High-fiber foods to try and why you should eat them
of Health Benefits of Fiber There are many, among which Blood glucose levels control, Weight ManagementImproves heart health by relieving constipation and reducing the risk of heart disease; Diabetes.
But experts say many people don't understand what the best sources of fiber are, or how much they should consume each day. “When it comes to fiber, increasing dietary intake should be your first strategy, because high-fiber foods are the primary source of fiber. Antioxidants “Nutrients and natural plant compounds that contribute to an anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting diet,” explains Karen Collins, R.D., nutrition advisor. American Institute for Cancer Research.
She says it's important to “aim to include high-fiber foods in every meal, every day,” and she, along with other experts, offer some tips on how to do so.
What exactly does fiber do?
One of the reasons why dietary fiber is so important to your health is Balanced diet This is because it plays a role in regulating energy intake. obesity and other health problems, posing a major nutritional challenge for many. carbohydratesDietary fiber is unique in that it has a low energy density compared to other foods and plays an important role in managing appetite and satiety.
From the research Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism Fiber helps increase metabolic energy content, Blood sugar spikes This usually leads to a sudden drop in energy after a while.
In other words, although fiber doesn't provide energy in the same way as some carbohydrates, it does help regulate energy and is especially important to include in the foods you eat at the start of your day.
What foods are high in fiber?
Indeed, breakfast foods are some of the best sources of fiber: oatmeal with berries, multigrain avocado toast, and Many cereals It's a great way to get some fiber in your morning.
Other important sources of fiber include plant-based foods such as whole grains, Collins said. vegetables and fruit” Plus brown rice, quinoa, whole-grain pasta, crispbread, and pita bread. “Legumes also provide fiber,” she says. “This group includes soy foods, dried peas, and lentils.” She recommends legumes in particular, cooking them dried or as a time-saving canned option. “Low intake of this food group is a major contributing factor to Americans' low fiber intake, so I highly recommend adding legumes to more of your dishes.”
Dr. Alice Lichtenstein, director of the cardiovascular nutrition team at the USDA Jean Mayer Center for Aging and Human Nutrition Research at Tufts University, recommends many of the same fiber sources that Collins does, saying such foods are “high in fiber and low in fiber.” Gastrointestinal system “It supports healthy gut flora and has modest beneficial effects on blood sugar and cholesterol levels.”
Plus, Collins says fiber can be incorporated into snacks as well as meals. “Nuts and seeds provide fiber and heart-healthy fats,” she says. “Add a handful to your cereal, yogurt, cooked grains, or vegetables, or enjoy them on their own as a snack.”
How can you increase fiber in your diet?
It is important to get enough fiber in your diet. Dietary Guidelines for Americans It is recommended that adults consume 22-34 grams of dietary fiber per day, but the specific amount varies depending on age and gender. If you are wondering how much 22-34 grams of dietary fiber is, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention According to the CDC, that's “the equivalent of eating six apples a day.” Another way to ensure you're getting enough fiber is to eat eight to 13 servings a day, divided into individual portions, says Josh Redd, MD, founder of RedRiver Health and Wellness and author of The Truth About Low Thyroid. “A serving should be about half a cup of chopped vegetables or one cup of leafy greens,” says Redd.
If you're not used to eating that much fiber, “increase your daily intake over a two-week period to allow your digestion and gut flora to adjust,” Redd suggests. “Otherwise, you may experience indigestion and Bloating“It's also important to note that some people have medical conditions that make it difficult to consume high amounts of fiber. “In those cases, I would recommend taking a supplement of short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate,” he says.
Experts recommend natural sources of fiber over supplements. “It's best to get fiber from food, not fiber supplements,” Lichtenstein advises. Collins agrees that “supplemental fiber is no substitute for a high-fiber diet,” but says that fortified foods are a great way to get extra fiber, and fiber supplements can be helpful, too. “They may be helpful if you're trying to change your diet to increase fiber or get more fiber than you can get in your diet,” she says.
because Less than 10% While 10 percent of Americans currently get enough fiber, “many of us have work to do,” Collins advises. “The gap is large, but it's possible to close it, which could lead to an overall healthier diet.”
Learn more about fiber and nutrition here.
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