Sleeping pills may increase dementia risk: study
MARCH 6, 2023 — Janet S., a 76-year-old former journalist from Delaware, recently developed mild cognitive impairment that predated dementia.
“At first, I thought my forgetfulness and disorganization was just normal ‘old age,’ but when my doctor ran tests, it turned out to be more than that,” she said. say.
Janet, who asked not to use her last name in this article, is an insomniac and has been taking sleeping pills regularly for years. “Most of the time I take Ambien (Zolpidem), but sometimes I also take Valium (Diazepam, Benzodiazepines) if I have anxiety,” she says.
“I know Ambien can affect memory in the short term too, because when you wake up in the morning you’ll find strange things, like an empty container of ice cream and a spoon on your nightstand.” I mean, obviously I ate. I had ice cream in the middle of the night, but I don’t remember.
Sleeping pills and the risk of dementia
A new study recently published in Alzheimer’s Journal have linked heavy use of sleeping pills with subsequent development of dementia.
Researchers studied more than 3,000 older adults without dementia, with an average age of 74. The study consisted of 58% white and her 42% black participants.
During the study period, which lasted 15 years, one-fifth of the participants developed dementia.
Nearly 8% of whites and 3% of blacks in the survey reported taking sleeping pills “frequently” or “almost always.”
Whites were almost twice as likely as blacks to take sleeping pills. In particular, certain medications were more commonly taken in white and black participants.
Pharmaceutical category | example | white vs black |
Benzodiazepines (often prescribed for chronic insomnia) |
Dalman (flurazepam) Halcion (triazolam) Listril (temazepam) |
almost twice as likely |
May use antidepressants to help sleep |
Desirel (Trazodone) Oleptro (Trazodone) |
10x more likely |
Sedative-hypnotics (“Z-drugs”) often prescribed as sleep aids | Ambien (Zolpidem) | 7 times more likely |
Caucasians who “frequently” or “almost always” used sleeping pills in the study were 79% more likely to develop dementia than those who “rarely” or “never” used them. On the other hand, blacks who frequently used sleeping pills were just as likely to develop dementia as blacks who rarely or never used them.
There was no increased dementia risk for participants who took “occasionally” sleeping pills.
The study authors suggest that racial bias may play a role in their findings. have been shown to be significantly less likely to receive prescriptions for certain medications, particularly benzodiazepines. It shows that it is more than
This means that blacks who participated in this study may have used medications that had a lower risk of dementia compared to whites.
“Further research on types of sleeping pills would help [us] Especially for the observed racial differences, to understand the underlying mechanisms,” said the authors.
Are sleeping pills really the ’cause’ of dementia?
“Studies suggest a potential correlation between long-term sleeping pill use and increased risk of dementia. More research is needed to confirm a causal link,” said Acacia’s Center for Healthy Aging. and chief medical officer of the Healthy Brain Clinic in Long Beach, California.
A question that needs to be investigated is “do sleeping pills cause dementia, or simply reflect the severity of the underlying insomnia that increases the risk of dementia?” Did not, says Torin.
The possible mechanisms responsible for this link are also “not fully understood”, although some studies have suggested that “these drugs may act in certain brain regions such as acetylcholine, which are involved in memory and learning processes.” It has been suggested that it can affect levels of chemicals,” says Trinh.
In particular, benzodiazepines and “Z-drugs” can have more harmful effects on the brain than other types of sleeping pills. “It can cause cognitive impairment and increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease over time.”
An important note is that “each individual may respond differently to different types of sleeping pills.” We recommend that you seek advice.”
maintaining a healthy brain
Trinh feels that education about the potential link between long-term use of certain types of sleeping pills and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is important.
“This education will help individuals suffering from sleep disorders weigh the benefits and risks associated with different types of medications to make informed decisions about treatment options,” he said. say.
In a broader sense, healthy brain education “refers to the process of teaching individuals about strategies and lifestyle choices that can typically promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline over time.” Torin explains.
This includes information on proper nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, stress management techniques, cognitive stimulation activities such as puzzles and learning new skills, as well as the potential for specific behavioral and environmental factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It also includes raising awareness about potential risks. consumption, or exposure to toxins.
“The goal of sound brain education is to give individuals the knowledge and tools they need to play an active role in maintaining brain health throughout their lives,” he says.
Janet considers herself lucky to have received medication to help her sleep. I don’t know,” she says in light of new research.
She plans to explore ways to improve brain health and sleep.
“You need to eat less ice cream and more healthy foods like vegetables and fruits,” she says. “You should also participate in social activities that stimulate your brain, like joining a book club or volunteering.”
She feels that relaxation techniques can improve her sleep, so she is considering a new yoga class to learn how to breathe. And she’s considering psychotherapy.
“Stress contributes to my insomnia, and therapy may help address these issues,” she says.
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