Doctor in the house: Is childhood obesity an upcoming epidemic in India?
obesity Is growing worldwide and India is joining suspicious countries witnessing the astonishing obesity rate of its population. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is defined as an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk. A body mass index (BMI) above 25 is considered overweight and above 30 is considered obese.Fees Overweight and obesity Continue to grow with adults and children. From 1975 to 2016 Overweight Or, obese children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 19 have more than quadrupled from 4% to 18% worldwide.
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Life-threatening illnesses like cancerCardiovascular problems and now COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) With great care, the risk of obesity is often underestimated and underestimated, even though it is responsible for the deaths of 4 million people each year in 2017, according to the global disease burden.
Definition of childhood obesity
Children with a BMI above the 95th percentile are considered obese.
BMI is a tool for measuring or determining your weight condition. You can calculate your child’s BMI by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in square meters. (Kg / m2). For children, BMI depends on age and gender. This is because body composition changes with age.
The Pediatric BMI on the Age Growth Chart measures a child’s growth pattern. High BMI can be a sign of high body fat. BMI does not measure body fat directly, but you can warn your pediatrician to see if your child needs further testing.
Childhood obesity It is a serious health risk faced by children around the world.These children are simply overweight and are at risk of many chronic health conditions, including: Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, And certain cancers. This poor health, which begins in childhood, can continue into adulthood.
These children who fight obesity can also show clinical depression and poor self-esteem and self-esteem.
Factors that cause obesity
Multiple factors, such as family history, psychological factors, and lifestyle choices, all affect childhood obesity. Family history may be involved, but the main causes are overeating and lack of exercise.
A poor diet rich in fat and sugar and very low in nutrients can quickly cause children to gain weight. The main culprit is candies, fast food and soft drinks. processed food It’s packed with hidden sugar. Convenience foods like pre-packaged meals, salty snacks like chips, and fried snacks like samosas are low in nutrients and high in carbohydrates, so they aren’t nutritious while fed to a child.
Some children become obese because the food their families eat is covered in fat. Obesity in India is found in the middle and upper layers of society, which is very different from the developed countries found in the lower classes. In developed countries, fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive than frozen ones, making a healthy diet financially impossible for many. The same is not true in the Indian context.
Not enough Physical activity Another cause of childhood obesity. People of all ages gain weight with less activity. Exercise burns calories and helps maintain a stable weight. Less active children You are less likely to burn calories in the playground or other activities. Children and teens who are bored, stressed, or depressed may even turn to food as a coping mechanism.
Risk of obesity
Diabetes, heart disease, and even asthma are more serious risks associated with obesity.
Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes is a condition in which glucose is not properly metabolized and blood sugar levels are high. Diabetes can lead to eye disease, kidney dysfunction, and even nerve damage. Overweight children and adults are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. This can be undone through dietary and lifestyle changes.
Heart disease
High cholesterol and high blood pressure increase the risk of future heart disease in obese children. Salty and fatty foods can lead to high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia. Derivatives of this are heart attacks and strokes.
asthma It is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the airways. Obesity and asthma are found together very often, but a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.
Sleeping disorder
Sleep apnea Snoring is common in obese children.
Movement disorder
Joint pain and a limited range of movement are more common in these children, but this can be undone and the full range of movement is restored when weight begins to be lost.
How to change the diet of obese children
* The first step in combating obesity is to change the diet of obese children. It has to start with parents. You control what your child eats, the food you buy and stock at home will find that way for your child. Therefore, limit the amount of sweets, airy drinks, chips, etc. that enter your home. Even drinks made from 100% fruit juice are high in calories. Instead, encourage your child to drink water. The milk should be non-fat or very low-fat milk. Processed foods should be avoided as much as possible. Make sure the food is cooked at home and the fast food is negligible.
* Engaging teens and preteens to help prepare meals fosters an interest in healthy and enjoyable meals, while at the same time establishing healthy eating and eating planning patterns early in life. Is a good way to do it. As a result, you can spend a fulfilling time with your child as well as a nutritious meal.
Use more
— Fresh fruits and vegetables
— Lean protein like fish and chicken
— Whole grain flour such as brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta
— Low-fat dairy products such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt
Other lifestyle changes adopted
Encourage them to increase their physical activity, play in the park, and adopt their favorite sports such as tennis, badminton, basketball, and even soccer.
Find group physical activities that your family can enjoy together, such as hiking, swimming, or even kicking a ball in the park.
Reduce screen time.. Children who spend their time watching TV or playing games on computers, smartphones and other devices are more likely to be overweight. This cuts into their playtime and increases snacking when they are looking at the screen. We also publish them in all advertisements for high-carbohydrate and high-fat foods seen on TV.
Avoid using food as a reward. Your child may think that these foods are better than other foods. For example, if you tell your child that you will get dessert when you finish eating vegetables, you will get the wrong message about vegetables.
When eating out, choose healthier items and consider your portion size.
Encourage Better sleep.. Children 6-12 years old need 9-12 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to obesity because children eat more and become less active.
Childhood obesity is a complex illness that can cause lifelong complications. It can be difficult for parents to see their child addressing weight issues. It is important to support your child, regardless of weight. Focus on their health and explain why you want them to stay healthy.
(Dr. Saroja Balan is a neonatologist and pediatrician consultant at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. Her column is displayed every two weeks)
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