Why seasonal allergy symptoms are getting worse this year
It's peak allergy season in several East Coast states, including New York, and you or your loved one may be feeling more miserable than usual with more sneezing and coughing this year.
As winters get warmer this spring, seasonal allergy symptoms are likely to become more severe. Early start to allergy seasonsays Dr. Purvi Parikh, an allergist and immunologist with the Allergy and Asthma Network.
And what's causing this longer, more intense allergy season? climate change.
“With the increase in greenhouse gases and the increase in carbon dioxide in the air, there is an increase in the amount of pollen, which plants use to grow,” Parikh told CNBC Make It.
Allergens like pollen, dust, and mold can cause nasal sinus swelling, says Shelby Harris, a licensed clinical psychologist and director of sleep health. sleepopolis, told CNBC's “Make It” In April 2023.
“The body mistakes the allergen as a threat to the body, and histamines are released, which can essentially cause a swollen, stuffy nose and irritated throat,” Harris says.
Here are some effective ways to enjoy spring while reducing allergy symptoms.
1. Optimize your home to reduce pollen spread
Pollen peaks in the early morning, so it's best to keep windows closed during that time. Closing windows can prevent allergens from entering and circulating in your living space.
“When I get home, I change my clothes, take off my shoes, and take a shower so as not to bring in pollen.” [the] Go home with you,” says Parikh.
Harris also offered these seven tips: Keep your home as pollen-free as possible:
- Avoid using ceiling fans in bedrooms to reduce dust circulation.
- vacuum frequently
- Please change the sheets once a week
- use an air purifier
- Keep a basket of clothes you wear outside outside your bedroom
- Use hypoallergenic bedding
- If possible, avoid drying clothes outdoors
2. Use these recommended medications
If you're experiencing allergy symptoms, Parikh recommends getting your medication at your local pharmacy, noting that generic brands can also be effective if the name brand is sold out.
Here are some of the allergy medications she recommends.
- Claritin
- Zyrtec
- Xyzal
- allegra
- Flonase
- Astepro
- alaway
- Pataday
“Cough, wheezing, chest pain” [or] Shortness of breath should not be treated with over-the-counter medications. [you] You need to see a doctor,” Parikh said.
“This is a potentially fatal form of asthma, and the most common cause is allergies.”
3. Try local honey
Only a few studies have examined the effectiveness of local honey in alleviating allergy symptoms, and a lack of funding may be the reason, says Dr. Timothy Wong, a board-certified family medicine physician and medical expert. just answerhe told Make It last April.
“Unfortunately, if you're not using a drug that has billions of dollars invested in research and development, there aren't that many clinical trials,” Wong says.
small study A 2013 study of 40 participants found that eating honey daily, in combination with allergy medication if needed, reduced allergy symptoms after 8 weeks compared to taking allergy medication alone. was found to be reduced.
the logic behind Uses local honey specifically for allergy symptoms That means “when you ingest pollen that makes you uncomfortable, you build up immunity to that pollen,” says head beekeeper Andu Cote. andrew's honeyhe told CNBC Make It.
“One spoonful per day, every morning, is the recommended intake,” Cote added.
Wong says it's best to start eating locally produced honey a few weeks before you start experiencing allergy symptoms from the previous year.
Do not give honey to children under 1 year of age. American Academy of Pediatrics strongly warns. People who are allergic to bees or wasps should also avoid trying local honey due to their allergies, Wong said. “People with bee allergies may also develop an allergy to honey.''
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