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COVID’s new lambda variant: what you need to know

COVID’s new lambda variant: what you need to know


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For the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, WHO And CDC website.

As Coronavirus It continues to mutate and causes havoc. Some variants that pop up are more contagious and lead to more serious illnesses, so they are more of a concern than other variants.Alpha and (Especially) Delta It has been shown to be more infectious than the original virus and can lead to hospitalization.But until the variant begins to circulate in the community or counters the coronavirus vaccineTo be precise, many guesses are involved as to how much we should be concerned.

The latest mutant, named “Mutant of Interest” by the World Health Organization, is the Lambda mutant, which was first documented in Peru last December. WHO.. The WHO will specify the mutant strain of interest if there is a substantial community infection of the mutant and scientists detect genetic alterations that may make the mutant more contagious or severe.

It’s not the name or characteristics of Lambda that are currently of greatest concern (at this time it hasn’t proven to be more dangerous than the other major variants), but it’s now Peruvian dominant stockAccording to calculations using, about 195,000 people were infected with COVID-19 in about 32 million countries. This represents more than 0.6% of the population. Johns Hopkins data.This is about three times the per capita mortality rate As the United States..

However, this is probably not related to the lambda mutant itself, but to other factors that contribute to the spread of COVID-19 in Peru, including sparse vaccine access-the country is entirely about 11% of people. Not vaccinated. To Johns Hopkins.The economy, which requires most adults to go to work no matter what to survive, and other factors, including the crowded food market and the need for housing Contributes to the high spread of the disease, BBC report.

Lambda is rapidly becoming widespread in other South American countries and is emerging in the United States. But for now, it seems that you don’t have to worry about this variant more than any other variant. Microbiologist Pablo Tsukayama, who recorded the appearance of lambda, Told the New York Times According to The Times, the “information gap” has contributed to concerns about lambdas, and Latin America’s limited ability to monitor and investigate new variants contributes to the concern. about it.

“I don’t think it’s worse than any of the previous examples,” Tsukayama said. “It only helps a lot of speculation because we know very little.”

The Times also reported it Preliminary survey Antibodies induced by Pfizer, Modana, and CoronaVac (China’s COVID-19 vaccine) are less potent against lambdas than the original strain, but still carry the virus (not yet published in peer-reviewed journals). It “neutralizes” and is effective against lambdas. Note that this seems to be true for almost all coronavirus variants, as all three US vaccines were developed after the original coronavirus began to mutate and other variants of the virus had already circulated. It is also important to do.

In general, lambdas are of all forms Deadly coronavirus is. But for now, there is no reason to believe that Lambda will do more damage.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to provide health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.




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