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Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri admits she broke down in tears after mean trolls called her boobs 'saggy' in low-cut wedding dress

Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri admits she broke down in tears after mean trolls called her boobs 'saggy' in low-cut wedding dress


Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri has admitted she was reduced to tears after mean trolls called her breasts “sagging” in her low-cut wedding dress – and explained she “deliberately” chose a dress that would “show off her figure” so she could “celebrate myself as a woman”.

The 39-year-old actress tied the knot with chef Ian Hock in late June, but after sharing a series of photos from the big day online, she faced a barrage of criticism over the appearance of her chest in her strapless Kim Kassas gown.

People called the outfit “unflattering,” “inappropriate,” and “horrible,” among other things, because it showed off her ample cleavage.

Today, the mother-of-three reflected on the nasty comments in a frankly honest post shared on her blog, Fortunately Eva afterand she admitted that the intense hatred made her cry.

Eva explained that she was on “cloud nine” after the wedding and couldn't wait to share the images with the world; but immediately, she was “surprised” by the response she received.

Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri has admitted she broke down in tears after trolls called her chest

Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri has admitted she broke down in tears after trolls called her chest “sagging” in her low-cut wedding dress. They were spotted together in 2013

The actress, 39, married chef Ian Hock in late June but has faced a barrage of criticism over the appearance of her chest in her strapless Kim Kassas gown.

The actress, 39, married chef Ian Hock in late June but has faced a barrage of criticism over the appearance of her chest in her strapless Kim Kassas gown.

Today, the mother-of-three reflected on the nasty comments in a candid post shared on her blog, Happily Eva After, and admitted the overwhelming hate brought her to tears.

Today, the mother-of-three reflected on the nasty comments in a candid post shared on her blog, Happily Eva After, and admitted the overwhelming hate brought her to tears.

“When I checked the post… I was so surprised by the fact that it was already viral and for two reasons completely out of my control: my boobs,” she wrote.

“It never occurred to me that people I didn't even know would find my body so offensive, let alone care so much about what I chose to wear on my wedding day.”

Eva – who Susan shares with Italian filmmaker Franco Amurri – said she has “always had naturally very large breasts” and that her bust size has “fluctuated” over the years as she welcomed and breastfed her three children.

She is mother to daughter Marlowe, eight, and sons Major and Mateo, both four, from her nine-year marriage to former football star Kyle Martino, 43.

She added that “as anyone with a huge chest knows,” the more “exposed and open” your chest is, the more “flattering the clothes are for your entire figure” — something she specifically kept in mind when searching for the perfect dress to say “I do.”

“I deliberately decided to go wedding dress shopping wanting to show off my figure and really celebrate myself as a woman – body parts included,” she continued.

“Sexy” and “elegant” were two words I mentioned at every dress appointment.”

She included some “cruel” comments in the post, which read: “Yeah, strapless dresses aren't for everyone,” “Ugly, inappropriate dress,” “Ugly dress. So unflattering. Put it away,” “That's the weirdest display of boobs my eyes have ever seen,” and “Droopy.” [boobs].'

“I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes in a way that took me right back to middle school,” Eva said of reading the mean messages.

“I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes in a way that took me right back to middle school,” Eva said of reading the mean messages.

Eva (seen with one of her children) said she has

Eva (seen with one of her children) said she has “always had a very large chest naturally” and her breast size has “fluctuated” over the years as she has welcomed her three children

“I felt hot tears welling up in my eyes in a way that took me right back to middle school,” Eva said of reading the mean messages.

“I was in front of people I didn't even know and who didn't know me, spending time and energy writing something that they hoped would only bring me one thing: shame. And for a second, it worked.”

The star said she had had her share of “horrible things directed at her online in the past” so she thought she had thick skin.

But the “disgusting feeling” of knowing that there were so many “people whose immediate reaction to seeing the joy of her little family was to try to hurt her” really depressed her.

“I was being put down by strangers for things I try never to label myself (how my boobs look in clothes) because I'm a human being just trying to feel beautiful, be a good person, raise my kids and enjoy my life,” she continued.

“Perhaps stupidly, I never imagined that people would react so strongly to the sight of my body in a dress I had chosen for my own wedding.

“When you're faced with that kind of emotional aggression from strangers, it's very destabilizing.

“I could never imagine seeing a picture of someone having their happiest moment and wanting to tear them to pieces in public. Even if I hated them.”

She also explained that she

She also explained that she “deliberately” chose a dress that would “show off her figure” so she could “celebrate herself as a woman.” She was seen with her husband before they got married

But in the end, she took it all as a valuable lesson and said she hopes talking about it will encourage other women to feel good about themselves. She was seen in 2019

But in the end, she took it all as a valuable lesson and said she hopes talking about it will encourage other women to feel good about themselves. She was seen in 2019

She speculated that hate boiled down to “fear, self-loathing, insecurity and rage.”

“I stopped feeling sorry for myself and started feeling sorry for these people,” she added.

Eva said she “shudders to think” that her daughter will grow up in a time “where women's bodies are still such a battleground.”

“Are my breasts as firm as they were when I was 20, before I could support three human lives? Certainly not,” she said.

“Do I care? Some days more than others. But my body is not something I am ashamed of.”

But ultimately, she took it all as a valuable lesson and said she hopes talking about it will encourage other women to feel good about themselves.

“I don't really have a mission to accomplish, nor an answer to this question. But I do have a message,” she concluded.

“Don’t believe what people say. When you felt beautiful? YOU WERE. When you felt like a woman? YOU WERE.”

“When your body felt like it was doing what it was supposed to do? IT WAS. You don’t need anyone’s permission to make the choices you make for yourself.”

“And when people feel something about those choices? Well, that’s none of your business.”

Eva and her chef boyfriend of three years exchanged vows at Windrift Hall in New York's Hudson Valley.

She already said PeopleAbout the corseted dress, “I wanted to feel sexy but elegant, and I think the dress strikes the perfect balance.

“I love its vintage side and its ultra feminine side without being too puffy.”

After the ceremony, she donned the second look of the evening: a minidress, also designed by Kim Kassas, with feather trim and lace.

“I paired it with custom, pearl-embellished Nike Air Force Ones and our wedding date. It was like Priscilla Presley and street style all rolled into one,” she told the publication.




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