Haiti is reeling: Earthquake survivors are drowning in hospitals in a devastated country
Hospitals in Haiti are completely overwhelmed by survivors of Saturday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake and urgently need help treating them, medical staff said.
The earthquake, which struck the southwest of the country, killed at least 1,941 people and injured more than 9,900. This number is expected to rise, but search and rescue efforts are hampered by a lack of resources and torrential rain, which has caused mudslides that closed roads in the region.
The humanitarian crisis triggered by the earthquake means that an estimated 600,000 people are in need of assistance and drinking water is urgently needed, especially in the town of Pestel, where almost all drinking water tanks have been destroyed, according to Haiti’s director of civil affairs. Protection, Dr. Claude Pridette said, at a press conference on Wednesday.
At least 75,000 homes were damaged or destroyed in the earthquakes, affecting about 135,000 families, he said, adding that 34 people were rescued from the rubble on Tuesday and Wednesday.
At the main hospital in Jeremy, one of the worst-hit cities, 84 people were waiting for treatment at a facility that usually treats ten people a day, CNN found during a visit Tuesday.
Each bed was full, with patients also laid on the floor. One doctor told CNN that without evacuation to better equipped facilities, at least a third of them could lose a limb, or not survive.
Orlando Barria / EPA-EFE / Shutterstock
Hospitals cannot handle the number of people who need treatment.
Jean-Yves d’Urville pulled his 22-month-old daughter Evenson from the rubble by himself, shattering her femur.
“My daughter is suffering and I don’t want her to lose her leg,” Dorville told CNN.
“I am so grateful for these doctors who work with their bare hands.”
Other survivors were left to fend for themselves as Grace from the Tropical Depression brought torrential rains and strong winds to the same area as the earthquake.
Their homes were destroyed, and some tried to take cover under makeshift tents and tarps.
“We slept in the chairs,” Third Andress told Reuters. “No one came to help us.”
Aid has been pouring into the capital, Port-au-Prince, but getting it to affected areas has proven difficult due to the mudslides.
“I’m in so much pain. We’ve been promised medicine. I went to look for her and was told to wait,” Mariemine Guzel told Reuters. Yesterday they distributed aid but I couldn’t get anything. “We have nothing to eat, we have nothing.”
The US Coast Guard is among a number of agencies on the ground assisting with recovery efforts.
The US Department of Defense announced, on Tuesday, that it had formed a joint task force to assist the US Agency for International Development in disaster relief, while the United Nations and the European Union allocated $8 million and $3.5 million, respectively, in aid to Haiti.
After seeking assistance from Haiti’s Civil Protection Department, the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) is preparing to deploy members of an operational support team to the country.
Haiti, still reeling from the assassination of its late president Jovenel Moise in July, is highly dependent on donor countries and organizations for its relief efforts.
The earthquake occurred at 8:30 a.m. local time on Saturday, at a depth of about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles); The epicenter was about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) northeast of Saint-Louis-de-Sud in the southwestern part of the country.
About 1.2 million people, including 540,000 children, were affected by the earthquake, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The agency said on Wednesday that the earthquake, which was followed by a tropical storm on Monday, destroyed 94 of the 255 schools in the hard-hit Southern Administrative Region weeks before the start of the semester. “Assessments have not yet been conducted in Niepce and Grand Anse counties, as well as in other communities not yet reached,” the UNICEF statement said.
UNICEF estimates that $15 million is needed to “respond to the most urgent needs of at least 385,000 people” affected by the earthquake for an eight-week period, the statement said.
The earthquake is the latest challenge facing the struggling island nation, which was devastated by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in 2010, killing an estimated 220,000 to 300,000 people.
“A little more than a decade later, Haiti is reeling again. Coinciding with this catastrophe is political instability, rising gang violence, alarmingly high child malnutrition rates and the COVID-19 pandemic – of which Haiti has received only 500,000 doses, although it It requires more,” UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said on Monday.
“It is now especially urgent to reach those affected by the earthquake with vaccines.”
CNN’s Tara John and AnneClaire Stapleton contributed to this report.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/18/americas/haiti-earthquake-news-wednesday-intl/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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