“Lies, deceptions and falsifications”: Kharge fires salvo at PM Modi and Center for broken promises | News from India
NEW DELHI: In a scathing response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's attack on the Congress's 'unreal' and 'false' promises to the people, party president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday accused the government of indulging in misleading tactics and to use “cheap PR stunts”.
Terming the BJP's 100-day plan as “mere advertisement”, Kharge said it lacked substance and authenticity. He also questioned the government's claim that input from more than two million people would be needed for a roadmap to 2047, stressing that the right to information (RTI) the request to the Prime Minister's office apparently failed to provide details to support this claim, revealing what he called an “orchestrated lie”. Kharge went on to point out that the letters 'B' and 'J' in the BJP stand for 'Betrayal' and 'Jumla' (empty promises), accusing the party of what he sees as a continued betrayal of public trust.
This came after Kharge, earlier in the day, advised the Karnataka unit on fiscal responsibility, saying, “They should announce budget-based guarantees. Otherwise, there will be bankruptcy. If there is no money for roads, everyone will turn against you. “This was followed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's allegations that the Congress had agreed to make 'unreal' and 'false' promises to residents of the state, which sparked a backlash.
Kharge questions to BJP
Kharge then questioned the BJP on its promises. Here are the claims the Congress leader directly questioned PM Modi on:
- Promise of 2 Crore jobs per year? Why is India's unemployment rate at its highest level in 45 years?
Why do we see scrambling wherever there are vacancies for a handful of jobs? Who is responsible for 70 paper leaks in 7 years? Who snatched 5 Lakh government jobs by selling their stake in PSUs? - What land is very expensive?
Why have household savings fallen to their lowest level in 50 years? Why has the cost of a regular thali increased by 52% in the last year alone? TOP The prices of tomatoes have increased by 247%, that of potatoes by 180% and that of onions by 60%? Who levied GST on essential food items like milk, curd, atta, dal? Who is penalizing the middle class through the LTCG by engaging in tax terrorism? - What happened to Acché Din?
The rupee is at its all-time low. Is it in ICU or in Margdarshak Mandal? Your government has borrowed over 150 lakh crores in the last 10 years, which amounts to a debt of 1.5 lakh for every Indian. MSMEs have been destroyed thanks to DeMO + Flawed GST. Economic inequality has reached its highest level in 100 years. Average growth is less than 6% during this lost decade, while it was 8% during the UPA. Private investment is at a 20-year low, while average manufacturing growth is just 3.1 percent over the past decade, down from 7.85 during Congress -UPA, defeating the great demands of “Make in India”! - What happened to Viksit Bharat?
Everything you claim to build collapses like a pack of cards. Statue of Shivaji in Maharashtra inaugurated by you, roof of Delhi airport, Ram Mandir leaks in Ayodhya and Atal Setu develops cracks. Bridges are collapsing in Gujarat (Morbi), while new bridges are falling regularly in Bihar! Countless train accidents have occurred, while the minister is busy in REEL PR! - What happened to Na Khaunga, Naa Khane Doonga?
We have just two words for you, Modani Mega Scam & SEBI, Chairman. Looting through unconstitutional electoral bonds through extortion is the biggest financial crime of the BJP. Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi, Vijay Mallya et al facilitated the escape by looting thousands of crores! - What happened to Main Desh Nahi Jhukne Doonga?
India's rank in the Global Hunger Index is 105 (2024), while its rank in the United Nations Human Development Index is 134 and the Global Gap Index gender ratio is 129. A clean blow for China after Galwan, the red carpet for Chinese investments and the ruin of relations with all neighboring countries. . - What happened to Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Jai Kisan, Jai Jawan?
46% increase in crimes against SCs, while crimes against STs increase by 48%. Crimes against SC/ST women and children saw a 1.7 times increase in 2022 compared to 2014. (NCRB). Recovery of government jobs in SC, ST, OBC and EWS communities, 91% increase in casual/contractual hiring. JUMLA to double farmers' income by 2022. Refusal of legal guarantee for MSP. GST on 35 agricultural items. Transform permanent recruitment in the armed forces into temporary recruitment thanks to Agnipath!
Calling out PM Modi for his remarks, the Congress leader added, “Modi ji, before pointing fingers, please note that – MODI KI GUARANTEE is a cruel joke on 140 Crore Indians!”
Also read: Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah's reaction to PM Modi's remarks
What Prime Minister Modi said
Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed the Congress for making “unreal” and “false” promises to the people, adding that the poor, youth, farmers and women had become the “victims of this policy”.
“The people of the country will have to be vigilant against the Congress-sponsored culture of false promises! We have seen recently how the people of Haryana have rejected its lies and preferred a stable, progress-oriented and peace-driven government. action,” PM Modi said. an article on X.
“The Congress Party is realizing to its cost that it is easy to make unreal promises, but implementing them properly is difficult, if not impossible. Campaign after campaign, it promises things to the people, which it knows also that he will never be able to stand up badly in front of the people!”, he added.
The Prime Minister also claimed that Congress-ruled states including Karnataka, Himachal and Telangana were facing fiscal problems as the grand old party had failed to implement its “so-called guarantees”. The Congress today has governments – Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Telangana – whose development trajectory and financial health are going from bad to worse. Their so-called guarantees are not respected, which constitutes a terrible deception for the people of these countries. The victims of such policies are the poor, youth, farmers and women, who are not only denied the benefits of these promises, but also see their existing programs diluted,” he said.
Read more: PM Modi attacks Congress for 'failed guarantees'
Sources 2/ https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/lies-deceit-fakery-kharge-fires-salvo-at-pm-modi-centre-over-unkept-promises/articleshow/114856343.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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