Research has found that eating fish may help protect the aged brain from air pollution
You can skip the hardware store and go straight to the grocery store. A new survey suggests.
“Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to fight inflammation in the aging brain and maintain brain structure. It has also been shown to reduce brain damage caused by neurotoxins such as lead and mercury. Dr. Ka Kahe, a research author and professor of epidemiology, said. Announcement of obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University in New York.
“So we investigated whether omega-3 fatty acids had a protective effect against another neurotoxin, the fine particulate matter found in air pollution.”
Relationship between food and brain health
The study observed white women over the age of 70 living in areas with high levels of air pollution. People with the lowest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood had the highest amount of brain contraction.
To conduct the study, researchers calculated the average amount of fish consumed by women each week, measured the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood, and based on their home address, the women’s three years to air pollution. The average exposure was determined.
Participants then underwent a brain scan to measure the hippocampal region, a part of the brain that is associated with memory, and white matter, which helps to signal the entire brain.
Researchers have found that the benefits of omega-3s from fish intake may preserve white matter mass and hippocampal size as women age and protect against the potentially toxic effects of air pollution. ..
Chen Chen, postdoctoral researcher at the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University, the lead author of the study, said more research is needed to see if these results could be generalized to a wider population. I told him.
“Our research is one of many that provide useful insights into healthy lifestyles, such as a healthy diet, to reduce the negative effects of air pollution,” Chen said. “People still need to follow general government recommendations, but a small increase in omega-3 and fish intake can be beneficial to the research community.”
Before proceeding to the seafood section, the researchers also suggested consulting with a doctor before adding fish to the diet.
Baked and roasted fatty fish such as wild salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna are some of the best sources of omega-3s. Unfortunately, fried fish do not work because previous studies have shown that fried foods damage omega-3 fatty acids.
Air pollution exceeds the lungs
“The key to air pollution is that the particles are so small that they can be taken up by the lungs,” said Richard Eye, a Alzheimer’s specialist at the New York Presbyterian and Weil Cornell Medical Centers who were not involved in the study. Dr. Saxon said.
“It’s not entirely clear why air pollution specifically affects cognitive function,” Isaacson said. It is known that it may be distributed throughout the body.
The brain is usually protected by what scientists call the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is essentially an emergency gating system that protects the brain from toxins circulating in the blood. But air pollution can slip through that barrier.
“These toxic particles are so small that they can cross this barrier or this gate and cause neuroinflammation and cognitive decline,” said Isaacson.
The white matter of the brain is essential for organizing communication between various parts of the gray matter of the brain-similar to telephone lines. When the brain experiences white matter loss or inflammation, those communication pathways fail.
Omega-3’s anti-inflammatory and white matter-protecting properties make an omega-3-rich diet “wise for those who want to protect their brain health for the long term,” Isaacson said.
He added that further research is needed before these findings can be replicated in people of all ages and genders.
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