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Depression and Anxiety Screening for Prompted Children

Depression and Anxiety Screening for Prompted Children


  • A federal task force recommends that children be screened for anxiety and depression on a regular basis.
  • Task force members said that children aged 12 to 18 should be screened for depression, and children aged 8 to 18 should be screened for anxiety.
  • Experts say the influx of social media and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic have made this type of screening even more important.

of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends two new mental health screens for children.

An independent panel of national experts said children aged 12 to 18 should be screened. Depression and Suicide RiskWe also recommend children between the ages of 8 and 18. anxiety screening.

The Task Force describes anxiety disorders as “a common mental health condition in the United States.” It consists of a series of related conditions characterized by excessive fear and worry. They said the condition produced both emotional and physical symptoms.

Members of the task force 2018-2019 National Child Health Survey Nearly 8% of children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 were found to currently have an anxiety disorder.

“Anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescence are associated with an increased likelihood of future anxiety disorders or depression,” wrote task force members.

The USPSTF study concluded that there was a “moderate net benefit” of “intermediate certainty” screening for anxiety in children ages 8 to 18.

The group said there was insufficient evidence regarding screening for anxiety in children under the age of 8 and depression in children under the age of 12.

The task force noted that depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States. They said that children and adolescents with depression usually have impairments in their performance at school and work, and in interacting with family and peers.

“Major depressive disorder in children and adolescents is strongly associated with recurrent depression in adulthood, other psychiatric disorders, and an increased risk of suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, and completed suicide,” they wrote. I’m here.

suicide is Second leading cause of death among adolescents aged 10 to 14 years.

“There is no question that there is a growing interest in mental health issues among children.” Dr. Zishan Khan A child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist at Texas-based MindPath Health told Healthline.

Khan said screening is important because signs of both depression and anxiety can be subtle.

“People with depression may experience solitary behavior, extreme fatigue, lack of energy or motivation to participate in activities they normally enjoy, sleeping or eating more or less than usual, and angry outbursts. ,” says Khan. He said.

“Anxious children often ruminate constantly about things that most children their age do not worry about. There may even be an irrational fear of death or separation from the family,” he added.

Anxiety can present with stomach pain, headaches, or general weakness.

Screening at a young age is important because most mental illnesses begin in childhood and adolescence. Perdis Koslavi PsyD, a psychologist and clinical director at the Palo Alto-based Children’s Health Council, told Healthline.

“Universal screening for anxiety disorders starting at age 8 and for depression through age 12 will ensure that we find individuals at ages who are more likely to develop these challenges,” Khosravi said.

Experts say mental health screening is especially important during the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Research is constantly evolving and we are constantly learning about the effects of anxiety and depression on children. Told. “Before the COVID-19 pandemic, an estimated 1 in 5 children ages 3 to 17 in the United States suffered from a mental, emotional, developmental or behavioral disorder, Anxiety and depression were the most common mental disorders among young people, and their numbers have skyrocketed since the pandemic.”

Historically, adults may have underestimated the impact of depression and anxiety on young people, but there are also contemporary pressures from other relatively new factors such as social media, experts say. rice field.

“We continue to improve our understanding and conceptualization of depression and anxiety in children.” Rebecca Camodi, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital in Connecticut, told Healthline. “As a result, we are now able to more accurately identify symptoms associated with depression and anxiety in children who historically may have overlooked these symptoms.”

“Current cultural and environmental stressors have a significant impact on the risk of developing depression and anxiety among young people, further underscoring the importance of early screening and intervention to prevent the severity of symptoms. I have,” she added.

Experts say standard screening can be done at a regular pediatrician’s office and is often easiest. Screening can also be done through school-based clinics and community clinics.

“It’s great to be able to complete these screenings and identify more children in need of mental health services.” Cameron MosleyPhD, a licensed psychologist and clinician with anxiety specialists in Atlanta, told Healthline. Simply identifying these children does not guarantee that their needs will be met.”

“We still have a long way to go before all children have access to affordable, evidence-based mental health care,” she added.




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