Rising Covid levels in the UK: What caused it and what happens next? | | Coronavirus
As Covid infection levels rise again in parts of the UK, we take a look at what’s behind the new wave, who can get vaccinated and more.
What is the current situation in the UK?
According to data from National Statistics Office About 1 in 65 people in England (an estimated 857,400) had Covid in the week ending 17 September, up from 766,500, or 1 in 70, in the previous week, according to the (ONS). Increased has. Wales also saw an increase, but trends were less clear in Northern Ireland and Scotland.
Hospitalization rates for Covid patients are also rising. In the Southwest, his most recent weekly figure was 16.67 per 100,000 population, a 250% increase since mid-September.
in the meantime Latest data shows Total reported hospital admissions and diagnoses in the UK reached 7,904 in the week ending 3 October, a 33% increase from the previous seven days. Covid could be higher.
About 35% of Covid patients in acute trusts are currently being treated primarily for the disease.
What drives the new wave?
It is thought that it is a compound factor. When it gets cold, people often gather at home, making it easier to get infected. A weakened immune system means a reduced biological defense against infection, whether from vaccination or from previous infections.
Behavioral changes could also play a role, as people increasingly stopped wearing masks and other interventions, but students returning to school and students returning to college contributed to the spread. There is a possibility.
what about variants?
Meanwhile, BA.5 – one of the Covid Omicron subvariants behind the last wave – It now has the majority of infections, and there are also new children on the blockThis includes a form of BA.5 known as BQ.1.1, which is small in number but growing rapidly in the UK.
The new variant is currently not believed to be any more severe than other forms of Omicron. But experts say the sheer number of people who could contract Covid poses a problem, both in terms of pressure on health services and the disruption caused by staff illness in various areas, including travel. I warn you that it is possible.
How big of an issue do you expect this wave to be?
Pressure is already building and several NHS trusts are sounding the alarm. This is due to the high demand for services and the difficulty of getting patients into social care. Some have already cited Covid as a factor.
Another concern is that Covid may not be the only respiratory disease causing havoc this winter. Experience in Australia suggests that influenza can also hit hard, “Twindemic” Concerns.
And Covid has a long history, with recent data showing that when infected with the Omicron variant, similar to previous forms of Covid, lead to persistent symptoms.
Can we get another Covid jab?
Only certain groups of people are currently eligible autumn booster Immunization, including those at high risk for Covid and health care workers.
The Department of Health and Human Services says it currently has no plans to make a Covid vaccine available for personal purchase, as it does for the flu vaccine, although some have suggested it could be a future development. .
However, experts have expressed concerns.
Adam Finn, professor of pediatrics at the University of Bristol and member of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) in the United Kingdom, says that most young and healthy people have severe illness from previous injections or infections. said it maintained a good defense against The booster’s value is in reducing the risk of losing a job and having to endure a flu-like illness after being infected. This is the main reason why we are boosting medical and social care workers this fall.
However, he notes that such benefits are relatively short-lived after vaccination, and uptake must be high to have a transient effect on transmission.
Others called attention to other reasons. Dr Kit Yates of the University of Bath said: “Allowing people to buy coronavirus vaccines, as stocks allow, is better than not providing them at all, but it could further exacerbate health inequalities. There is,” he warned. “Even better, give it away for free to anyone who wants it.”
Will new measures be introduced?
Although less likely, it could reduce the spread of Covid and other respiratory viruses by getting eligible Covid and flu vaccinations, improving indoor ventilation, and wearing masks in crowded places. It does not mean that there are no actions an individual can take because of the setting.
Experts, including Dr Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Advisor to the UK’s Health and Security Agency, have also stressed the importance of staying home if you are unwell and avoiding contact with vulnerable people.
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