Research finds many in Britain will refuse coronavirus vaccine
The new coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is compelling many scientists and pharmaceutical companies to develop effective vaccines to combat viral infections. With 21 vaccine candidates under clinical evaluation and 139 vaccine candidates under preclinical evaluation worldwide, we hope most countries will lead the way.
More than 11.79 million people have been infected, with more than 543,000 deaths, and effective vaccines are the only way to prevent the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Is the hope of.
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Some do not get the vaccine
New research from the UK, now in embarrassing news Digital Hate Countermeasure Center (CCDH) In the UK, the country with the highest number of infectious diseases, it turned out that there are quite a few people who are not vaccinated or are vaccinated against coronavirus vaccines.
YouGov voted from 24 to 25 June. Based on a vote of 1,663 people on behalf of CCDH researchers, one-third of the people were less likely to get the coronavirus vaccine.
In the survey, researchers asked participants about the propensity to get a vaccine when it became available. About 6% of them said they would not be vaccinated, and 10% said “probably not.” An estimated 15% say it is unknown. That is, the total percentage of people who cannot get the vaccine is less than one-third of the total number of respondents.
The results of the polls were done in the midst of a significant increase in the opposition to vaccination on social media, which threatens efforts to contain the spread of the virus.
“Our hope to return to normal life lies with scientists who successfully develop vaccines for coronaviruses. But the irresponsible decision by social media companies to continue to post anti-vaccine promo It means that it may not be effective in containing the virus. The cost of their greed is the cost paid in their lives,” said the CEO of Digital Hate Countermeasures Center (CCDH). Imran Ahmed said.
Anti-bass problem
According to a report released by CCDH, approximately 57 million people in the UK and US follow anti-Vax accounts on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Organizations said conspiracy theory was associated with reduced involvement in health protection actions such as vaccination, handwashing, and lockdown compliance. This report highlights the impact of relying on social media for information about coronavirus disease. This is related to non-compliance with public health guidance aimed at stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
“People who rely heavily on social media for information about COVID-19 are more likely to believe in the COVID-19 conspiracy theory, and those who believe in COVID-19 conspiracy theory may wash their hands more often.” It was found to be low, said Daniel Allington of King’s College London.
Vaccine approval approaching
Many scientists have worked hard to develop effective vaccines against the coronavirus.
In late June, a second human trial of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate was launched in the United Kingdom with approximately 300 volunteers.
Other vaccines are currently being tested efficacy And safety to ensure that they do not pose a health threat to the patient.
The spread of coronavirus infections has increased dramatically over the past week. The World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned that it can overwhelm the health system in some countries, including developing countries. For one, Brazil has a high infection rate, exceeding 1.66 million cases, with 2.99 million cases in the United States.
“It’s clear that outbreaks are accelerating and have not reached the peak of the pandemic. The number of deaths seems to have leveled off globally, but in fact, in some countries We have made great strides in reducing emissions, and deaths are still on the rise in other countries.”
“Where progress has been made in reducing deaths, countries have taken targeted action towards the most vulnerable groups, such as those living in nursing homes,” he added.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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