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How genetic testing can help identify cancer risk

How genetic testing can help identify cancer risk


One area of ​​medicine that continues to make remarkable advances is genetic testing. “In recent years, the introduction of breakthrough medicines and treatments has greatly expanded the utility of cancer genetic testing,” he says. Dr. Louise E. MorelMedical Director Lin Cancer Institutealong with Miami Cancer Institute Part of Baptist Health Cancer Care. “Cancer genetic testing can reveal potential 'flaws' in the genetic structure that increase the risk of certain types of cancer.”

Most women are aware of body mutations. BRCA1 and BRCA2 These genes also increase the risk of breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women, as well as black and Hispanic women, Dr. Morell said. However, due to rapid advances in genetics, doctors now know of many other genetic mutations that increase breast cancer risk. ATM, BARD1, CHEK2, RAD51C, RAD51D, PALB2, CDH1, TP53, NF1 and STK11.

Dr. Louise E. MorelMedical Director Boca Raton Regional Hospital Lynn Cancer Institutepart of Baptist Health Cancer Care

“Recent years have seen an evolution in our knowledge of the role that genetics plays in determining an individual's cancer risk,” says Dr. Morell. “Some cancers have very strong genetic causes, and knowing you have a genetic mutation can help you start early testing and take preventive measures that can save lives. Masu.”

Dr. Morrell emphasizes that this knowledge can help motivate you and your family to stay vigilant about your cancer symptoms throughout your life and stay up to date on mammograms and other health screenings.

Cancer genetic testing using mammograms

Most health organizations recommend genetic testing as early as age 25 for women with a family or personal history of breast cancer. This has become an invaluable tool for identifying individuals at risk for breast cancer and other types of cancer. Lynn Women's Health & Wellness Institutehas teamed up with Lynn Cancer Institute to offer every woman who comes in for a mammogram each year the opportunity for on-the-spot cancer genetic testing.

According to Dr. Morel, Cancer Genetic Testing at Lin Women's Research Institute tests for a variety of cancers that can affect your family. “We now know that mutations can put you, and perhaps other members of your family, at dramatically different risks of developing not just any cancer, but certain types of cancer. “We were able to identify the gene,” she says.

Cancers with a strong genetic component include:

• chest

• Melanoma (skin)

• Endometrium, uterus, ovaries

• Metastatic prostate (if assigned male at birth)

• Stomach, colon, rectum

• pancreas

“Thanks to the increase in genetic testing, we now have much more data to determine how a particular genetic mutation affects the statistical risk of developing cancer,” points out Dr. Morell. “Would you like to know if you or a family member has a genetic mutation that increases your risk of developing a certain type of cancer?”

Genetic testing is now more accessible and affordable

Besides their ability to help determine cancer risk, Dr. Morell says another factor in the increasingly popular use of cancer genetic testing is that they are now so accessible and affordable. It says that it has happened.

“Testing for cancer genes in the lab was a highly technical and difficult process. Not long ago, a single cancer gene test could easily cost $4,000 and take two months to get results. ,” says Dr. Morel. However, today the testing process has become much more automated. “Next-generation genetic sequencing allows us to examine hundreds of thousands of DNA strands at a time at a fraction of the cost of the technology, and health insurance can help cover the cost of the test. It may be covered in full or in part.

Dr. Morel continues: “The benefit of getting tested is what happens as a result to prevent cancer. Not just for you, but for your whole family as well. Do you have a genetic risk for cancer? You can prepare for the future by understanding whether or not you have any other opportunities to benefit, as it may be beneficial to other members of your family and future generations, especially your siblings and children. It's much broader than any type of screening test.”

Patients interested in genetic testing begin by answering a few simple questions about their medical history and the occurrence of cancer in their family. Your oncologist will want to know if your parents are in your immediate family. Grandparents. Brothers and sisters. Children; uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews have all had cancer of all kinds. If the answer is yes, the risks may be even higher.

The laboratory assistant collects sufficient information from the patient to determine whether the patient is a candidate for cancer genetic testing. A saliva sample is then collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis, and the patient is sent home. Once test results are returned, Lin Cancer Institute will schedule an appointment with the patient to discuss next steps.

“We know that early detection and diagnosis leads to better outcomes,” says Dr. Morrell. “As a comprehensive cancer center, part of Lynn Cancer Institute's mission is to ensure that all South Floridians, especially at-risk and underserved populations, receive timely and and provide convenient access to cancer screening, testing, diagnosis, and treatment.”




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