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How Coffee and Tea Reduce the Risk of Stroke and Dementia

How Coffee and Tea Reduce the Risk of Stroke and Dementia


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Experts say that people who drink a moderate amount of coffee or tea a day have many health benefits.Good Brigade / Getty Images
  • Researchers say that people who drink moderate amounts of coffee and tea a day have a lower risk of stroke and dementia.
  • Experts say this is one of the many benefits of consuming coffee or tea daily.
  • They say these beverages contain flavonoids and other ingredients that can improve health.
  • However, keep in mind that too much coffee or tea can cause other health concerns as well as disturbed sleep patterns due to caffeine levels.

This week we have some encouraging news from China for coffee and tea lovers.

Researchers say that taking one or both of these beverages may reduce the risk of stroke and dementia.

NS study Researchers at Tianjin Medical University announced today that they are healthy 50-74 years old who drank 2-3 cups of coffee or 3-5 cups of tea a day, or 4-6 cups of tea a day. People had the lowest incidence of stroke and dementia among the 365,682 study participants.

Researchers saw people from UK Biobank Recruited between 2006 and 2010 and tracked until 2020. Subjects self-reported their coffee and tea intake.

People who drank a lot of coffee or tea had a 32% lower risk of stroke and a 28% lower risk of dementia than those who drank neither.

The study also found that taking coffee alone or in combination with tea reduced the risk of post-stroke dementia.

The health benefits of coffee and tea go beyond the obvious caffeine link, medical experts told Healthline.

“Caffeine is certainly an important common denominator, but both coffee and tea come from plants that contain many potentially beneficial compounds, including powerful antioxidants.” .. Dr. Scott KaiserDirector of Geriatric Cognitive Health at the Pacific Institute of Neuroscience at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California.

“A wide range of growing studies show the brain health benefits of certain foods, especially those rich in antioxidants and other” neuroprotective “compounds,” Kaiser told the Healthline. Told. “For example, some studies have high levels of flavonoid intake. Related It reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. ”

“These phytonutrients, the chemicals that plants produce to stay healthy, actually reduce brain inflammation, protect brain cells from damage, support learning and memory, and others for brain health. Can bring the obvious benefits of, “he explained. “And as far as the excellent sources of flavonoids are concerned, coffee and tea are on the list.”

The authors of the study state that UK Biobank reflects a sample of healthier people compared to the general public.

Also, a relatively small number of people in the sample experienced dementia or stroke. This acknowledges that it can be difficult to accurately estimate rates for more populations.

However, “our findings suggest that moderate intake of coffee and tea, either separately or in combination, reduces the risk of stroke and dementia,” they write.

Michelle Rausch, Registered dietitian Actor Fund Home Healthline in Englewood, NJ, said coffee is associated with other health benefits such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, certain cancers, and a reduced risk of cirrhosis.

However, there are drawbacks.

“Drinking coffee and tea has some drawbacks … if done too much,” Rauff said. “Tea and coffee contain a compound called tannins that, when taken in excess, can interfere with the absorption of iron. These tannins can also cause stains on your teeth when they accumulate in enamel. “

And what caffeine and what people add to coffee and tea can be a problem, Rauff said.

“Like coffee, overdose of caffeine in tea can also cause problems, leading to restlessness, tremors, increased heart rate, insomnia, and anxiety,” Rauf said. .. “Catechins in tea can interfere with some of our heart and blood pressure medications. The health benefits of tea and coffee with the addition of sugar, honey, cream, and other calorie and fat-containing ingredients. May be lost. “

According to experts, the study confirmed the optimal daily intake of coffee and tea.

“Like everything else in life, it’s about balance.” Nancy Belcher, Co-founder and CEO of Anti-Aging Wellness Center Winona told Healthline. “Drinking 3-5 cups a day is a sweet spot that can provide health benefits without side effects.”

“The jury hasn’t come out yet,” Kaiser said on the topic.

“However, this study suggests that moderate intake of coffee and tea, either separately or in combination, may reduce the risk of stroke and dementia,” he said.

“As always, your best bet is to talk to your doctor, nutritionist, or other health care professional to weigh all the risks and benefits and decide what’s best for you.” Kaiser added.

“Most importantly, this study reinforces the idea that it’s never too early to start thinking about our brain health. Drinking coffee or tea, which many of us enjoy. So it’s encouraging to think that we can reduce the risk of developing stroke and dementia, “he said.





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