New discoveries about “super” shots
October 11, 2024 – “I want a senior influenza vaccine.”
it's a request Dr. Stephen Farr, Family physicians in Jackson, Alabama, are hearing more and more calls from patients 65 and older these days.
They're talking about a flu “super vaccine” — a high-dose or adjuvanted flu vaccine made to elicit a stronger immune response than normal. From 2022 onwards, Recommended by CDC Adults 65 and older will receive one of these three types of influenza vaccines instead of the standard dose.
A growing body of research supports this advice, confirming that injections reduce both office visits and office visits. hospitalization For influenza in the 65+ crowd. And we're learning more about these powerful vaccines. Here's what you need to know:
Three vaccines available
The CDC recommends getting one of these three if you're 65 or older.
- High-dose fluzone is what “most of us use,” said Farr, president and immediate past president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. It contains four times more antigens (substances that trigger an immune response) than a standard flu shot. It is approved for adults 65 and older and is also acceptable to younger people who have undergone solid organ transplants and are taking immunosuppressive medications. CDC says.
- Flublok, a recombinant flu shot, uses egg-free technology to elicit a stronger immune response. it is approved Farr said the target audience is people 18 and older, but typically 65 and older.
- Fluad Trivalent is a standard-dose influenza vaccine that contains an adjuvant, an ingredient added to the vaccine that helps stimulate the immune system. Approved for adults 65 years and older, option Target patients are those who have undergone a solid organ transplant and are taking immunosuppressants.
All of these will be widely available in doctors' offices and pharmacies this year, the drug companies say. However, not all locations will have stock at all times, depending on demand and waiting times for new supplies. In that case, I would advise you to consider a standard dose instead of waiting. CDC.
Some side effects are reported more frequently with high-dose vaccines than with standard-dose vaccines. According to the CDC – Soreness at the injection site, muscle pain, soreness – but is usually mild. Farr said most older patients tolerate the enhanced vaccine well.
What recent research has revealed
Although the relative benefits of enhanced influenza vaccination have been known for several years, few studies have directly compared vaccines to standard doses or compared vaccines to each other. Ann analysis Published in September, 32 studies conducted by the CDC and more than 71 million people did just that.
They found that the enhanced vaccine provided moderately stronger protection against influenza-related hospitalizations than the standard-dose vaccine for adults 65 and older. When researchers looked at data for all three vaccines combined, the majority of studies found an 11% reduction in the risk of influenza-related hospitalization. The researchers also found that none of the three vaccines performed better than the others in protection.
Do people under 65 need to get the enhanced flu shot?
Some studies have found that these enhanced vaccines may also help adults ages 50 to 64. a study A study of 675,000 people between the ages of 50 and 64, funded by Sanofi (one of its vaccine manufacturers), found that an enhanced vaccine, a recombinant influenza shot known as Full Block, was more effective than the standard dose. It was also found that the infection prevention effect was 15% better.
“There's no reason to think it wouldn't be in their interest.” Dr. Aaron Glatt, John, medical director and hospital epidemiologist at Mount Sinai South Nassau in Oceanside, New York, who reviewed the study.
But does that mean you should get it if you're under 65? The short answer is probably not.
Glatt said younger people are at lower risk for flu-related complications to begin with. Up to 85% of influenza-related deaths and up to 70% of influenza-related hospitalizations occur in adults aged 65 years and older. CDC estimates.
Glatt does not expect the CDC to change its recommendations based on current evidence. “CDC and [its] “The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is making recommendations very slowly and carefully,” he said.
“The reason we give higher doses to older age groups is because they are more likely to develop complications and be hospitalized,” Farr said, noting the higher cost of the enhanced vaccine. did. “Only further research will determine whether there is truly a cost benefit.”
He said he would not consider introducing enhanced vaccines to people for whom the CDC does not recommend them.
Glatt said high-risk patients under the age of 65, such as those with a history of illness or severe influenza, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Sanofi said its Flublock is approved for people 18 and older and is often given to patients ages 50 to 64, who have higher rates of chronic illness and are more susceptible to flu complications. .
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