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Summer is the season for ticks: how to avoid ticks and prevent Lyme disease

Summer is the season for ticks: how to avoid ticks and prevent Lyme disease


Lyme disease is mainly Borrelia bulgdolferi It is notorious for being bitten by certain types of mites (deer and black-footed mites in the United States), infecting humans, being misunderstood and underdiagnosed. But that is becoming an increasingly problematic issue in the United States, especially in New England. research It turns out that 11% of people announced in March have antibodies to b.Burgdolferi..

Dr. James Marvel, an emergency medicine doctor at Stanford Healthcare and an expert in wilderness medicine, investigated the causes of the epidemic of Lyme disease in the United States. In an interview with CNET last year, he said data over the past few decades show that Lyme disease has “flowered” in many US states and counties, especially in the northeast.

“There is a suspicion that climate variables contribute to it, especially in the context of global warming,” Marvel said. However, the life cycle of mites is two years, which makes them difficult to track.

“It’s not as easy as saying,’A hot day means more ticks,'” Marvel explained.

Other factors may have contributed to the increased incidence of Lyme disease, such as people expanding construction to a tree-filled mite-filled environment, Marvel said. In a 2021 CNET interview, Dr. Andres Bran, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Missouri Healthcare, said that a pandemic could allow more people to go outdoors and engage in activities such as hiking and tick bites. He said he had sex. ..

“You are seeing a shift towards going out to be socially distant,” Bran said.

Early detection of Lyme disease can cure it, but it can be prolonged if not properly diagnosed and treated on time. There is a support group, Online forum Full of people living with Lyme disease, International Society for Lyme Disease and Related Diseases Dedicated to improving the medical and scientific community’s understanding of Lyme disease-including treatments for those who continue to suffer.

Here’s what you need to know about Lyme disease and how to protect yourself.

Tick ​​protection 101

Being outdoors increases the risk of contact with all aspects of nature, including mites.But if you live in a wooded area, or if you go out a lot in nature, and especially if you States where Lyme disease is more commonIt is important to protect yourself from being bitten by ticks.

Lyme disease can affect people of all ages, Children 5-14 years old According to ILADS, adults are 45-64 years old.

Family walking in the woods

Mites are most active in the spring and summer months.

Ryan J Lane / Getty Images

“Tickes don’t fly or jump like fleas,” says Marvel. “The only way they can ride a human is through direct contact.” They wait at the edges of grass leaves, tall reeds, etc. and latch when something hits them. Do this by doing this.

Mite exposure can occur at any time, but mites are most active in spring and summer (approximately April-September). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. CDC to see if there are ticks at the end of the day spent outdoors recommendation Pay close attention to these places on your body: under your arms, your ears, your navel, between your legs, your hair, your hips and behind your knees. According to the CDC, mites can invade your home by climbing pets, backpacks, and clothing, so pets and gear should also be inspected.

To stay out of the reach of mites, avoid high grass and brushes, stick to the center of the sidewalk, and wear clothing that covers your skin as much as possible.You can also Handle your clothes With permethrin, Insecticide, Or use an insect repellent.Bran says to apply a repellent every 4-6 hours and find a repellent at a concentration of 30% -35% DEET.. He says that low-concentration sprays of DEET work, but they don’t. Bran also advises against blending sunscreens and insect repellents as they are not very effective.

“You need to apply sunscreen before the repellent and then use the products available as repellents,” he says.

read more: It’s the tick season.This simple trick removes them quickly and doesn’t require tweezers

What to do if you find a tick

From less than 1%, depending on the region More than 50% of mites According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, it carries Lyme disease. If you find a tick on your body, you need to get rid of it. ILADS recommends contacting your doctor immediately if you are bitten by a black-footed tick before the symptoms of Lyme disease appear (see below for details).

According to Bran, if you are bitten by a tick within 72 hours of starting treatment, you can prevent the transmission of Lyme disease.

Marvel says that the best way to get rid of mites is to use tweezers to “grab” the mites as close as possible to the base near the head of the mites, and then firmly “pull outwards with gentle traction”. Is called. (Expect your skin to make a “tent”.)

A small black tick on the palm

Not all mites have Lyme disease.

Judita Juknele / EyeEm / Getty Images

ILADS is recommended Store mites in a container with a lid or a zip lock bag. This allows you to send it for testing or get a doctor’s confirmation.

How long do infected mites need to adhere to be infected with Lyme disease?Expert advice varies (usually 36-48 hours, according to the CDC) requirement For infections, according to ILADS, some cases may develop in: 24hours.. )

However, the sooner you find and remove mites, the better.

read more: The tick season is back, and that’s bad news for your pet.What should I do

Symptoms of Lyme disease

Infection with ticks that carry Lyme disease causes non-specific symptoms like the flu, such as headaches, muscle pain, malaise, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle pain, says Bran.

Lyme disease can be the cause if left untreated Neurological problems Memory loss, musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve pain, etc.

Many patients-80% per CDC -A rash develops about 3 to 30 days after being bitten by an infected tick. The Erythema miguran rash According to ILADS, those associated with Lyme disease are commonly referred to as bullseye and become transparent as the red infected circle spreads, but less than 20% of Lyme disease rashes actually look like bullseye.Pictures of other shapes and shapes of rashes can also be found at the CDC Lyme disease rash page.

It’s important to note something else Bacteria Carried by black-footed mites causes illness Similar to Lyme diseaseBut it most often does not cause a rash.

If you have that overt rash, it is considered a “home run” diagnosis, Bran said, and a dose of the antibiotic doxycycline is used to treat the disease. “If you have a rash, you don’t need expensive tests,” Bran added. “I need doxycycline.”

Dark ticks with curly red legs

Such ticks or “tick” ticks can also carry Lyme disease. According to the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, castor mites have been found in Europe, Russia, North Africa and Scandinavia.

Santiago Urukiho / Getty Images

The following tests may be needed to determine if someone has Lyme disease: Blood test Detects antibodies against it. The problem with this, according to Marvel, is that the antibody can take a long time to appear in a blood test. This may also contribute to underreported cases of Lyme disease.

“Lyme disease is a difficult diagnosis overall,” Marvel said. “I think the farther away from the original tick bite and potential exposure, the more tricky it will be.”

No Lyme disease vaccine is currently available. According to the CDC, the Lyme disease vaccine that was on the market a few years ago was “Insufficient consumer demand.. ”

Several vaccines for Lyme disease, including from researchers at Yale University Deploying mRNA technologyUnder consideration.

Biotechnology companies Valneva and Pfizer Announce positive results From a clinical trial on vaccines in February.

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Long-term Lyme disease

Many cases of Lyme disease can be cured with antibiotics. However, after being infected with Lyme disease, you may experience persistent symptoms such as pain, fatigue, difficulty thinking, mental health problems, and other symptoms that interfere with your daily routine. CDC refers to illnesses that last more than 6 months after treatment: Lyme disease syndrome after treatment.. According to officials, some experts believe that the bacteria that cause Lyme disease cause an autoimmune reaction that persists after the infection has disappeared.There are some research This suggests that the bacteria that cause Lyme disease can survive in the body after the first treatment.

according to National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Some patients show symptoms similar to PTLDS, but there is no record of lime infection. This is sometimes called chronic Lyme disease. However, NIH states that the “lack of a well-defined clinical definition” of CLD has led many experts in this field to avoid using the name altogether. However, this does not mean that the experience of people living with symptoms after Lyme disease is not realistic. Research from 201336% of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease in the early stages developed PTLDS symptoms.

If you think you have Lyme disease but have not been diagnosed, ILADS Provider search Of an expert who is familiar with lime.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.




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