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Government could limit UK political donations to limit foreign influence | politics

Government could limit UK political donations to limit foreign influence | politics


Ministers are considering limits on political donations as part of a sweeping reform of Britain's electoral system.

Labor is considering proposals to limit the amount individuals and businesses can donate to political parties as part of efforts to tighten money rules in British politics.

In a report due to be published in the coming weeks, the Public Policy Institute will recommend ministers limit individual and corporate donations to political parties to 100,000 per year.

The Guardian understands that officials are seeking more details on these proposals, although the work is still at a very early stage and is expected to come out later in this parliament. It comes amid speculation that Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of social media platform

In its manifesto, Labor pledged to protect democracy by strengthening rules on donations to political parties. At its core, the pledge aims to strengthen protection against foreign interference in British democracy.

Conversely, Labor has raised concerns about the Conservative government's decision to scrap the 15-year limit under which British citizens living abroad are no longer eligible to vote in general elections.

Labor argued that by allowing political donations and loans from Britons who have lived abroad for more than 15 years, the Conservatives would give people vulnerable to manipulation by hostile actors the ability to influence politics.

The donation cap is one of a number of measures the government is considering as part of its plans for elections and democracy legislation for the next parliamentary session. The bill was not part of the King's speech last July and is not expected to appear in the next session beyond 2026.

A Department of Housing, Communities and Local Government spokesperson said: As set out in the manifesto, we are working to strengthen our rules on donations to political parties to ensure we maintain confidence in our electoral system. We will provide further details on this in due course.

Other reforms being considered include automatic voter registration, which would remove the requirement that people register to be on the electoral roll and lower the minimum voting age set out in Labor's manifesto to 16.

Claims that Musk is considering supporting Farage through his British subsidiary X will spark fresh calls to tighten rules and impose limits on political donations.

Musk, who was selected by US President-elect Donald Trump to head the Office of Government Effectiveness, a non-federal presidential advisory body, has fiercely criticized the Starmus government since Labor's landslide victory in July. Last week he endorsed a post saying reforms would win the next election.

But setting a cap on political donations would limit the amount of money flowing into Labor coffers. Labor received more donations during the election campaign than all other political parties combined, raising a total of more than $9.5 million. The party's biggest donor was David Sainsbury, the former chairman of the Sainsburys supermarket chain, who donated $2.5 million.

Meanwhile, the Conservative Party has received more than $20 million in donations from businessman Frank Hester since early 2023. Hester was at the center of political fury in March after the Guardian revealed that she had revealed this to colleagues at an IT healthcare company in 2019. Diane Abbott, Britain's first black female member of parliament, made me want to hate all black women and think she should be shot.

An analysis by Transparency International over the weekend found that loopholes in existing laws have allowed dark money to infiltrate British politics, with almost one in ten donations to political parties and politicians coming from unknown or dubious sources. It happened.

It was found that companies that have never made a profit, unincorporated associations that do not need to report funders, and cash that is prohibited from making overseas donations through intermediaries are all flowing into the system.

In December 2023, leading Labor MP Wajid Khan told the House of Lords: We believe that making the electoral register public, as the Government is currently doing, would go far beyond what the current contribution rules set out.

This would allow people with weak links to the UK, who have spent most of their lives in countries that may be openly hostile to our goals, the right to have a huge impact on our system.




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