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Influenza, Covid, Furlona: How bad will it be in 2022?

Influenza, Covid, Furlona: How bad will it be in 2022?


When it comes to respiratory viruses, Covid has been of utmost concern for the past two years. Therefore, as the winter of 2022 approaches in Australia, you may feel some aspects of déjà vu.

But this year is different. By easing public health measures and opening borders influenza Case. This is in addition to the expected rise in Covid.

The potential double wormy has led the federal government to announce A $ 2.1 billion to target these expected surges. Funds are allocated to measures such as vaccinations, tests and measures to protect elderly care.

Here’s what to expect and how to protect yourself before the winter.

Why can we expect more flu?
The main reason for the expected increase in influenza in 2022 is the opening of the Australian border.

Tourists and returnees have the required Covid vaccination and can arrive without quarantine if they have been previously tested for Covid. However, new arrivals do not need to be tested for influenza virus. Influenza virus can be inadvertently brought in.

Influenza, which is a bit like Covid, can be spread by others who are infected before or even without symptoms. This is common in children. Therefore, when the flu occurs, it inevitably spreads, regardless of whether masks, hand sanitizers, or other means are used.

For example, over the last two years, we have seen outbreaks of other common respiratory viruses. These include respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus. These were also seen in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland with strict Covid measures from 2020 to 2021.

How bad will it be?
Covid and the flu are likely to be epidemic at the same time this winter. However, the more catastrophic predictions in so-called twin-demic or syndemic media are less certain.

COVID is likely to persist and increase during the winter, during which influenza develops. However, the details are unknown.

Will the flu in 2022 be more than mild? Does the number of cases increase during the normal June-September period and usually peak in August? The answers to these questions depend on history, current circumstances, and considerable speculation.

History shows that after two seasons with little or no influenza pandemic, we need to anticipate a tougher season. This is because the vast majority of people are not vaccinated against the flu each year and the innate immunity of post-infection people is diminished.

But current evidence disagrees with this. In the Northern Hemisphere, influenza was less prevalent and less prevalent in most countries compared to the year before the pandemic.

In addition, many countries in the Southern Hemisphere, including South Africa, Brazil, and Chile, experienced out-of-season influenza in the summer of 2021-202.

Therefore, this could mean that the timing of Australia’s normal flu season could be delayed until spring, or until the second half of 2022.

Do you want to getFururona‘?
Also, if someone has Covid and the flu at the same time, you may also have a double infection, sometimes called “flurona.”

While this is occurring, the rate of double infection is low worldwide. In general, less than 1% of Covid patients are infected with influenza at the same time. Even with a double infection, it doesn’t look as sick as having Covid alone.

By using the wider clinical tests currently available on many sites, you can get a more accurate picture of how many people are infected with both viruses at once. These so-called multiplex tests detect a variety of respiratory illnesses, including Covid and the flu, in a single test.

Fortunately, new “hybrid viruses”, including some of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid) and the influenza virus, are unlikely to appear in double-infected individuals. These are separate viruses that cannot be combined.

How can I protect myself?
Despite the uncertainties about influenza in Australia in 2022, the best way to protect yourself is to get the flu vaccine.

Everyone is susceptible to the flu, regardless of age, health or lifestyle. However, people of some age groups and people with underlying illnesses can have more serious consequences if they get the flu.

These include infants (especially children under the age of 2), people over the age of 65, pregnant women, people with chronic lung and heart disease, people with asthma, diabetes, and people with obesity.

Different influenza vaccines are targeted at different age groups with different prescriptions. These vaccines have proven safety records and usually cause very mild reactions such as pain at the injection site, mild fever, and headache. These can last 12 to 24 hours and can be easily treated with paracetamol or similar medications.

Influenza vaccine is provided free of charge to all children aged 6 months to under 5 years, people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 6 months and over. Vaccines are available at your GP and some pharmacies, even if you are not eligible for a free vaccine.

This year, you don’t have to schedule different visits for influenza and Covid vaccination. Available at the same time if needed.

The flu vaccine will be available from late March and will be protected for at least 6-12 months. These vaccines are not perfect, but they can help prevent infections and the more serious consequences of influenza such as hospitalization and death. So, from April to May of this year, when the cool days and nights come back, consider making an appointment and getting a flu shot.

(This is a PTI story syndicated through The Conversation)




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