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Tennis legend Martina Navratilova lashes out at Donald Trump, calling former president's ear bandage a 'PR stunt'

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova lashes out at Donald Trump, calling former president's ear bandage a 'PR stunt'


Tennis legend Martina Navratilova is in disbelief at the massive ear bandage Donald Trump is wearing at the Republican Party convention in Milwaukee, following the failed assassination attempt on the ex-president in Pennsylvania last weekend.

In response to a comment on X, the winner of 18 major singles titles described Trump's association as a “PR stunt,” drawing criticism from conservatives online.

Navratilova was specifically accused of downplaying the attack on Trump.

“A rude remark that does you no good,” wrote an Englishman on X.

The LGBTQ+ icon then repeated the false claim that Trump was seen on the golf course after the failed assassination attempt.

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova

Navratilova Doesn't Believe Donald Trump's Huge Ear Bandage

Tennis legend Martina Navratilova doesn't believe Donald Trump's giant ear bandage

Trump's ear bandage has been a major topic of conversation at the current RNC in Milwaukee

Trump's ear bandage has been a major topic of conversation at the current RNC in Milwaukee

“The day before he was wearing nothing or a small bandaid (sic) that no one could see while playing golf,” she wrote on X. “My position on any form of violence including weapons is pretty clear and there is no favoritism. Thank you.”

The photo Navratilova referred to turned out to have been taken in 2022.

The 67-year-old Prague resident isn't the only one suspicious about the large white bandage covering Trump's right ear, where he was shot on Saturday. A TMZ report claimed that the blood on Trump's ear was the result of glass from a teleprompter that was smashed in the shooting, which killed one bystander but spared the former president from being shot.

“A good friend of mine is a charge nurse (Level IV FNP) at a major trauma center in a major city,” read the original comment, which Navratilova reposted. “She says there is absolutely no need to bandage an ear wound like this unless half of his ear has been blown off. And even then it wouldn't look like this.”

Navratilova repeated the debunked claim that Trump went golfing after the assassination attempt

Navratilova repeated the debunked claim that Trump went golfing after the assassination attempt

Navratilova also suspects that Trump was not actually hit by the bullet, despite the former president's claims to the contrary.

'Correction, there was a horrific assassination attempt and the bullet grazed the teleprompter and a piece of it hit Trump's ear.

“The next day he played golf with no visible damage,” she continued, again referring to the debunked 2022 photo. “And then he put the bandage on in front of Congress.”

The extent of Trump's injuries has not been disclosed. His campaign has declined to discuss his condition or release a medical report on the shooting.

Trump claimed on his own social media platform that he was hit in the ear by the bullet.

“I knew something was wrong right away. I heard a whooshing sound, shots and immediately felt the bullet rip through my skin,” he wrote.




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