Pressure groups, clashes and Brazil’s supremacy in the 1962 World Cup | football news
Argentina seemed to be the favorite to host, but Chile lobbied FIFA’s member states and eventually secured the rights to host the tournament.
Host: Chile Teams: 16 Format: Group Stage, Knockout Matches: 32 Goals: 89 Winners: Brazil Contenders: Czechoslovakia Golden Boot: Garrincha, Vava, Lionel Sanchez (Chile), Florian Albert (Yugoslavia), Valentin Ivanov (Soviet Union) Drazen Zhirkovic (Yugoslavia)
After FIFA decided to change the host continent every four years, and South America threatened to boycott the tournament if it were hosted in Europe again, the World Cup returned to the Southern Hemisphere 12 years later.
Argentina seemed to be a candidate for selection, but Chile put pressure on FIFA’s member states during various tournaments and conferences and were able to get support and eventually get the rights to host the tournament.
“Because we have nothing, we will do everything,” said Carlos Dittborn, president of the Chilean Football Association [Because we have nothing, we will do everything]Those words became the unofficial slogan of the tournament. They became even healthier when the country was hit by the strongest earthquake ever recorded (magnitude 9.5) in 1960.
Preparations for the tournament were severely affected and the number of host cities was reduced from eight to three.
When the tournament finally started, the four South American giants started winning. The big names in Europe slowly scored their points after low-score draws and victories. Goal difference was introduced as a determining factor for qualification to the knockout stage, and replays canceled in the event of a tie.
Actions on the pitch included clashes, not just football. The worst showing was during the group match against Italy when both groups exchanged kicks and punches.
The match was called “Battle of Santiago”, the Italian team was escorted from the ground by the police.
The hosts exceeded expectations by winning two of their three group matches and beating the USSR to reach the semi-finals, where they lost to the defending champion and Brazilian candidate.
In the other semi-final match, Czechoslovakia defeated Yugoslavia in front of a small audience.
In the deciding group, Brazil fell behind early but found their way again to crown the World Cup title for the second time in a row.
Garrincha took charge of Brazil’s attacking lead after Pele was injured in the group match against Czechoslovakia.
After the devastating 1960 earthquake, the host nation had much to cheer as they managed to stage the tournament and finish in third place.
Four players shared the Golden Boot award.
After lighting up the 1958 World Cup, Pele was widely regarded as the best player in the world and was under the spotlight four years later. However, his injury in the group stages kept him away from the rest of the tournament.
The introduction of goal difference as a determining factor in qualifying for the quarter-finals led to the emergence of defensive tactics and low-goal matches. The average number of goals scored per session dropped to 2.78, an all-time low.
Battles marred the games and the use of police to protect players became a necessity.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/11/5/profile-fifa-world-cup-1962 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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