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Seven Best Foods to Eat on a Mediterranean Diet for Brain Health, Weight Loss, and Heart Health

Seven Best Foods to Eat on a Mediterranean Diet for Brain Health, Weight Loss, and Heart Health


A Mediterranean diet is a flexible diet that emphasizes healthy plant-based foods, limits highly processed foods such as sweets and processed meats, and accepts eating for fun. Hundreds of studies have pointed out the health benefits of eating this way.To commemorate the International Mediterranean Diet Month, here’s what’s perfect to eat with this Top-ranked meal..

Health benefits of a Mediterranean diet

Before diving into the foods that can be eaten in the Mediterranean region, let’s discuss why this dietary pattern is so healthy.Studies show that the Mediterranean diet stroke Heart attack, poor memory, type 2 diabetes and depression. also, Longer life..In addition to all these benefits, the Mediterranean diet Healthier weight..

The reason why the Mediterranean diet is so useful is that it focuses on plant-based foods. These foods contain fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients that are the source of most health problems. In a nutshell, substances in plants limit inflammation, promote a diverse and healthy intestinal environment, and combat free radical damage that contributes to oxidative stress.

Related: A 7-day Mediterranean diet plan to help boost your metabolism and energy

This is part of the All-Star A staple of the Mediterranean diet Thank you for these impressive health benefits:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil EVOO is a pillar of the Mediterranean diet. EVOO is high in monounsaturated fats and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that prevent damage from free radicals. The imbalance of antioxidants against free radicals causes oxidative stress and promotes a variety of illnesses. However, a diet rich in antioxidants, such as those found in EVOO and other plant-based foods, can prevent this outbreak. EVOO compounds also have a positive effect Intestinal health..

To eat like the Mediterranean, make EVOO a reliable cooking oil. Vegetables are cooked in it and used as a seasoning for salads, pasta, and bread. To maintain the health characteristics of EVOO, purchase oil within the expiry date and store it in a cool, dark place. Make sure EVOO is in a dark bottle, as light can degrade quality.

Fruits and vegetables

You are probably familiar with that fact Fruits and vegetables are nutritional superstarsThat’s why these gems are the basis of a Mediterranean diet. At mealtime, Mediterranean eaters fill most of the dishes with produce.In the Mediterranean region, fruits are eaten several times a day and may be included in desserts (such as berries marinated in balsamic vinegar). Boiled pear With yogurt sauce).

When it comes to vegetables, forget about the sissy salad and tiny parts next to the plate. These foods play a central role in gorgeous salads and vegetable-rich pasta dishes, cereal salads, soups and stews.


Fish is the leading source of animal protein in the Mediterranean diet and is eaten at least twice a week. This is in line with American dietary guidelines and recommendations from the American Heart Association.According to the landmark study, This amount reduces the chance of dying from heart disease by 36%.another study Fish eaters often live an average of 2.2 years longer than fish eaters.In addition, evidence suggests a lower risk for fish eaters. depression plus Better brain health As you get older, your thinking skills improve.

If fish is not a normal part of the menu, consider eating it with familiar foods. For example, add smoked salmon to scrambled eggs to make fish tacos, Add shrimp to your favorite stir fry..


Nuts are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, and each variety has its own psychic powers. For example, among nuts, almonds are the richest in vitamin E, Brazil nuts are the most abundant in magnesium, and walnuts are the only nuts that contain an excellent source of plant-based Omega 3 ALA. These plant-based fats are the cousins ​​of fish omega 3 and provide strong anti-inflammatory protection. 2022 Review study We have found that plant-based ALA can lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.The authors of the study also report promising evidence that ALA may counteract. Aging-related cognitive impairment Protects against type 2 diabetes. And they say that a Mediterranean diet requires up to two 1 ounces of various nut servings daily, but the benefits are associated with about ½ ounces of walnuts per day. You can easily reach this amount by adding nuts and seeds (chia, pumpkin, sesame, etc.) to star fries, pastries, fruit dishes, and trail mixes.


Beans include beans, lentils, and chickpeas, which are rich in nutrients that promote health.Eating these foods often improves heart health, bowel health, longevity, and Significantly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes..

Follow the Mediterranean tradition and eat legumes instead of meat when eating. One strategy is to use them in flavorful dishes that normally require meat, such as hamburgers. Chile And tomato sauce. On a meridian diet, legumes are eaten at least twice a week, but they can be easily incorporated into any diet or treat.Add white beans to a smoothie or add to stir-fried vegetables for a snack Roasted chickpeas Or add hummus, and beans to soups, salads, coarse-grained side dishes, and pasta.

Whole grains

Usually 1-2 Serving whole grains It can be eaten with every Mediterranean dish. Evidence suggests that eating whole grains as part of a Mediterranean diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, dying from heart disease, and the risk of type 2 diabetes.according to 2022 studyWhole grain fiber is especially protective against disease-promoting inflammation. However, keep in mind that the portion size may be smaller than a standard American diet. In 2019, Italian scientists proposed the latest Mediterranean diet pyramid, demanding 90-180 grams of whole grain carbohydrates per day. This is equivalent to 1-2 cups of whole grains in a single meal. The rest of the plate is filled with other vegetable foods such as vegetables and nuts and legumes.


Pasta is a part of the Mediterranean diet, but it is also a refined grain, so special attention must be paid. Overall, refined grains are rarely eaten on a Mediterranean diet, but pasta can be enjoyed with other Mediterranean diet staples such as vegetables, legumes, and EVOO. Alternatively, you can add it to the soup or eat it with some of the fish and shellfish. Moreover, that part may be smaller than what you are used to. However, when eaten this way with healthy foods, pasta can help you get more protective nutrients from your diet.

4 Easy Ways to Start a Mediterranean Diet

All you need to start a Mediterranean diet is a well-stocked kitchen and a willingness to take on the challenge. Here are some other guidelines for embracing this lifestyle:

● Aim to fill the plate with 75% Vegetable food.. The rest of the plate can contain fish, chicken and eggs as needed.

●● Reduce lean meat intake, Highly processed foods and sweets. This includes super-processed refined grains.

● Take your time to sit down and enjoy your meal.

● You don’t have to worry about foods that are endemic to the Mediterranean region. The plant-based focus of Mediterranean cuisine can be expanded to suit other dishes. Start with plant-based foods that your family enjoys and go from there.




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