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What Google Works on Home Plans Means for Big City Office Markets


Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google. As Google works on its housing plans, it could have a major impact on the office market in major US cities (Getty, Pixel)

In December 2018, Google CFO Ruth Polat announced plans for a new 1.7 million square foot campus of search giant in Hudson Square, Manhattan. Year. It was the latest in a series of billion-dollar moves that made Google one of the most important office tenants in the US core office market and had a huge presence in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Currently, the company has announced plans to extend remote work to at least July 2021. The decision applies to nearly all 200,000 employees of Google’s parent company Alphabet, including Mountain View, California, headquarters, offices in the US, UK, India and Brazil.

Google’s decision could suggest a reversal of its 20-year quest for more office space in coastal cities, which the company saw as a talent hub. It could also be a precursor to the drastic change in office markets in metropolitan areas around the world, and it is speculated that competitors may soon follow.

This is a big problem as Google is much smarter than the government. This move should affect the majority of nearly 200,000 permanent and contract employees across Google’s parent company Alphabet, putting pressure on other large technology companies via

Kara Swisher (@karaswisher) July 27, 2020

Significant ripple effects can be seen as Google’s announcement extends WFH until July 2021. The same is true for other companies. WFH, or hybrid, is the new standard.

Spencer Raskoff (@spencerrascoff) July 27, 2020

Since the turn of the century, search engine giants have steadily expanded their footsteps on both coasts of the United States, beginning in Silicon Valley and then expanding their east coast space efforts significantly.

In December 1999, the company signed the first Manhattan lease on 1440 Broadway in Times Square. Google has expanded its footprint to 170,000 square feet over the next few years. He then signed two pairs of mammoth leases for the RXR Realty and Youngwoo & Associates Pier 57 project, hiring 7,000 employees in the second half of 2018 and announcing a $1 billion investment in a 1.7 million square foot trio in Hudson Square. did. According to Yardi Matrix data, as of November 2018, Google occupies 3.35 million square feet in New York City and owns 4.7 million square feet.

In Los Angeles, Google participated in a pilgrimage to Technology Beach and leased up to 100,000 square feet in 2011 in the Frank Gary designed Binoculars Building in Venice. Five years later, the company tripled its LA footprint by leasing an entire 319,000 sq. ft. A forefoot airplane hangar in Playa Vista known as Spruce Goose.

The desire for office space was not strictly coastal. Google has signed a lease of approximately 1.3 million square feet in downtown Chicago, and the decision to relocate its Midwest headquarters to Fulton Market has triggered a wave of amenity-laden office development in the neighborhood.

The company’s real estate strategy has evolved from leasing to ownership. In 2010, Google bought 111 Ace Avenue in the meatpacking district for a record $1.8 billion, but eight years later it was eaten by buying a Chelsea Market building for $2.4 billion. It’s not clear how much space Google occupies on its eighth avenue property, but it could amount to 800,000 square feet, according to one source.

According to Real Capital Analytics, the New York deal is not an isolated event, but part of a series of acquisitions that raise Alphabets’ global real estate portfolio to its March 2018 valuation of $14.5 billion.

After Facebook, Twitter, and Shopify announced their remote work plans, researchers and industry analysts published a report and snippet of thought focused on what a corporate outflow meant for a major city. Some conclusions predict the collapse of the city, others predict the resilience of the city.

According to a Redfin study, 61% of New York City residents have left the city because of the high cost of living, largely as a departure reason, when they no longer have to commute to the office. Before the coronavirus became a pandemic, 14% of survey respondents worked most of the time in remote areas. The share of teleworkers reached a maximum of 76% during holidays. In the San Francisco Bay Area, this number is 85%, but the move to remote work is not entirely smooth.

In contrast, the Brookings Institution reports that downtown migration across the country has been growing for decades, with many tech companies moving to major cities and tending to stop once they leave. there is.

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