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Healthy Parenting Tips to Avoid Diabetes in Teens

Healthy Parenting Tips to Avoid Diabetes in Teens


teenager They tend to eat whatever they find delicious and convenient where they are willing to spare their time. diet And what and how much they eat, but in today’s world, where Diabetes It’s becoming a threat at all ages, so it’s a good idea to monitor your diet closely from the very beginning. Food portions are one of the key aspects of keeping diabetes at bay, and teens should eat several meals a day to provide their bodies with a consistent amount of energy throughout the day. Should be taught to eat small meals.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Lil’ Goodness co-founder and CEO Harshavardhan S said: A spike that leads to a roller coaster of energy levels, hunger and sugar cravings. can do.

He revealed: Less stress on your stomach system at once keeps your gut happy and promotes a happier and healthier body overall. May negatively affect weight. Smaller meals are consumed more frequently, keeping your metabolism high and efficient throughout the day. When you’re not bogged down by a large meal, you can move around more easily and burn more calories.

Harshavardhan adds: They are unaware of mindful eating. They gulp down food while studying, watching TV, or jamming with friends. Mindful eating is a personal approach to food that focuses on sensory awareness of food. Focus only on food and don’t eat between social media or TV. Mindful eating means chewing slowly and eating in small portions. Each bite should be small to avoid greedily swallowing food, and most importantly, make sure you are grateful for what you are eating.

Dr. Biju KS, Senior Medical Officer, Vieroots Wellness Solutions, emphasizes: They’re growing up, their appetites are voracious, and peer pressure can make them want to rebel against anything that feels like a “restriction,” but in reality, it’s a healthy diet aimed at preventing diabetes. A healthy diet is not a restriction but a tool to help. They can better manage their health in the long run. He recommends his three tips to help teens stay on a healthy diet if they have a strong family history of diabetes.

1. Incorporate mindful eating into your daily routine

Mindful eating means listening to and attuned to your body’s hunger cues. That includes slowing down, taking your time savoring the food, and eating until you’re satisfied without feeling overwhelmed. One of his ways to encourage mindful eating is by having regular family meals where the whole family sits together, turns off the electronics, and focuses on enjoying each other’s company and meals.

2. Allow yourself to serve the right amount

Portion sizes have increased significantly over the years, both in restaurants and at home. As a result, many of us no longer know what a “normal” portion size looks like. Be especially careful with teenagers.

A good rule of thumb is to fill your plate halfway with vegetables or fruit, one quarter with lean protein, and one quarter with whole grains or starchy vegetables. As far as portion sizes go, protein should be the size of your palm and carbs the size of a fist.

3. Educate about healthy eating choices

Many teens think that eating healthy means depriving them of all their favorite foods. But it doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to make unhealthy foods healthier without sacrificing taste.

For example, if they like pizza, try making it at home with whole wheat dough and low-fat cheese or toppings such as grilled chicken and vegetables. Bake it to For dessert, opt for something light like fruit salad or yogurt parfait instead of cake or pie.

Chief Nutritionist and Life Coach Anupama Menon said: They have an image and fashion statement on the one hand and are surrounded by a whirlwind of easily available and highly addictive foods on the other. It’s high in calories, sugar, white flour and unhealthy. Even these fair practices in education do not offer protection from the avalanche of processed food and peer pressure that hits teenagers as they step into the precarious and vulnerable years of life.

She affirms: Aggressive sugar intake, welcoming processed foods, and eating too much of even the good stuff all clearly exacerbate blood sugar and HBA1C levels, she suggested the following tips her parents do.

– Don’t stress. When you’re stressed, your anxiety reaches your teenager through a grimace or harsh remarks every time he/she chooses chips or chocolates. There is no better explanation than Explain to your teens the ill effects of poor food and let them know that they are experimenting and that their seizures are necessary. Knowing what that leads to can help your child make better choices. Equate the right foods with the goals your child may want to achieve. Emphasize how excess weight can interfere with results if your child is an athlete. If your child likes to dress up, explain how white sugar can negatively affect skin quality. Do not expect them to avoid rich foods. Help me.

– Lead by example. Parents who make fair and consistent choices to eat healthy, eat right and live mindfully can influence their children to imitate their daily routines and choices. When you eat, it’s reflected in the backend/kitchen. When poor and processed foods are not readily available, teens are less likely to have a choice when they are hungry.

– Parents/guardians should make interesting foods available, especially snacks and even among hunger managers! Teens often reach for the wrong kind of food because they’re hungry all the time (thanks to skyrocketing growth hormones). , smoothies and homemade health bars go a long way in satisfying sweet cravings.

– Help your child learn to build things on their own. A simple recipe using ingredients in the kitchen. Sandwiches, milkshakes and healthy chats are safe and easy for teens to handle. Tell me you take pride in protecting yourself instead of using your fingers to order food.

– Portion Control is the most helpful tool in managing sugar levels and obesity. By eating small plates at designated locations without looking at a screen, you can recognize what and how much you are eating. Teens are more likely to stop eating when they are not hungry than when they are eating mindlessly in front of a screen.

– The fun and companionship of exercise and sports must be taught from an early age. Exercise is a habit. And the benefits are not limited to the body. Exercise reserves the right to influence balanced blood sugar levels, mindset, determination and focus. It also encourages proper functioning of the intestines from an early age. With high perks like accompaniment, parents need to work hard to exercise themselves and, as a result, expand their circle of influence and encouragement to their teens.

– Last but not least, consistency of messages and actions is important. Patience and the belief that the web you cast governs the kind of results you want or desire. , if you want to help you learn the right habits for life, that’s exactly what you can’t give up.




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