Covid: Do I need to get a second vaccine early? And what are its benefits?
What is your current advice on getting a second jab?
The UK Government encourages all adults to advance their appointments for a second receipt Coronavirus Jab in fear of widespread delta variants as the UK is moving towards removing final social restrictions from 19th July.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson This policy, which aims to reduce the dosing interval from 12 weeks to 8 weeks, provides people with “maximum protection as quickly as possible” and is far away in the winter flu season. He states that he is approaching a no future.
In a hurry to fully vaccinate people before the restrictions on the final round are lifted, several GP-operated sites and vaccination centers offer a second injection just three weeks after the first appointment. However, this goes against the advice of the Joint Committee on Immunization, which argues that vaccination should have a gap of at least 8 weeks between doses.
Government vaccine expert Professor Anthony Hahnden described eight weeks as a “sweet spot” for one second, saying, “The data show that longer second doses provide longer-term protection. It’s a very strong suggestion. ” Jab.
If you want to move your second appointment forward, NHSCOVID-19 Through the app or medical service Online reservation page However, it’s a good idea to make sure your local slot is available before canceling an existing appointment. You will need your NHS number, date of birth, and booking number to continue.
According to the latest government data, more than half of the UK population is fully vaccinated, more than 34 million are both vaccinated, and an additional 45.5 million are first vaccinated.
What are the benefits of a fully vaccinated person?
Many obvious benefits of being double-jabbed are beginning to emerge in the light of the government’s reopening plans.
Johnson said at a press conference in Downing Street on Monday that it was time to “shift to another regime” for both vaccinated people, which was subsequently announced by his new Secretary of Health on Tuesday. Sajid Javid, Who has both Eliminates the need for self-quarantine If you come into contact with a positive case of Covid as of August 16.
Existing rules require quarantine at home for up to 10 days if warned by the NHS app or called by a contact tracer after contact with a positive case.
However, under the new “risk-based approach,” Mr. Havid was encouraged by fellow House of Commons ministers to “take the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test as soon as possible, instead of being quarantined. Probably. ” It provides certainty.
He also revealed that those who test positive on their own still need to be quarantined “whether or not they have a jab.”
“This new approach means that we can manage the virus in a pandemic-proportional way, while maintaining freedom that is very important to all of us,” said Javid.
Following his remarks, the Secretary of Transportation on Thursday Grant Shaps Some British people have been double vaccinated Quarantine can be abandoned When they returned from a trip to an amber-listed country as of July 19.
Currently, all arrivals from amber countries are required to self-quarantine for 10 days and undergo two PCR tests after arrival, regardless of vaccination status.
This change allows fully vaccinated people to travel to most of mainland Europe, including countries such as France, Spain and Portugal, without quarantine, and people who dislike quarantine because there are currently only 27 areas. Greatly increases the travel options available to you. It is on the UK Green List without such requirements.
Amber arrivals should have a pre-departure test 3 days before departure and a PCR test on or before the 2nd day, but the 8th day is no longer necessary.
Fully vaccinated are also prioritized by the travel industry, and Heathrow Airport has set up fast track lanes for leaflets that can prove that they have taken both doses.
“This pilot can demonstrate that pre-departure and arrival checks of vaccination status can be safely performed at check-in, which allows fully vaccinated passengers to avoid quarantine from 19 July. You can, “said John Holland Kay, Chief Executive Officer of the airport. Said earlier this week.
Why are you looking for this now?
Johnson’s Monday UK Announcement Course to complete the roadmap from the blockade In less than two weeks, the prime minister drew a line under social distance and forced masking, and employees returned to offices and public places despite the increasing number of Covid cases. Paved the way to abandon the capacity limit.
The prime minister needs to “learn to live with” Covid, despite the projected 50,000 cases a day before the restrictions are lifted and 100,000 cases later this summer. He insisted that it was not “now or never” to resume. As a new variant, according to the British Medical Association Like a lambda stock Will continue to appear.
Opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer Professor Stephen Reicher, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh and a candid member of the government’s Emergency Science Advisory Group (Sage), calls for a move to resume completely “recklessly” while tweeting his contempt. I responded by that. Calling the decision to prioritize the economy over public health “terrifying”..
Since then, a coalition of more than 122 scientists and doctors has joined the criticism choir and published an open letter. Lancet Warn that Mr Johnson is engaged “Dangerous and unethical experiment”He accused his government of taking “significant risks” to the lives of its citizens through “illogical” policies and laying a fertile basis for the emergence of “vaccine-resistant” mutants of the virus.
Johnson’s plans are subject to change as circumstances progress, but at the time of writing, the final unlock decision will be made on Monday, July 12, and is stubbornly set for the current course. It looks like there is.
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