week, but juicy maps circulating on social media should be taken with caution, he warned.
He said many parts of the UK could be covered in snow by early next week, but when looking at a map it is important to remember that this is just one computer model simulation of the atmosphere, and the computer models are run by professional meteorologists. Dozens of times.
Netweather, a high pressure system over the UK shown on the map last week.
Heavy rain will continue through the weekend, and then cold weather and snow will arrive until early next week.
However, parts of the UK could see more snow than usual and warmer than average sea temperatures this winter.
When cold air passes through warmth and moisture, the water condenses and becomes rain, or if the air is very cold, it becomes snow.
Atlantic sea surface temperatures are still warmer than they would be at this time of year, so there is a greater risk of heavy rain.
“When a cold wave comes, there is a risk of snow falling, just as cold air sweeps away rain as it passes over sea water,” said Jim Dale, a meteorologist and social commentator at the Met Office.
The warmth of the ocean and high humidity are increasing precipitation, and we could see more snow than normal this winter.
After mid-March, showers are likely to fall across the country as temperatures drop.
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