Foster + Partners unveils master plan to revive Hatay after earthquake
Foster + Partners has unveiled a master plan to revive the earthquake-hit southeastern Turkey region of Hatay, following the devastating earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023.
For the revitalization master plan, Foster + Partners collaborated with leading Turkish practices DB Architects and KEYM Urban Renewal Centre, along with engineering firm Buro Happold and transportation planning firm MIC-HUB.
The master plan is part of a larger revitalization plan led by the Turkish Design Council (TDC), a nongovernmental organization that, after the earthquake, brought together local and international firms in engineering, planning, architecture and urban design.
A network of open spaces has been enriched, giving residents easy access to local squares and common spaces.
Foster + Partners has developed a set of eight design principles to outline the emerging plans for the greater Hatay province. The principles cover an area of 30 square kilometers in Hatay’s capital and one of the most important cities in antiquity, Antakya. They expand on previous and current efforts by TDC’s Hatay Collaboration group of architects to create reconstruction plans for the region quickly and accurately.
It is essential that the city be redesigned and rebuilt for future generations because an estimated 80 percent of it has been destroyed, Foster + Partners explained.
In order to enhance the local character and climate, the master plan seeks to preserve the beloved city spirit as well as pre-earthquake characteristics in terms of scale, relationships and configurations.
By building more community centers, efficient transportation networks, and open green spaces, it improves accessibility and inclusion while enhancing the city's resilience.
Converting Republic Square into a pedestrian zone creates a new civic heart for the city
A notable feature of the project is the understanding of Hatay’s rich history and its integration into the overall plan. Similar reconstruction efforts in the wake of other recent and historical disasters have also been used as case studies to extract best practices that will support Antakya’s sustainable future.
The master plan aims to revitalize the city while preserving its urban character and creating a new architecture that gives its citizens a sense of belonging. The design guidelines call for maintaining the building’s scale and façade rhythm, as well as the character of Antakya’s historic streets, while building on top of the existing road system.
“We have been inspired by the resilience of the people of Antakya, and share their passion for their unique historic city,” said Bruno Moser, Senior Partner and Head of Urban Design at Foster + Partners. “Our strategy does not offer a one-size-fits-all vision.”
“It balances the historic spirit of the place with improvements and enhancements that will support a sustainable future for Antioch.”
“We developed a vision based on the fact that post-disaster reconstruction is not just about buildings, it is also about rebuilding communities, feelings of safety and belonging, and rebuilding trust,” Moser said.
The new road networks largely follow existing patterns, retaining the arterial roads extending from the Republic of Meidam.
The Foster + Partners master plan is based on eight design principles: build on safe land, improve circulation, enhance open space, create new areas, subdivide neighborhoods, enhance connectivity within neighborhoods, enhance connectivity across the city, and rebuild.
The first principle, “Build on Safe Ground,” aims to identify new buildable land, and the master plan takes into account expected rises in water levels and proposes the creation of protected areas around the waterbed. The second principle, “Improving Circulation,” works to enhance the road networks that mostly adhere to the existing layouts, while maintaining the main roads that originate from Republic Square. Strategically, more connections have been added to increase walkability. The third principle, “Improving Open Space,” aims to distribute open spaces more evenly and diversified, and can be created as a result of rationalizing the master plan for river and stream edges and improving the density of the road network. This diverse network includes new city parks, nature walks, community squares, playgrounds, and small parks, in addition to a variety of planned and community-oriented urban green spaces.
The fourth principle, “Creating New Neighborhoods,” identifies thirteen new neighborhoods in the master plan, with a main street of commercial and retail uses serving as a main spine and a main stream or road defining each as its perimeter. There is a good distribution of green and open spaces, as well as a system of adjacent parks and squares. The fifth principle, “Strategic Neighborhoods,” aims to create megablocks, or neighborhoods with their own integrated circulation systems with parking lots, shared one-way roads for private vehicles, dedicated pedestrian and mobility-impaired paths, and public transportation stations.
The new community roads form part of a network of 'slow streets' that connect the hearts of neighbourhoods.
The sixth principle, “Enhancing Neighbourhood Connectivity,” will provide an abundance of social infrastructure on main streets, such as educational facilities, libraries, cultural centres, community gardens, cooking schools, schools and local coffee roasters – spaces that improve community resilience and well-being. The seventh principle, “Enhancing Connectivity Across the City,” will provide an efficient bus network, with multimodal hubs located at key crossroads on the city’s bypass road. The eighth principle, “Rebuild,” aims to build denser and redistribute density more compactly. Urban sprawl outside the Outer Ring Road is constrained by the master plan through the densification of the city centre and important commercial hubs, such as main streets. This strategy will enable the same degree of development to be achieved in a denser, smaller area.
The master plan creates a more accessible waterfront, with entertainment areas near the water's edge.
Shigeru Ban also created paper shelters for earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria in Mersin and Hatay provinces in Turkey. Additionally, Ban unveiled his prototype of a house made of logs at the Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture in 2023.
All designs © Foster + Partners.
> Via Foster + Partners
Foster + Partners Concept Master Plan Türkiye and Syria Earthquake
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