Why digital 3D technology is better
- Researchers say digital breast tomosynthesis, a 3D imaging technique, can detect breast cancer more accurately than digital 2D techniques.
- They also add that 3D technology reduces false positive results.
- Experts say 3D screening is more expensive but is used more frequently in medical facilities.
There is new evidence that more advanced screening techniques may be better at detecting breast cancer.
a study A 3D imaging technique, digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), reported today in the journal Radiology provides better screening results than standard digital mammography.
If that sounds somewhat familiar, it is because it is.
But the study’s lead author says what makes it stand out is that it examined a large and diverse population of women.
“This finding confirms what we have seen so far, but is stronger because of its larger size,” he said. Dr. Emily ConantProfessor of Radiology and Chief of the Department of Breast Imaging at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital.
“It’s not just one site or a few sites. It’s really all over the country,” she told Healthline.
Conant and her colleagues collected data from five large healthcare systems in the United States.
The group they studied consisted of over a million women between the ages of 40 and 79.
Women were screened between January 2014 and December 2020 with DBT or 2D digital mammography only.
Most women underwent at least two screenings. This means researchers have looked at more than 2 million of her trials.
The cancer detection rate for participants screened with DBT was 5.3 per 1,000 screened compared to 4.5 per 1,000 for participants screened with 2D digital mammography alone.
In addition to the high cancer detection rate, the researchers say they found fewer recalls and fewer false positives when using the DBT technology. Cancer detection rates were higher among recalled participants.
“Are we more accurate and more specific in our recalls? Are we having fewer false positives? Yes. [DBT] Are we discovering more cancers? “Yes,” said Conant. “And if we recommend a biopsy based on her one of the recalls, will an asymptomatic woman find more cancers per recall? Yes.”
“Part of the controversy surrounding screening is due to false positives, because women were recalled for benign ones and even had biopsies for benign ones,” Conant explained. , is a highly cost-effective way to detect cancer early, before symptoms appear.”
Scientists say DBT is more effective because it can capture multiple images of the breast from different angles.
This is especially important for women with dense breast tissue.
“The X-ray tube moves in an arc, taking multiple pictures quickly while it’s compressed,” Conant explains. “Those multiple compressions are then reconstructed into what you see as slices of your chest…so you can scroll through your chest.”
“If you see a dense patch on your right breast, but it’s just a 2D mammogram, I don’t know if there was something there that made it darker,” she said. . “but [with DBT] If you can scroll through the breast from the inside to the outside and see that this is normal breast tissue, its 3D nature means you don’t need an extra picture. “
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
This can make breast cancer more difficult to detect on a mammogram. Dense breast tissue is also considered a risk for developing breast cancer.
Last week, the FDA
“Today’s actions represent the agency’s broader commitment to supporting innovation to prevent, detect and treat cancer.
Dr. Richard LeitermanA radiologist and medical director of breast imaging at the Memorial Care Breast Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in California, he says he relies on 3D screening technology.
“Yes, and most centers in the US use DBT for its superior performance,” he told Healthline.
However, he said some patients will still need more screening.
“Ultrasound is recommended for women with very dense breast tissue,” says Reitherman. “MRI is the most sensitive test for detecting breast cancer. However, it is generally reserved for women with high risk factors, such as a family history of breast or ovarian cancer.
The equipment needed to perform DBT screening can be more expensive, but many mammogram units nationwide can already perform DBT screening, Conant said.
“It’s really becoming standard care and that’s what I recommend,” Conant said.
“Even if I’m not a breast radiologist, if I knew a little bit about this, I’d definitely look for a site with tomosynthesis for screening,” she added. “Go to a facility known to do research using her tomosynthesis machine, or what some people call her 3D mammogram.”
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