Sirens will remain silent during Thursday’s tsunami evacuation drill; Exercise is preparing for the Cascadia earthquake | Wild Rivers focus
Jessica Signar Andrews/Today @ 3:54 p.m. The sirens will remain silent at Thursday’s tsunami evacuation drill; Exercise is preparing for the Cascadia earthquake
Emergency officials are hoping to get as many people as possible to participate in Thursday’s tsunami evacuation drill. But don’t expect a siren to tell you when to head to safety.
Instead, an audio simulation of the earthquake will sound on the radio at 10 a.m., in which participants are urged to drop, cover, hold for a minute, and then leave for their safe zone. As Thursday’s training prepares for a Cascadia earthquake of magnitude 8 or better, the sirens are unlikely to activate before the first big waves occur, Del Norte emergency services coordinator Deborah Ottenburg said.
“We’re asking people to walk,” she told Wild Rivers Outpost. “You don’t want to get stuck in a traffic jam if you’re trying to evacuate. If everyone leaves at once, with a limited number of roads and a limited number of lanes, people will get stuck in traffic.”
In preparation for training, Del Norte’s Office of Emergency Services, with the help of the sheriff and the city’s police explorer youth, went door-to-door delivering flyers to make sure people knew.
The Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office and Crescent City Police Department will direct people where to go. A search-and-rescue team and a community emergency response team will also help guide people, and Del Norte’s Amateur Radio Club will make calls to check their abilities, Ottenburg said.
The Del Norte Office of Emergency Services, the National Weather Service and representatives from several government agencies will gather at the county registration center at 1005 H Street, to conduct outreach and do some demonstrations.
People are welcome to head there during the evacuation exercise as it is north of 9th Street outside the Al Ghamr area. However, a different route is recommended for those around the Crescent City Harbor, Ottenburg said.
“People in the southern part of town – south of Elk Creek – we want them to come up Elk Valley Road,” she said. “Heading south at 101, this area is expected to have liquefaction, so maybe that’s not a great idea. Trying to head to ninth will have them walking into the flood zone for a longer period of time because it’s low. Getting to Elk Valley is really your best bet for this part.” from the city “.
Otenburg said people are encouraged to see new flood maps before locating their safe zone.
Otenburg said the Office of Emergency Services has also delivered flyers to residents at an RV park in the Crescent City Harbor District, informing them of the drill.
During and after rehearsals, the American Red Cross will hold a demonstration around the shelter at nearby First Baptist Church. Mary Dorman, the Del Norte branch’s community volunteer leader, said eight volunteers will be at the church, setting up cribs and blankets and providing information on everything the Red Cross does from installing smoke alarms to providing volunteer opportunities.
According to Dorman, the Red Cross agreement with the county will be ready with a shelter that can house 100 people within two hours after the disaster. But where to set up such shelters depends on the situation.
“We have agreements with a lot of different churches and buildings around town,” Dorman said. “In the event of a tsunami, we will not set up at the fairgrounds because they are in the evacuation zone. At the end of the day, it will depend on what kind of conditions the buildings are in and where the county tells us they want to set them up.”
Dorman said that although the Red Cross agreed to set up a shelter within two hours of the disaster, the organization needed time to ensure the safety of its volunteers and their families. They also need to know about safe premises before moving cribs, blankets, and tables to this location.
That’s why it’s important for people to know where their safety zone is and to have an emergency kit ready, or “emergency bag” if they need to leave their home, Dorman said.
“Get your own water and your own snacks for your kids so they are fine and satisfied and they are fine for the time it takes us to prepare something,” she said. “It all comes down to reinforcement, having the emergency bag, being prepared, explaining to your children what to expect, knowing what to expect and the role the Red Cross plays in response and recovery.”
At the county enrollment center, representatives from the California Department of Public Health, the California Department of Water Resources, and the California Department of Social Services will observe the exercise.
According to Ottenberg, the state’s Department of Social Services is becoming more involved in emergency management, especially for those who may have difficulty accessing, have job challenges, or are low-income, which can affect their resilience and recovery from natural disasters.
The California Office of Emergency Services will also monitor the exercises. That agency, the National Weather Service and the California Geological Survey work together through the Redwood Coast Tsunami Working Group.
Besides conducting evacuation drills, the TsunamiReady community is to designate their own risk areas, include information on their susceptibility to tsunamis in a FEMA-approved multi-risk mitigation plan and install signs to inform the public when they are in a danger zone and where There are evacuation routes.
The community should also conduct public awareness and education campaigns for public schools.
Ottenberg said Klamath plans to hold a tsunami evacuation drill on Nov. 3. She said Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation is also planning to conduct a tsunami evacuation drill in the Smith River in March.
Sources 2/ https://wildrivers.lostcoastoutpost.com/2022/oct/24/sirens-will-stay-silent-thursdays-tsunami-evacuati/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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