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Vaccinated people are less ill with Covid-19, even if they get a breakthrough infection, studies show

Vaccinated people are less ill with Covid-19, even if they get a breakthrough infection, studies show


Both studies show that the vaccine provides strong protection from serious illness and death months after people were first vaccinated, and even when the more contagious delta mutants renewed the spread of the virus. Indicates to do.

According to a large ongoing study of 780,000 veterans, all three vaccines used in the United States are Covid, even if their effectiveness against mild asymptomatic infections is dramatically reduced. Provides strong protection against death from -19.

Researchers examining men and women being treated at the Veterans Health Administration facility found that overall vaccine efficacy against all types of infections dropped from 87.9% in February to 48.1% in October. I found that. They counted only fully vaccinated veterans and only test results from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, the gold standard for determining infection.

“Breakthrough infections increased the risk of death, but vaccination continued to prevent the deaths of people infected during the delta surge,” the researchers wrote in the report. It was published in the journal Science.

“Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and vaccine type analysis, including the Janssen vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), suggests that the effectiveness of the vaccine against infections declines over time, especially with the Janssen vaccine. Variants, vaccines remained highly effective against mortality, and fully vaccinated vaccinations had a much lower risk of post-infection mortality compared to unvaccinated vaccinations. Among those who have been vaccinated-we are also strengthening our current efforts to increase vaccination. “

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Researchers say their data is more up-to-date than the data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but it only targets veterans who may not represent the U.S. population. .. The group surveyed accounts for 2.7% of the US population and is biased towards men, but may be a minority than other survey groups. An epidemiologist at the Oakland Institute of Public Health, California, he helped conduct the study. I told CNN.

In March, Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was 86.4% effective in preventing all types of infections. By September, they reported that this had dropped to 13%.

In March, the Moderna vaccine was 89.2% effective in preventing infections. This had dropped to 58% by September.

They reported that Pfizer’s vaccine was 86.9% effective against infections in March and had decreased to 43.3% by September.

From July to October 2021, the effectiveness of the vaccine against the deaths of veterans under the age of 65 was 73% for J & J’s Janssen vaccine, 81.5% for Moderna, 84.3% for Pfizer, and 52.2 for Janssen over 65. %, 75.5%. 70.1% for Moderna and 70.1% for Pfizer.

Johnson & amp; According to a new real-world study, Johnson's Covid-19 vaccine is 73.6% effective

“If you get the vaccine, everyone will be fine,” Korn said, including the Janssen people. “Vaccination keeps people away from hospitals, even during the Delta.”

The second study was coordinated with the CDC, and people vaccinated with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine are more likely to go to the hospital with a ventilator or die from infection than unvaccinated people. Turned out to be much lower.

The team said that unvaccinated patients accounted for 91% of Covid-19 deaths and nearly 94% of patients in combined mechanical ventilation or death. Reported to the Journal of the American Medical Association.
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Dr. Wesley Self, an associate professor at Vanderbilt University who led the research team, told CNN. “Even people who get sick are not as sick as they are if they are not vaccinated.”

A team of 21 US hospitals in 18 states surveyed 4,513 patients admitted to hospitals with respiratory illness between March and July. “Unvaccinated patients accounted for 84.2% of COVID-19 hospitalizations. COVID-19 hospitalizations were significantly associated with reduced vaccination potential,” the team wrote. ..

According to Self, those vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine were not enough to provide sufficient data for the study. He said other studies have shown that the Janssen vaccine is less effective than the mRNA vaccine produced by Pfizer and Modana.

“I’ve known for months that mRNA vaccines prevent people from getting infected with Covid and people from being hospitalized in Covid. What wasn’t clear from previous data was that they were vaccinated. Was still able to get Covid? Was the vaccine beneficial? The answer is certainly yes. “

“They are much less likely to get seriously ill and die. It tells us that the vaccine reduces the severity of the illness.”





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