COVID restrictions in Bartow amid a surge in Polk County incidents
Bartow-The city of Bartow has implemented a stricter COVID-19 operational policy for its facilities because of the “recent surge” in COVID-19 cases throughout Polk County.
On Thursday, the city implemented some temporary policies “to slow the spread of the community and help counter the current local surge in COVID-19 infection.”
“The Florida Department of Health advised that the number of COVID-19s in Polk County has increased dramatically and hospitalization is the highest ever,” reads an executive order issued by Mayor George Long. “From July 23, 2021 to July 29, 2021, Pork County reported a new case of 4,100 coronavirus infections with a test positive rate of 22%.”
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Long did not respond to a request for comment from the ledger.
With a new wave of COVID-19 cases nationwide and the spread of delta variants of the virus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently went in the opposite direction on mask recommendations. Currently, even fully vaccinated individuals are encouraged to wear masks indoors with high viral infection rates.
Bartou’s new policy did not include masking obligations for residents, but all individuals over the age of two indoors at a facility in the city of Bartou were faced “regardless of vaccination status”. The cover is “strongly recommended and recommended”. In addition, city officials who provide “face-to-face customer service” services and those who cannot keep a social distance should be masked. Also, upon order, the department head can require employees to wear face covers “in their own departmental situation” based on a risk assessment.
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However, masks remain an option when visiting outdoor urban facilities.
This order also establishes new rules for booking urban facilities. Bartow will not accept new rental requests for indoor public facilities for the next 60 days. City officials will limit the number of people for events that do not exceed 50% of the normal venue occupancy, so existing reservations will need to adjust the plan. Pending requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
“Such requests may be scrutinized and rejected based on the requested date of the event, applicable public health data, and the degree of spread of the virus within the larger Pork County community.” And the command reads.
The order also includes the restoration of social distance during public meetings in the city council’s meeting room. In addition, the order states that face-to-face, indoor team, and group leadership meetings should be restricted and include appropriate social distance and masking policies. We recommend virtual conferencing via Microsoft Teams or Zoom.
City employees are encouraged to stay away and discourage carpooling. In addition, reinforced hygiene policies are being implemented for city-owned fleet vehicles. In addition, employees riding in vehicles with them must wear masks, the number of passengers in the vehicle is limited to the number of doors, windows are lowered, and crew members are given specific vehicles, doors, windows, seats. Must be assigned to switch between day and week.
The order also includes wording about the vaccine. Over half of the residents of the target Pork County have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at least once.
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“According to recently adopted Florida law, the city proves COVID-19 vaccination or post-infection recovery to access city facilities, access to city-owned assets, or benefit from the city. Does not require anyone to submit a document to do. Service “is written. “Regardless of the above, the city will discuss the risks and benefits of COVID-19 vaccination with doctors or trained medical professionals to help all citizens and employees reduce the spread and effects of coronavirus disease. I strongly encourage you to do that. “
Will other cities follow suit?
Although not as rigorous as Bartow, the city of Auburndale has begun to revert to some COVID-19 protocols installed last year.
Mayor Jeff Tillman said last week that the city had put up signs on the doors of indoor facilities to encourage social distance and the use of masks in those places. Currently, city officials do not need to wear face covers.
According to Tillman, the recent increase in incidents and updated emails from Dr. Joy Jackson, director of health in Polk County, have led to indoor signs, and as the situation progresses, authorities should impose restrictions. We are increasing the conversation about. ..
According to Tillman, the city’s police station has resumed temperature checks and the fire department has not allowed visitors to enter the facility. Both precautions have returned due to an increase in incidents.
Some of the city’s COVID era precautions, such as plexiglass between city employees and visitors, hand sanitizer stations, and the availability of additional masks, have not disappeared and will continue to be implemented.
At present, Auburndale does not limit the reservation of available public facilities, but Mr. Tillman said that the city will work with the surrounding municipalities on park and recreation policies in light of the increasing number of incidents. He said he would build a united front. And that’s just one of many things that can change as the county tackles new surges.
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“That is, it changes from day to day, so we definitely keep an eye on it every day while we get the latest information from Dr. Jackson and discuss it with other municipalities,” Tillman said. “We are trying to keep our workforce and residents safe. If we can encourage masks, social distance and hygiene, we will all work together to overcome this.”
Haynes City recently announced on Facebook that the August city council meeting has been moved from the traditional council meeting room to the Lake Eva Event Center.
But other cities are still making decisions.
In an email, Winterhaven City Manager Mike Ha said on Monday that the city would revisit its protocol with the department head, “assuming a continuous resurgence of the COVID-19 variant.”
According to Mr. Har, the city initially required city officials and citizens visiting indoor city facilities to use masks, but Governor Ron DeSantis’ executive order fined local governments for breaching local mask obligations. The requirement was abolished because it was banned from being collected. Since then, the city has put up signs on the doors of city facilities that recommend the use of masks.
Mr. Ha said the city now recommends that both employees and residents wear masks, stay socially distant, wash their hands frequently, and stay home and be vaccinated when ill. As mentioned, Har said it was a “personal choice.”
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In a text message, Mayor of Lakeland, Bill Matz, mayor Sean Shelles, working with the city’s legal team, will explain what the “scope of action” will be for re-implementing the COVID-19 restriction. He said he was confirming.
“Once this is done, he will issue the appropriate recommendations. We believe our committee members support the recommendations,” Mr. Mutz said.
The Lakeland Chamber of Commerce has already brought back the mask.
In a letter, the Chamber of Commerce stated that Pork County was designated by the CDC as a “community-prone area.” As a result, Chamber of Commerce staff wear masks when meeting guests, making face covers available to visitors. Also, for indoor events, participants are required to stay socially distant and wear masks when not eating or drinking.
Cory Skeates, president and CEO, said that despite the resurgence of masks at large companies such as Wal-Mart and Publics, there were no contacts from local companies intending to regain mask requirements. He recently said “we’ve passed this” and many business owners “want to go back” as many small businesses no longer require patrons to wear face covers. Said I don’t think.
You can send tips and questions to Maya Lora at mlora @ Follow her on Twitter @ mayaklora.
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