Trump visits Dearborn, a hub for Arab Americans, in last-minute bid to sway votersExBulletin
Former President Donald Trump visits The Great Commoner Coffee Shop Friday in Dearborn, Michigan. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images .
rock caption Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
DEARBORN, Mich. Former President Donald Trump made a brief stop in the heavily Arab-American city of Dearborn on Friday, calling for an end to the Middle East conflict but offering no specifics on how he would do so. he was elected for a second term. .
Visiting The Great Commoner coffee shop in Dearborn, Trump used the appearance to deliver a speech to voters who are angry with the Biden administration's handling of Israel's war in Gaza and Lebanon.
“We have a great feeling for Lebanon and I know so many Lebanese, Lebanese and Muslim population, they love Trump and have good relations with him,” he said. “This is it, this is where they are, Dearborn. We want their votes and we're looking for their votes and I think we'll get their votes.”
Trump then touted poll results in Michigan and other key states before attacking Vice President Harris as an “inferior candidate.”
Trump and Harris are holding rallies Friday night in Milwaukee, part of several stops in key Blue Wall states Michigan and Wisconsin.
Trump has a strained relationship with Arab and Muslim voters, spending much of the past decade demonizing them. In his first days in office, he signed an executive order banning travel from majority-Muslim countries, and expressed support for a similar ban if elected again.
At a rally earlier this year in Wisconsin, he suggested that an influx of migrants to the United States would lead to a terrorist attack similar to the October 7, 2023 attack in Israel, vowing that “we have no no need for a jihad in the United States of America.” America.”
Now, in a state he narrowly won by 10,000 votes in 2016 and which President Biden won in 2020, Trump is making a last-minute effort to convert a key demographic to his side.
Asked about conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu about ending conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, Trump criticized current U.S. leadership and said, without giving any details, that it would bring peace to the region.
“We're going to bring peace, you're going to have peace in the Middle East, but not with the clowns that you have running the United States right now,” he said. “There are people in the Middle East who are not doing their job, and there are people in the United States who are not doing their job, and when they get their act together, when they get it right, you will have peace in the Middle East.
Harris mobilizes in Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, Harris was scheduled to stop at a union hall in Janesville and an event in Appleton before his rally in Milwaukee. She's almost certain to mention in her remarks the violent language Trump used in a late-night rant against former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney. Trump pointed to Biden's comments that made it seem like he was calling Trump supporters “trash.”
Asked about Trump's visit to Dearborn, Harris told reporters that she had “significant support” from Arab Americans because of her stance on ending the war in Gaza and her commitment to of a two-state solution and because of its positions on economic issues.
“Within this community, there are a lot of issues that people care about and want to hear about,” she said.
Harris has had her own difficulties with Arab American voters due to her opposition to the war in Gaza. Leaders of the “unengaged” movement, born out of Democratic opposition to President Biden's policies toward Israel and Gaza, said they would not support Harris for president, but urged their supporters to “vote out.” Trump. Harris' rallies are often interrupted by protesters unhappy with the war in Gaza.
Harris and Trump are expected to focus some of their messaging Friday on blue-collar workers, who make up a significant portion of the electorate in both states. Along with Pennsylvania, the third Blue Wall states, Michigan and Wisconsin, are home to a higher population of white voters without a college degree than the other four swing states up for grabs.
Biden won Wisconsin in 2020 by just over 20,000 votes.
Trump is holding his rally in Milwaukee at Fiserv Forum, the same arena where he formally accepted the Republican nomination days after an assassination attempt. Harris will be at the Wisconsin State Fair Park Exposition Center, with a roster of musical artists including the Isley Brothers and rappers GloRilla and Flo Milli.
The final push
The swing in the Midwest followed both campaigns stopping Thursday in Arizona and Nevada, where Harris and Trump were both seeking to rally support from Latino voters.
This weekend, they will race from one swing state to another, trying to rally their supporters and convince the last undecided voters. Harris will make stops in Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin before wrapping up her campaign Monday with a series of rallies in Pennsylvania, including one in Allentown, where more than half the people are Latino, mostly Puerto Rican.
Trump will visit Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin. He will also stop in Virginia, a state where Harris is heavily favored to win. He will end his campaign with stops Monday in North Carolina and Pennsylvania.
Zena Issa of Michigan Public contributed from Dearborn, Michigan.
Sources 2/ https://www.npr.org/2024/11/01/nx-s1-5174248/2024-election-harris-trump-michigan-wisconsin-blue-wall The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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