Bernard, Ohio State University football alumni donate to the community, support student athletes | The Daily Barometer: Oregon State University Student newspaper, Corvallis News, Crime and Beaver Sports
Evanson Bernard lived a life many dreamed of but few get experience.
In 2003, a Florida citizen joined the Oregon state football program as a red shirt back, eventually going on to become the captain of the Beavers team and ranking third in the leaderboard of most rapid arenas in program history.
After graduating from OSU with a Bachelor’s degree in Trade Management in 2008, Bernard began pursuing his dream of becoming a professional. However, the damage to his knee in college greatly reduced his chances of victory in the National Football League, with fears of injury making his steps with St. Louis Rams and Seattle Seahawks brief. He then spent the next four seasons in the Canadian Football League before retiring in 2012.
While his career has been short, Bernard still has the opportunity to travel around North America and play with and against some of the world’s best players, an experience they will never forget.
But while his name will forever relate to football, Bernard’s charity must also be known.
After an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 devastated Haiti in January of 2010, Bernard quickly began working and began a supply campaign with the help of the OSU community.
“We saw the earthquake and my wife was saying, ‘We have to do something,’ ”Bernard said.“ Before we knew that, I was on the phone with Mike Reser (current president and CEO of Food Fine) and we were moving this entire container ship to Haiti to help with relief from earthquake.”
Thanks to Bernard’s quick spring of work and generous assistance from countless others, more than 24,000 pounds of supplies arrived in Haiti within two weeks of the disaster.
Since then, he has devoted time to his passion for helping others.
In 2019 Bernard and his brother Giovanni, who currently plays at Cincinnati Bengals, founded the Bernard Family Foundation, created for the Jardin Vert de Josette School, named after her mother, in Haiti.
Josette and their father Evin were Haitian immigrants who worked day and night to provide a better life for their families. Unfortunately, Josette died of thyroid cancer in 1999, but from that day on, the family made it their mission to dedicate their successes to their memories.
Every year, the Foundation works on a new project to improve the school.
“We spent a lot of time in that school and we’re still looking for expansion to get bigger and better,” said Bernard.
Bernard also returned to OSU after his career, where he worked as a football coach training program led by Mike Riley. He then worked as a Discovery Officer at OSU, which helped to promote and secure funding for OSU athletics.
Last year, Bernard began another chapter in his life working as a financial advisor to Capstone wealth consultants in Salem. In this new career, he aims to help young athletes make smart financial decisions.
“For me, when I was going up, it was one of the things I didn’t research or interview several advisers. Bernard said:“ I just went with the guy who my agent told me. ”Many of these guys don’t know they have a choice. . They need to research these advisors. You always hear about these counselors who take advantage of their athletes and misappropriate, do crazy things, and these kids don’t know. “
Bernard said he believes the reason some young athletes do not want financial advice is due to the demographics of the counselors. Financial advisors are mostly elderly and white, and Bernard believes the difference makes it difficult for some advisors to communicate with their clients.
“I was like, how does that player from Florida, Texas, California, or anywhere in the south relate to this man where their experiences weren’t the same?” Bernard said. “For me, I had family members coming to me for money, and this happens to a lot of these minority families. There are a lot of people who will need help and look at what they have become. We seem to be suddenly rich, so not everyone is looking for help, but rather Help and help. Many of these counselors did not know that. There are some small things that I felt I could better associate with these men. “
For Bernard, the goal is to build communication and trust with his clients, and he hopes that by being able to communicate with them, he will be able to help them make smart decisions. Although he admits that he may come from a different background than most counselors, he enjoys his job and is proud of his ability to help others.
“There aren’t many African Americans in this space, especially former athletes,” said Bernard. “I look at it as an opportunity to make a difference. I think when my time with Oregon ended, I was ready for a new challenge. I hope to have my own company one day and take out my brother and be a financial consulting firm interested in athletes. This is the vision. Maybe 10 years or so has passed Girl, but it was a great trip so far.
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