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Alzheimer’s is more than just aging and forgetfulness…

Alzheimer’s is more than just aging and forgetfulness…


Cinema, the most modern of the visual arts, is said to reflect the concerns and issues that affect contemporary society as a whole, and ordinary people. A number of recent films about Alzheimer’s disease, such as Bengali films Belasur When Slavana DharaSpanish/English movies live twice, love onceand earlier movies like Amour, Notebook, Still Missing Alice, Elizabeth Examine this issue that affects society.

While dementia and Alzheimer’s disease weren’t without them before, some of the symptoms, such as forgetting names of things and people, were dismissed as inevitable signs of aging. It states that the number of people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is steadily increasing.

“Our population is living longer. Old age is the greatest risk factor for developing dementia. Currently, lifestyle diseases, air pollution also contribute to the development of this condition. More detections are being made compared to when it was considered partial.

People are generally raising awareness by watching movies on the subject and reading about the condition.Recent Bengali hit movies Belasur It was based on a real-life couple who lived in North Kolkata. The husband cared for his wife like a child even though she had no recognition of his wife, and instead considered him a stranger who intruded into his life and even abused him. Yet she remembered spending her childhood in a village in what is now Bangladesh. In Alzheimer’s, her immediate memory retreats while her long-term memory remains more active.

While he agrees that awareness of the condition has increased over time, Niranjana feels there is still a huge lack of understanding, even among the general public and medical professionals.

“Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide, and the media plays a key role in shaping the public’s understanding of a lesser-understood condition. No, but it’s nice to see it being considered as the subject of a movie,” she says.

Surprisingly, although dementia is usually thought of as a disease of old age, it affects people as young as their 40s.

About a third of people with dementia are under the age of 65, according to ARDSI President Amitabha Ghosh. Even people in their 40s are showing signs of it.

Signs of dementia include short-term memory loss, repetitiveness, misplacing things, mood and personality changes, and difficulty performing familiar tasks, explains Nilanjana.

Unfortunately, there are still no drugs to cure dementia. However, some drugs may temporarily help with some symptoms.

Doctors may also prescribe other drugs to treat problems caused by dementia, such as depression, sleep disturbances, and irritability. Also, “the drugs used to treat it are effective in the very early stages of the condition,” he tells Nilanjana.

Physicians and researchers working in this field around the world are finding several strategies to help tackle dementia. Healthy lifestyle practices such as exercise, as well as proper diet and proper sleep patterns can also help with this. Learning something new, such as a new language, can also help keep your brain active as you compose and read sentences with the help of grammar.

Staying socially connected reduces stress and it is important for older people to participate in a variety of social activities.even if you have the good old there is It helps to have friends around when the retirement phase of life is slowing you down.

Of course, when a close relative has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it’s a big challenge for caregivers. Consider the case of housewife Joyita Mitra (name changed at request).

She lost her husband suddenly to a heart attack. Her mother-in-law lived in an extended family.

Joyita had to raise two young children as a single mother. But a more difficult task, says Joyita, was when her mother-in-law developed Alzheimer’s disease.

“Sometimes when I would pick up the kids from school, I would find her missing from the house on the way home. Luckily, I was able to find her in the neighborhood. I was packing my bags wanting to go to my hometown where no one lives now.

Ultimately, Joyita decided to find a nursing home that would accept someone in such a situation. She seems happy to be with people her age and also participates in various activities organized by her home. “

Blaming the daughter-in-law for taking this action is insensitive. A working solution for such cases. Joyita says the caregiver’s role is paramount in this regard. It is important to effectively understand, accept and manage the condition. “It’s a 24-hour responsibility that requires mental and physical stamina. spend on
this role. “




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