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Deadly earthquake shakes southern Mexico Armidale Express


An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico struck, killing at least six people and cutting off isolated villages, as well as damaging buildings hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City. The dead were near the epicenter in Oaxaca, a mountainous state famous for its coffee, miquel, and Spanish colonial construction. A Reuters witness in the tourist town of La Crucita, which Mexican authorities said was the epicenter of the earthquake on Tuesday, witnessed anxious residents standing outside their homes on the streets after several hours of the earthquake, fearing a fatal consequences. A Reuters witness added that many houses were injured due to major cracks across the walls, and residents sought to remove the rubble from the streets. A local official said about 200 homes in the area were damaged, of which 30 were severely damaged. “We lost everything in one moment because of nature,” said Vicente Romero, the owner of a stationery store whose house was severely damaged. “This is the work of our lives.” Rockfalls Dam winding mountain roads between the state capital of Oaxaca City and the coast. Rescue workers did not reach all of the villages that were reported to have been damaged, raising fears that more people might be injured. An official in Oaxaca State said that rescue workers were trying to reach the settlement of Santa Catarina Zanaguia, near the epicenter, where the earthquake destroyed houses or parts of the mountain, trapping people. The official added that people sent messages to help over the phone. On social media, photos showed an old clinic and churches being hit in hill villages near the epicenter. Among the dead was a worker from the state oil company Pemex, who fell from a height. Pemex was forced to close the largest oil refinery in Oaxaca for a short period. Miguel Candelaria, 30, was working on his computer at his family’s home in the town of Gochitan in Oaxaca when the ground began to shake. He ran out with his relatives, but had to stop in the middle of the street as the sidewalk wrapped and shaken. “We could not walk … The street was like a chewing gum,” said Candelaria, 30. Earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 are major earthquakes that are able to cause extensive damage. In Mexico City, buildings shook hard and people ran to the streets when a seismic alarm sounded early warning. Officials said two people were injured and more than 30 buildings were injured in the capital, including buildings still affected by the 2017 earthquake that killed 355 people in the capital and the surrounding countries. Pictures on social media showed that water from swimming pools or tanks on the roof cascaded in the city’s apartment buildings, and construction workers on the 56th floor of a new residential tower clung to each other. The US Geological Survey said the epicenter of the earthquake occurred 69 km northeast of the town of Pocotla. It was very shallow, only 26 km from the surface of the earth, which would amplify the vibration. She told Reuters by phone that near the epicenter of the earthquake, Magdalena Castellanos Fermin was in the village of Santiago Astata when the “really severe” earthquake occurred, which led to large rocks falling from the hillside and warning residents. Eunice Pineda, a 26-year-old teacher in Cuchitán, said the quake was “two minutes of torture”, fearing the collapse of her home. But Pineda added that residents of one of Mexico’s most active seismic regions have learned to “live one day at a time”. “We learn to appreciate, and appreciate every moment,” she said. Australian Associated Press

An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Pacific coast of southern Mexico struck, killing at least six people and cutting off isolated villages, as well as damaging buildings hundreds of kilometers away in Mexico City.

The dead were near the epicenter in Oaxaca, a mountainous state famous for its coffee, miquel, and Spanish colonial construction.

A Reuters witness in the tourist town of La Crucita, which Mexican authorities said was the epicenter of the earthquake on Tuesday, witnessed anxious residents standing outside their homes on the streets after several hours of the earthquake, fearing a fatal consequences.

A Reuters witness added that many houses were injured due to major cracks across the walls, and residents sought to remove the rubble from the streets. A local official said about 200 homes in the area were damaged, of which 30 were severely damaged.

“We lost everything in one moment because of nature,” said Vicente Romero, the owner of a stationery store whose house was severely damaged. “This is the work of our lives.”

Rockfalls Dam winding mountain roads between the state capital of Oaxaca City and the coast. Rescue workers did not reach all of the villages that were reported to have been damaged, raising fears that more people might be injured.

An official in Oaxaca State said that rescue workers were trying to reach the settlement of Santa Catarina Zanaguia, near the epicenter, where the earthquake destroyed houses or parts of the mountain, trapping people. The official added that people sent messages to help over the phone.

On social media, photos showed an old clinic and churches being hit in hill villages near the epicenter.

Among the dead was a worker from the state oil company Pemex, who fell from a height. Pemex was forced to close the largest oil refinery in Oaxaca for a short period.

Miguel Candelaria, 30, was working on his computer at his family’s home in the town of Gochitan in Oaxaca when the ground began to shake. He ran out with his relatives, but had to stop in the middle of the street as the sidewalk wrapped and shaken.

“We could not walk … The street was like a chewing gum,” said Candelaria, 30.

Earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 are major earthquakes that are able to cause extensive damage.

In Mexico City, buildings shook hard and people ran to the streets when a seismic alarm sounded early warning.

Officials said two people were injured and more than 30 buildings were injured in the capital, including buildings still affected by the 2017 earthquake that killed 355 people in the capital and the surrounding countries.

Pictures on social media showed that water from swimming pools or tanks on the roof cascaded in the city’s apartment buildings, and construction workers on the 56th floor of a new residential tower clung to each other.

The US Geological Survey said the epicenter of the earthquake occurred 69 km northeast of the town of Pocotla. It was very shallow, only 26 km from the surface of the earth, which would amplify the vibration.

She told Reuters by phone that near the epicenter of the earthquake, Magdalena Castellanos Fermin was in the village of Santiago Astata when the “really severe” earthquake struck, causing large rocks to fall from the hillside and warning residents.

Eunice Pineda, a 26-year-old teacher in Gochitan, said the quake was “two minutes of torture”, fearing her house would collapse.

But Pineda added that residents of one of Mexico’s most active seismic regions have learned to “live one day at a time”.

“We learn to appreciate, and appreciate every moment,” she said.

Australian Associated Press

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