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Is Covid-19 scaring victims of heart attack away from the ER?


The American Heart Association continues to require you to call 911 if you experience chest pain or heart symptoms.

In April, the group and other medical institutions Make an urgent statement Inform the public that they will not hesitate to go to the hospital or call 911 in the event of an emergency, even during a coronavirus pandemic.

“We conclusively know that every moment of delay in getting the right treatment for a heart attack or stroke will lead to myocardial and brain loss,” said the American Heart Association’s Supreme Science and Medical director Dr. Mariel Jesup told CNN on Wednesday.

“Research shows that the faster you can open the blood vessels to the brain or the arteries that supply blood to the heart, the more likely you are to maintain your heart function and your brain function. It was. ”

On May 2, a guideline advisory group from the Heart Association said patient calls to 911 dropped by about a third from January.

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Two factors could be affecting, said Brooks Gump, whose folk family donated a professor of public health at Syracuse University in New York. “It’s possible that people are feeling down and not going to work, so they’re triggering fewer heart events,” Gump told CNN on Wednesday.

“But that does not mean that they will be sick,” he said. “The risk is that when we start to reappear and come back to work, those triggers are again and you’re up.”

More likely: “People are avoiding emergency rooms,” Gump said. “I don’t know which ratio is which”

Covid-19's fear keeps people out of the hospital, but doctors say they call 911 for heart attacks and strokes

What is clear is that the underlying risk factors for heart disease in the United States have not disappeared.

“I don’t think what people’s doing is dramatically changing the actual progression of cardiovascular disease, unless they have years of bad habits, such as sedentary lifestyles,” Gump said. Said Gump. “Heart disease progresses slowly (20 to 30 years, for example) over time, and triggers trigger cardiac events.”

Dr. Valentin Fuster, head of Mount Sinai Heart and the attending physician at Mount Sinai Hospital, told CNN that it was a combination of people who didn’t go to the hospital and people who actually had fewer heart events.

“Around the world, it is reported that no person has cardiovascular disease, especially myocardial infarction (heart attack). This is a significant reduction,” said Huster, former chairman of the American Heart Association. It was .

He said stress was a possible factor.

“Maybe people are less stressed. Maybe they’re more relaxed at home. Maybe they’re eating more.” But he also thinks people are afraid to call 911.

“I think it’s a combination of both, not one,” Huster said.


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