Where Keto, Paleo and Mediterranean Ranked, Based on Science
Some of the most popular diet plans can help you lose weight by lowering your risk of heart disease. Even if it helps, it can increase your risk of heart disease.
That’s why a panel of experts from the American Heart Association created a ranking of the top 10 diets in the United States based on how well they adhere to healthy heart guidelines. This is the first time the Heart Association has rated the most popular diets.
The list, released Thursday at Circulation, gives the lowest scores to paleo and ketogenic, or keto, diets that rely on fat from animal sources such as butter and full-fat dairy while severely restricting carbohydrates. I got
Top marks were given to the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, which emphasizes whole grains, vegetables, and low-fat dairy. Pescetarians and vegetarians who ate fish but no red meat also scored highly for heart benefits.
Eating fat in general isn’t bad for your heart, said Christopher Gardner, chair of the panel and professor of medicine at Stanford University. of unsaturated fats LDL cholesterol level Lowers risk of heart disease.
Gardner and other committee members rated the diets according to how well they followed the American Heart Association’s scientific standards. Guidelines for a Healthy Heart:
- Eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits.
- Choose foods that primarily contain whole grains rather than refined grains.
- Instead of full-fat dairy, choose healthy protein sources such as plants (legumes and nuts), seafood, and low-fat or fat-free dairy.
- If meat is included, the cut should be lean and avoid processed.
- Use liquid vegetable oils (olive, safflower, corn) rather than animal fats (butter and lard) or tropical oils (coconut, palm kernel).
- Consume minimally processed foods instead of ultra-processed foods.
- Limit your intake of sugar-added beverages and foods.
- Choose and prepare foods with little or no salt.
- Avoid or limit alcohol.
In the new report, the committee divided the diet into four phases based on points given to each guideline.
The highest scoring meals are:
- dash (diet to stop high blood pressure), against dependence on fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and low-fat dairy products.
- mediterranean searich in seafood, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.
- Vegetarian containing eggs and/or dairy.
- A pescetarian who relies on fish as a primary source of protein.
Vegan and low-fat diets ranked in the second tier. Both encourage consumption of legumes and nuts while limiting alcohol and sugar-sweetened foods and drinks. A low-fat diet lost the point because it treats all fats the same and people tend to replace fats with carbohydrates or added sugars.
The third stage included a very low-carb, very low-fat diet that was either too low in fiber or limited in healthy fats such as fruits, nuts, and vegetable oils.
More food and nutrition news
The keto and paleo diets were also categorized as Tier 4 because their restriction of fruits, whole grains, and legumes can reduce fiber intake, says Gardner.
Dr. Deepak Bhatt, Director of Mount Sinai Heart and Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, said: Eat fruits and vegetables. ”
The top diet also focuses on whole grains, which “reduces not only cardiovascular risk, but also the risk of other diseases such as cancer and diabetes,” Batt said.
Brooke Aggarwal, assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University Bagueros College of Medicine and Department of Surgeon’s Cardiology, says the American Heart Association “takes common diets and classifies them according to how well they align with the AHA.” You’ve done a great job of doing it,” he said. guidelines. ”
“Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of death worldwide, so we should be concerned about ways to prevent it.
For people drawn to the keto or paleo diet, eating more unsaturated fats may help.
“If red meat is preferred, it should be lean,” she said.
The keys to lowering your risk of heart disease are eating more fruits and vegetables, choosing healthy protein sources, and minimizing processed foods.
“Ultimately it comes down to what a person can stick to and fit into their lifestyle,” Agarwal said. “Weight management is important”
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