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William Husel: Ohio doctors accused of overprescribing dying fentanyl turned out not guilty of murder

William Husel: Ohio doctors accused of overprescribing dying fentanyl turned out not guilty of murder


William Husel and his lawyer have been acquitted since the 14th after the acquittal was read in court. After that, he was discharged from the courtroom. “We accept the jury’s verdict,” Gary Tyak, a prosecutor in Franklin County, Ohio, said in a statement.

Husel faced 14 murders As the prosecutor said, he deliberately overdosed fentanyl between 2015 and 2018, causing death and speeding up patients in the intensive care unit.

“If we accelerate the death of a person, he will die as surely as the rising sun, but from a legal point of view, he will die,” said David Zyen, a prosecutor in Franklin County. He said in closing arguments.

Attorney Jose Baez argues that the prosecutor, beyond reasonable suspicion, did not prove that the dose actually accelerated the patient’s death, or that Husel intentionally attempted to kill the patient. bottom.

Here's what we know about Ohio doctors being accused of overprescribing painkillers prior to his trial:

The trial began in February, with more than 50 witnesses witnessing the charges, including doctors, nurses, and administrative staff from the western part of Mount Carmel Hospital, where Husel worked as a night ICU doctor.

The family elaborated on the story of a loved one who once declined in the hospital and his experience at Husel and the ICU. Experts also told the court that the high doses of fentanyl given to patients by Husel were intended to cause their death and accelerate the dying process.

Despite the accusations, Husel’s ex-colleague testified that he was a diligent, great doctor who was there to fight to save lives, help everyone in the ICU unit, and always teach and explain. bottom.

Husel’s defense summoned Dr. Joel Zivot, a witness who examined the medical records of 14 patients and determined that he had a severe and irreversible illness. Zivot also testified that it was impossible for patients to return to normal health and determined that the underlying medical problems caused their death.

Husel did not take a position. His doctor’s license is currently suspended and his lawyer confirmed with CNN.

How did you get here

Husel (46 years old) is in the trial Indicted for 25 murdersHowever, 11 of these counts were dismissed before the trial.
Mount Carmel Health Systems initially stated that the hospital received a report related to Husel’s care on October 25, 2018.Hospital system Removed Husel from patient care one month later.. The hospital said in a statement that during that period, three people died “after taking an excessive and potentially fatal drug” ordered by a doctor.

Husel was fired on December 5, 2018. That same month, a lawyer representing Mount Carmel contacted the Franklin County Public Prosecutor’s Office and began an investigation into Husel.

In the first conversation, Franklin’s Ron O’Brien said that doctors (later identified as Husel) were given levels of fentanyl that they believed were “internally inappropriate and not for legitimate medical purposes.” I have. ” County prosecutor at the time.

The study found that doses in the range of 500 to 2,000 micrograms were “designed to accelerate the death of treated patients,” O’Brien said.

Fentanyl is an opioid used to treat patients with chronic severe pain or post-surgery severe pain, according to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).About 100 times more powerful medicine than morphine Often used in end-of-life care to reduce discomfort For dying patients.
DEA considers 2 milligrams of fentanylOr 2,000 micrograms, a potentially lethal dose.

CNN’s Amir Vera and Laurendel Valle contributed to this report.




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