Covid-19: Let’s Fix Coronavirus Symptoms
India may have entered Unlock 2.0 with more deregulation, but don’t mistake it for control over the raging novel coronavirus. Some hotspots show a decline in the new case, while others show a sharp rise.
At the global level, WHO warns that the Covid-19 pandemic is nearing the end. Over 60% of the worldwide confirmed cases of more than 1 clare for Covid-19 were reported in June. The global daily average for fresh cases in June was RMB 16,000. It’s time to summarize all the symptoms of a coronavirus infection.
3 main symptoms
Continuous cough. Experts said that people infected with coronavirus may continue to cough for more than an hour. This cough attack attack can occur three times in a 24-hour cycle. However, some patients report a mild cough. A cough may cause sputum.
heat. Patients with coronavirus generally experience fever and elevated body temperature. The heat is mild and temperatures rise to 100.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is two notches above the standard body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius.
Extreme weakness. Covid-19 patients feel extreme weakness and fatigue. The intensity depends on the viral load of the patient.
Other clear symptoms
These three symptoms are also common in various other influenza infections. This makes it difficult for patients to make a definitive call for when to see them. However, Covid-19 has a variety of other atypical symptoms that can indicate when to act.
Loss of odor. This is more common than I thought before. A significant percentage of Covid-19 patients come to the hospital with complaints about sudden odor loss.
Loss of taste. In many cases, loss of taste is accompanied by loss of odor. If both occur at the same time, the doctor recommends the Covid-19 test.
cold. Feeling a cold or shivering is another symptom that can indicate a coronavirus infection when accompanied by a fever.
muscle pain. Covid-19’s symptoms are muscle soreness that people are unable to do any physical work.
shortness of breath. Shortness of breath and hypoxia are seen in more severe cases of coronavirus. If someone develops these symptoms, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately. Such patients may need to be hospitalized immediately.
sore throat. This is one of the symptoms common to many other flu infections. For coronavirus infections, if your sore throat is accompanied by a fever, you are subject to a physical examination.
diarrhea. Doctors treating Covid-19 patients have observed that diarrhea is one of the common atypical manifestations of coronavirus infection. If you see other symptoms, it may be a case of Covid-19.
How long does it take to show symptoms?
There is no fixed timeline for the onset of post-constriction symptoms of coronavirus. It usually takes 5 days for the patient to show the above symptoms. However, some patients may show symptoms sooner than others. According to the WHO, the latest manifestations may occur up to 14 days after being infected with the virus.
How to prevent coronavirus infection?
The rules are the same. Do not touch your nose or mouth. Do not breathe the same air as Covid-19 patients-symptomatic or asymptomatic.
To achieve this, always wear a mask, as no one knows who is releasing the virus into the air or depositing it on the surface. Put the same finger on your nose, mouth, or eyes without touching an unknown surface.
You should clean your hands with soap or disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based cleanser before touching your face. Do it every time you intend to touch your face.
Don’t blow your nose outdoors
Cough and sneeze Disposable tissue, It must then be carefully discarded in a sealed poly bag.
Covid-19 Keep away from patients. If necessary, wear PPE or properly cover your face.
Do not shake or hug anyone with anyone until the end of the epidemic. In these cases wearing a mask is not very useful.
When do you go to the hospital?
Experts say that rushing to the hospital with mild symptoms should be avoided. Such people are advised to isolate their homes. They should avoid contact with other members of the family or people sharing the same accommodation.
However, given the general public’s level of anxiety about Covid-19, patients with self-suspicion may not be able to determine which cases are mild and when they become serious.
Therefore, if someone feels unwell and measures an increase in temperature, that person should call the helpline number- + 91-11-23978046 or 1075 in India -And follow the instructions.
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