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Study suggests link between BCG vaccine and lower COVID-19 curve


Essential vaccines newborns receive to fight tuberculosis can also have a positive effect on the COVID-19 curve. A new study suggests a correlation between the Bacillus calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine and the flattened curve of coronavirus infection.

South Africa is one of many countries requiring BCG vaccines for newborns and has been around for decades. Countries like the United States, Italy and Lebanon have never mandated a vaccine, and countries like Australia, Spain and Ecuador have cut off mandatory policies when tuberculosis is no longer a threat.

The vaccine is about 100 years old and was created at the Pasteur Institute in France. It is one of the longest existing vaccines in the world. This vaccine is primarily used to protect children from tuberculosis, but it can also be used to combat other respiratory infections in children and adults.

Earlier in the year, epidemiologists warned that vaccines could not be prematurely affecting infection rates.

Ah Initial survey In March, I suggested that there was a link between the vaccine and the COVID-19 curve, but it was not peer-reviewed and was untrusted because it was done before the vast majority of countries saw a surge in cases. did. There were also some potential biases that were not considered in this study.

new To report Recently published Scientific progress It considers various biases that were not considered in previous studies and suggests that they are relevant.

The study, led by Dr. Marthaberg, a scientist at the University of Michigan, has shown that the BCG vaccine provides long-term protection against not only tuberculosis but a variety of other infectious diseases. ..

The researchers analyzed countries that were vaccinated and those that had been obligatory since at least 2000 to those that were not. They also considered daily rates of increase in both confirmed cases (134 countries) and deaths (135 countries) during the first 30 days of a national outbreak.

We also controlled variables such as per capita GDP and cultural differences to eliminate bias.

The results showed that there was a substantial association between BCG vaccination and curve flattening in COVID-19 spread. In one of the models, the total number of COVID-19-related deaths in the United States as of March 29, 2020 was 468, with 19% of the actual figure of 2467 if the US mandated it. It is estimated to be. BCG vaccination decades ago.

Researchers also note that countries that had withdrawn mandatory vaccines by 2000 had steep growth curves, as did countries that did not require vaccines.

“BCG vaccination may only be effective if a significant proportion of the population becomes resistant to the virus, that is, if there is a herd of immunity that prevents the virus from spreading easily throughout the population. Only then can the spread of the virus slow down,” they write.

“A linear mixed model is a median age, per capita GDP, population density, population size, net migration rate, and various cultural dimensions (eg, individualism). Our analysis requires mandatory BCG It suggests that vaccination may be effective in combating COVID-19.

Epidemiologists argue that while vaccines can affect curve flattening, they have not been shown to affect how viruses spread like wildfires.

The BCG vaccine was first introduced in South Africa in the 1950s, but was only given to children who were sporadic and attended some schools at the time, said Greg Hassy, ​​head of the African vaccine at the University of Cape Town (UCT). The professor says. Sowetan live.. It was in 1973 that the vaccine was distributed to newborns nationwide at high rates.

This means that people born after 1973 are or are likely to be vaccinated. People over the age of 50 are much less likely to be vaccinated and therefore may not have “group immunity.”

May 2020, Vaccine test It started at the Tigerburg Hospital in Cape Town to test whether the BCG vaccine could reduce the likelihood of coronavirus and limit the severity of its symptoms. Similar tests are being conducted in Norway and the Netherlands.

Photo: Unsplash

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