What the “substantial” and “high” levels of Covid-19 infection in the CDC really mean
The county’s infection level is based on two indicators. New Covid-19 cases per 100,000 and positive rates, both measured in the last 7 days. The basic idea is that these show how much virus is spreading around us, said Dr. Linawen, CNN Medical Analyst.
“The level of coronavirus infection is an important factor in determining the risk, whether vaccinated or not,” she said.
Specifically, “low” infections are considered a test positive rate of less than 10 cases per 100,000 people, or less than 5%. “Moderate” infections have a positive rate of 10-50 cases per 100,000 people, or 5% -8%. “Substantial” infections are 50 to 100 cases per 100,000, or positive rates are 8% to 10%, and “high” infections are 100 or more cases per 100,000, or positive rates are 10% or more.
If the county has two different send level values, CDC uses a higher metric.
As of Wednesday, about 50% of the counties had high infection rates and 17% had significant infection rates, covering a wide range of southern and western areas, according to CDC data. About 27% of US counties are considered to have a moderate infection rate, and only about 9% have a low infection rate.
Health officials said this new guidance, updated from May, reflects the latest science on the more contagious delta mutants and evidence suggesting that vaccinated people can still spread the virus. Say you are. Most of the spread still appears to come from unvaccinated people. They are at a much higher risk of serious illness that can send or kill people to the hospital.
Guidance on wearing masks is intended to remind fully vaccinated people that they can infect others, said CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky on Tuesday. I did.
Advantages and disadvantages of the CDC system
Some medical professionals had problems with some of the CDC’s decisions to update mask guidance and its specific metrics.
For one, the CDC system is based solely on new cases and positive rates, but has become known to experts in vaccination, hospitalization, mortality, or other relevant indicators since the beginning of the pandemic. Not.
Peter Hotez, Dean of Baylor College of Medicine, said: School of medicine. “I haven’t seen positive rates, rates per 100,000 people, hospitalizations or deaths. I’m looking at everything together to really understand what’s happening at a really high level.”
Hotez also raised the issue with the CDC, using 100 per 100,000 people as “high” levels of infection, which he said was a low standard. He said the CDC map is likely to be useless as cases continue to grow in the coming weeks.
“Everything will turn red soon, and that’s not good either because it doesn’t give you a lot of credit for vaccination,” he said.
Wen said the CDC metrics do not take into account local immunization rates.
“I wish the CDC linked the wearing of indoor masks to local immunization rates, which people can work on and are less arbitrary,” she said.
“It’s also more motivating as an incentive,” she added.
Moreover, both the case rate and the positive rate are based on the amount of testing in the community, and it is not clear whether the United States is testing at a sufficient level.
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former U.S. Food and Drug Administration member, said in Wednesday’s Morning Edition of the NPR, “It did a good job of measuring how widespread it really is in the country. I don’t think there is. ” .. “I think we are much wider than what we are picking up.”
He said the United States has not done many tests, many of which have been done at home and have not been reported to local governments. And many people who are currently infected or are experiencing mild symptoms do not seek testing.
“Generally speaking, the people presenting for the test are either very ill or have overt symptoms of Covid, such as loss of taste or smell. “He said. “So we’re probably picking up a small portion of the overall infection.”
Wen also said he was skeptical of the level of testing in some parts of the United States and believed that the United States could be undertested.
“I don’t know if the total number of cases will be the most accurate picture, but at least it’s a reasonable substitute,” she said.
Still, her main problem with the CDC’s guidance was that she missed the basic point of this stage of the pandemic: getting people vaccinated.
“The main problem is that I’m not vaccinated. I’m not vaccinated. Let’s not go backwards here,” she said.
CNN’s Naomi Thomas, Jacqueline Howard, Deidre McPhillips, and Maggie Fox contributed to this report.
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