Geologists calm fears of tremors, say Deccan Plateau is a safe area | India news
BENGALURU: Geologists have said that a series of seismic activities in parts of Karnataka are not a major activity and therefore there is no need to worry as the Deccan plateau is a safe area.
The tremors were felt in Kodagu district and adjacent areas of Hasan, Shivamuga, Chikamagaluru, Dakshina Kannada as well as Vijayapura and adjacent areas in northern Karnataka since June.
Saturday’s earthquake had a magnitude of 4.4 on the Richter scale in Vijayapura, which borders Maharashtra, and another tremor of magnitude 1.8 occurred this morning in southern Karnataka.
Kodagu reported several landslide incidents and in one accident three days ago, three workers were killed.
Incidentally, seismic activities became more evident shortly after a major earthquake occurred in Afghanistan, which killed many people and injured many others.
But geologists in Karnataka are unanimous in saying that there is no need to panic as the Deccan Plateau is a seismically safe area.
They also saw that these tremors were necessary because the pressure from the turbulence comes out as a mild tremor.
Earthquake is not a regional phenomenon. The Indian subcontinent is always on the move. Every year, the Indian subcontinent moves by 0.5 cm. So, there will always be some internal turmoil, Dr. Lakshama, joint director of the Department of Mines and Geology, told PTI.
What we have been taught at school that the Deccan Plateau is safe is true so far, but there are some internal disturbances in the crust. So the pressure from the turbulence has to come out, otherwise if the pressure goes on forever, it could cause a major turbulence, she said.
This turbulence coming out through small tremors is a good thing. We are still in the safe zone. The geologist said we would be safe even if there was a 5-magnitude earthquake.
According to her, the river valleys themselves are rift zones.
The valley area of ​​the major rivers, Lakshama said, is the streaks, which are fault zones where weak areas and cracks form in the hard rocky terrain.
The geologist added that whenever it rains, water seeps into the fault zones and fills in the empty spaces.
Another geologist, Professor Renuka Prasad, said this is a very minor phenomenon that is cause for concern.
Earthquakes have occurred all over the world and in many places, but we recognize tremors because we are in the information age. Moreover, more devices have been installed in different places to study seismic activities, due to which we get information in real time and we panic, he said.
Hydrogeologist Dr Kumar C, professor at Norpathonga University, noted that the intensity of seismic activities was increasing from two on the Richter scale to 4.4 on Saturday in Vijayapura, North Karnataka.
There is no need to panic at the moment, he said, but these seismic activities give us some indication that we should be on the alert and avoid using substandard materials in building construction.
Meanwhile, sources in the Department of Mines and Geology said that a team of geologists from the state government, Geological Survey of India and Suratkal-based National Institute of Technology visited Kodago to study the phenomenon.
Since June 26, there have been seven to eight earthquake incidents in and around Madikeri in the Kodago district due to the team being sent there, they said, adding that the study revealed that Kodago is under zone 3 of the seismograph.
We knew some oscillation had occurred. A source said Kodago is a hard, rocky terrain made up of charnokeet.
To study why the tremor occurred despite sitting on a solid rock, the team went to the date of the quake. The team discovered that the University of Mysuru’s Department of Geology and GSI had also studied the type of land found in Kodago.
We just happen to have a shear area or weak area. On one side there is the Kodago block, and on the other side is the Western Ghat block. The two blocks became far apart. They pass on to each other. That’s why we’re seeing some disruptions, some disruptions happening, he said.
According to him, the shear zone is 100 km long and 30-50 km wide, which extends from Kasargod in Kerala to Palakkad.
Furthermore, the Cufri River Valley itself is a fault zone which makes it prone to earthquakes but it is not the main disturbance area.
Regarding the earthquakes in North Karnataka, he said that the Bhima River and the Krishna River were the two main fault zones that caused the earthquakes.
Sources 2/ https://www.onmanorama.com/news/india/2022/07/11/geologists-allay-fears-over-tremors-say-deccan-plateau-is-safe-z.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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