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NHS England: Statement by Minister of Health and Social Welfare

NHS England: Statement by Minister of Health and Social Welfare



Since its inauguration, the government has made great progress in fixing our broken NHS.

[political content removed] NHS [has] He has undergone industrial measures for years, pays billions of dollars to taxpayers and has paid more than a million canceled surgery and promises to patients.

We negotiated the end of the striking doctor's strike within three weeks.

We delivered an additional promise of 2 million people promised in the first year and made seven months earlier.

And after years of waiting lists increased [political content removed]We finally turn the assistant, reduce the list of waiting for five consecutive months, reduce the list of waiting and reduce the waiting list to 193,000 so far.

We agreed to the GP contract with GPS for the first time since the infectious disease, and we provided the greatest improvement in the hospice funding for a generation, the first step to regain family members.

But there is no doubt about the size of the challenge.

We have no time to waste because we have inherited NHS, which is suffering from the worst crisis in history.

We have no money to waste because we have inherited public finances with 22 billion black holes.

The urgency of the crisis means that you have to go faster to provide better values ​​for taxpayers and to provide better services for patients. [political content removed].

Darzis's independent investigation of national health services dates back to NHS's 2012 downward reorganization by the right honorary Lansley.

According to the Darzi survey, the reconstruction was a disaster without international precedents.

It burns the earth for health reform, and its effect is still felt today.

The Health and Social Welfare Act established more than 300 new NHS organizations, created complex and fragmentary bureaucracy webs, and imprisoned more than a million NHS employees in the system to quote the DARZI survey.

Well, today, wife, deputy director, we have the last nails in the coffin of NHS's miserable downward reorganization.

NHS England and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare are more than twice as much as 2010 than 2010, and there are twice as many employees when NHS delivers the shortest waiting time and the highest patient satisfaction in history.

Today, NHS provides a worse treatment to the patient, but it is expensive at any time. Only the NHS English staff and managers surged to 2 billion. Taxpayers pay more, but earn less.

We have two large organizations that play the same role in a huge amount of cloning.

Especially when the money is tight, it is especially at this time that such a swelling and inefficient bureaucracy cannot be justified.

But even [political content removed] [we had not been left with] Prime Minister, a 22 billion black hole of public finances, will still announce today's changes because a pound that is wasted by inefficient bureaucracy is a pound that cannot be used to treat patients faster during good or bad times.

You can't fix the collapsed school, get out of poverty, or put money back in people's pockets.

I can't say frankly that pastors are obliged to get a lot of value for taxpayers as much as possible, and that they can be achieved in the way the internal department and NHS British are established today.

Also, we can't say that the current setting is doing its best in NHS.

I am convinced that members have heard that local NHS leaders complain about the downward method of NHS.

It was what I have heard for years. Now I find myself at the peak of this huge responsibility.

I just agree without recognizing complaints.

The front line NHS staff is drowning the small management of various bureaucrats.

In the Hewitt Review, my honorary friend, Dame Patricia Hewitt, a former minister of health, has reported that a local service is needed to send 250 reports and forms to NHS England and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in a month.

It is time and energy that is not consumed to care for patients.

Hewitt Review also concluded that getting the same job of two organizations led to tension, tension, waste of time and unnecessary friction.

After entering the office, I tried to solve this by establishing a team approach between the department and the NHS English to establish a joint mission to build NHS for the future.

Today, the prime minister announces that we are switching a team into an organization.

In the last eight months, I would like to admit that there are talented and dedicated officials working at all levels of NHS and internal departments, including NHS England.

The reforms we are presenting today are not reflection for them. They were set to fail by a fragmentary system that interfered with them.

The action we are taking today will change it.

The work has already removed the duplication between the two tissues and began to bring many NHS Englands functions to the department.

NHS England will focus more clearly during this innovation period.

Local providers can actually explain important results, reduce their waiting time, and manage their finances responsibly.

In addition, the company will realize the unexplored potential of the unexpected national health service as a single payment of public services, make better transactions to taxpayers through central procurement, and become a better partner in the life science sector to develop future medicines by bringing the latest state -of -the -art technology to the hands of employees and patients.

In the next two years, NHS England will be brought to the department entirely.

This reform will offer hundreds of millions of pounds annually by providing a much larger best of NHS.

The money goes down to the forefront, reducing the waiting time faster, delivering plans for change, breaking through the red tape layer, and ending the infants of NHS leaders.

We can freely set up local NHS providers to develop innovation and new productive tasks, focusing on the most important things to take care of the patient better.

[political content removed]

The prime minister tried to reduce the number of Quangos.

Today we are abolishing the largest Quango in the world.

I am pleased that Sir James McKi led the innovation team as the chief executive of NHS England.

JIM has excellent results to switch organizations, balance books, increase productivity, and reduce waiting time.

He is using a new variation team to lead the change, and as a chairman who comes with Dr. Penny Dash, I am pleased to have a team of competent radical reformers who can lead NHS England through this change.

In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Amanda Pritchard, who has shown excellent dedication to national health services for decades of service.

She has also received tremendous support in the last few weeks as well as in the last few weeks as we are preparing for this change with JIM.

I also would like to express my gratitude to the deputy director of Julian Kelly, one of his best officials in his generation. I would like to thank the rest of the leadership team that starts at the end of this month. They deserve our gratitude and best wishes for the future.

Deputy Director, Deputy Director, Change is difficult. There will always be a careful voice that warns you to slow down.

But the breakthrough of the current state may be people who resist the change.

But we must have no doubt. We have inherited national health services in the worst crisis in history.

A patient waiting for an unacceptable time for surgery, GP promise or ambulance.

This labor [political content removed] The government can never avoid the reform of difficult yards.

We will raise funds and change the current state. So NHS can be for us once again when needed.

The prime minister set an ambitious goal to reduce the waiting time from 18 months to 18 weeks until the end of the NHS Council.

We have to go faster, but patients in our country are not worth less.

The reforms that the prime minister set today will mean fewer checkers and more actors.

In order to reduce complex bureaucracy web and provide better values ​​for taxpayers and better services for patients, we need to take more resources and responsibilities at the forefront.

In addition, NHS will provide three major changes in the future to make the service suitable for the future, from hospitals to communities, analogs, digitals and diseases.

The wife of the wife, NHS, is broken but not beaten. Together, we will turn it.

And I compliment this statement at home.




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