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Karnataka: Uttara Kannada state under alert after 25 people infected with monkey fever | Bengaluru

Karnataka: Uttara Kannada state under alert after 25 people infected with monkey fever | Bengaluru


BENGALURU: Kyathanur forest disease (KFD), commonly known as monkey fever, has infected 25 people in Siddapur taluk of Uttara Kannada district in the past 12 days, health department officials said.

Siddapur Taluk government hospital officials said the vaccine, which is essential to prevent the monkey fever infection from reaching the fatal stage, is not available in Uttara Kannada district and has to be obtained from Mysuru.  (HT Archives)
Siddapur Taluk government hospital officials said the vaccine, which is essential to prevent the monkey fever infection from reaching the fatal stage, is not available in Uttara Kannada district and has to be obtained from Mysuru. (HT Archives)

“Till last Saturday, 21 people were found infected with Kyathanur forest disease in Siddapur taluk area of ​​the district, but the number has increased by four more, taking the total to 25 in the last 12 days. ,'' said Dr BV Niraj, Uttara Kannada district health officer. .

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Dr Niraj said two infected people have been admitted to Manipal Hospital in Mangaluru, eight to Government Taluk Hospital in Siddarpur and 15 are being treated at home under the medical supervision of the district health department. Ta. Despite not receiving the vaccine, those infected have been steadily recovering, and Dr. Niraj expressed confidence that they could recover within a week.

“All 25 infected people are out of danger, even though they have not received the vaccine,” he said, referring to medical staff treating infected people.

Dr Niraj explained that most of the infected people live in villages located in dense forests and are therefore being treated regularly by medical staff. “Local staff are treating infected people in dozens of villages in dense forest areas with no safe transportation,” he said.

Siddapur taluk government hospital officials said vaccines, which are essential to prevent the infection from reaching the fatal stage, are not available in the district and have to be obtained from Mysuru. “The life-saving KFD infectious disease vaccine ran out in the district in 2020. Despite many requests, it has not been supplied,” said a staff member responding to KFD cases.

“People living in dense forest areas of the state, including Mysuru, Shivamogga, Belagavi and Karwar districts, become victims of the KFD disease, which is transmitted temporarily every summer from November to June,” the official said. , added that during the outbreak of the disease. Although it is not fatal, it has a negative impact on the infected person's future life.

“The Siddhapur, Yalapur and Dandeli taluks of Uttar Kannada district have deep forests and this deadly disease mainly occurs from November to May and infects people of all ages and genders,” Niraj said. He advised people to wear clothing that covers the entire body. body.

Belagavi DHO Mahesh Koni warned that KFD occurs every summer in dense forest areas and that a second infection can cause massive vomiting of blood and lead to death. Infected people should take proper hygiene measures to prevent further complications. People infected with KFD should be treated like people infected with dengue fever or malaria.

Dr. Koni explained that KFD is not transmitted from human to human, but spreads quickly through a family of flies that bite sick or dead monkeys and then bite humans. Humans bitten by these fly insects experience fever, chills, and headaches after the sting, and can cause severe organ failure, kidney failure, hepatitis, and internal bleeding, especially in cases of secondary infection. .

Dr. Koni outlined the symptoms of KFD, saying it typically begins suddenly with chills, fever, and headache, followed by severe muscle pain, vomiting, gastrointestinal symptoms, and bleeding problems three to four days after the initial onset.

Koni appealed to infected people and their families not to panic, saying there was a 98% chance of survival if they followed medical advice. “Drink lots of water, maintain good hygiene, and change your clothes every day without mixing them with other people's clothes when washing,'' Dr. Koni advised, adding that infected people do not need to be isolated, but they do need to avoid social contact. He added that there is.

Deputy Conservator of Forests Belagavi Karolika said that KDF is usually detected in Khanapur forest area as well, but not this year. About six people infected with KFD last year have recovered and are living well. The ministry, in cooperation with the Department of Health, is closely monitoring the health status of people infected in the past few years.

DFO explained that the KFD virus first emerged in Mysuru state in 1957 when it was isolated from a sick monkey. Since then, an average of 450 cases have been reported each year. “The black-spotted tick (Hemaphysalis Spinigera) is a carrier of the KFD virus and, once infected, remains infected for life,” he concluded.




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